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The Whigs

The Southern
May 5, 9:00pm

Athens, GA rock trio The Whigs have a garage-rock trio format and indie rocker sensibilities (doesn’t everyone?) which led to a huge buzz around their 2005 debut Give ‘Em All A Big Fat Lip, but on stage they sound much bigger than you’d ever believe. Bassist Hank Sullivant is restlessly riffing his way around the fretboard practically all the time to create a bigger rhythm section sound than any band should ever rest on one guy’s shoulders, thus giving frontman Parker Gispert the freedom to dramatically launch his guitar parts into the stratosphere even when his vocals don’t have all that much of interest to offer. Their new album In The Dark hasn’t been quite so well received, or at least wasn’t as surprising as the debut, but they still bring the heat in person. Certainly recommended, especially at this price.

The Whigs - Kill Me Carolyne
The Whigs - Hundred Million

buy tickets online
listen to more Whigs at the Hype Machine

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