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PHOTOPHILE- Flying high: Wine, kites, horses brave the rain
Published May 6, 2004, in issue 0318 of The Hook
"The show must go on" is an old cliché, no truer than last weekend up in Orange County. The Montpelier Wine Festival went off without a hitch May 1 and May 2 despite the threat of looming thunderstorms.
Droves of wine enthusiasts flocked to the grounds of the home of James and Dolley Madison to tour various vinters' tasting tents, while tots enjoyed a bubble machine and a kite demonstration from the Wings Over Washington club. A quirky little race, aptly named Running of the Bowls, had three child runners dragging a bowl-shaped decorative kite up the main field. Winners received prizes, but the real fun was watching everyone struggle to get up the field holding on to a big kite.
No Virginia festival worth its salt would be complete without craftsmen. There were also Revolutionary War Re-enactors, complete with costumes, ox carts, and smoldering pots of food.
Wine, cheese, horses, soldiers, and funny hats-- sounds like just another weekend in "so very Virginia."
No, I'm not related to the Barboursville Vineyard, but like me, their tent was quite popular.
Brook Devos checks her equipment for the Running of the Bowls.
Tommy Higgs can make your garden artsy.
A little bubbly for the kids
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