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Sam Adams

Jefferson Theater
August 26, 7:30pm

White pop-rapper who launched his career with an attempt to redeem Asher Roth’s deplorable “I Love College” by adding Auto-Tune (didn’t work, surprisingly) and a debut EP that seemed so absurdly out of place at the top of the iTunes rap charts that he was accused of buying downloads himself to game the system. He was cleared, pretty much, but what does it say about the state of the music download market if one dude taking control of a national chart is even a plausible charge in the first place? Whatever, Parachute’s debut at #1 last year was still pretty awesome. Na Palm opens.

buy tickets online
visit Jefferson Theater online
listen to Sam Adams at the Hype Machine

  • seriously? August 25th, 2010 | 5:07pm

    wow, what a tool.

    i love me some good hip-hop and rap, but this is like pseudo-rap junk food. does this seriously pass for music now?

  • Vijith Assar August 26th, 2010 | 3:23am

    Say it ain’t so!

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