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NEWS- Mark him absent: Sabato mourns Warner race exit

published October 19, 2006

Before Mark Warner set the political world reeling by leaving the race for the presidency, he gave a heads-up to UVA professor Larry Sabato, who admits to profound disappointment.

"This is a tragedy for Democrats, and maybe the rest of us," Sabato says. "Warner had a good chance to become the nominee-- Hillary Clinton is beatable by the right candidate-- and a good chance to become president."

The popular former governor made his announcement on Thursday, October 12, in a small room inside Richmond's Jefferson Hotel. Long seen as a frontrunner for the 2008 Democratic nomination, Warner said he made up his mind the previous weekend when celebrating his father's 81st birthday and touring colleges with his oldest daughter.

"This is not a choice that was made based on whether I would win or lose," he read from a prepared statement. "I can say with complete conviction that 15 months out from the first nomination contests, I feel we would have had as good a shot to be successful as any potential candidate in the field."

Sabato says that, based on his phone conversation with Warner shortly before the press conference, he believes the story.

"It's clear from our talk that this decision was made entirely for personal reasons," says Sabato. "He wants a life, and he cares about his family."

Since Warner had been spending a lot of time in states important to winning his party's nomination like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, and had raised over $9 million for his Forward Together political action committee, Warner found himself the the man to beat among Democrats not named Hillary Clinton. In Sabato's opinion, Warner's potential as a candidate was a lot more than media hype.

"The campaign was going beautifully," says Sabato. "I've heard as much in 34 states this year-- and even in the Middle East where Warner had just visited in June before my own visit. He was raising money hand over fist and had many supporters in the key primary and caucus states."

On the day of his announcement, Warner was supposed to fly to Des Moines to campaign for Iowa state legislative candidates and meet with Iowa business leaders, according to the Associated Press.

The decision shocked even those close to the former governor. Charlottesville area resident Jim Murray, Warner's friend and business partner with whom he founded Columbia Capital Corporation, says Warner informed him of his decision late Wednesday afternoon.

"I was surprised," says Murray, "but he said it was not fair to begin ramping up a big organization unless he was 100 percent committed to running and winning, and he was sure he wanted to commit the next 10 years of his life to that."

Murray recalls a meeting with Warner "a few months ago" in Albemarle County when Warner expressed some ambivalence about a run for the White House.

"He and I spent a few hours talking about his plans," Murray says, "and it was clear then that he was undecided, and he was going to continue the process of traveling around the United States campaigning for Democrats."

As for whether the popular Democrat could run for John Warner's U.S. Senate seat in 2008 or the Governor's mansion in 2009, Murray says, "I think that door's open. There's a lot he can do, and we've talked about it." 

Murray suggests Warner could serve the United States in a diplomatic capacity. "My personal opinion is, despite the fact that Mark was viewed as having limited international experience, in fact he's an extremely well-traveled person who speaks a couple of languages," he says. "I think he'd be very valuable to the United States if he did do something international." 

As Warner's announcement proves, there are no sure things in politics, but Murray says, "I don't think he's done with politics at all. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't remain active in national politics for many years to come."

 As for the Democrats, Warner may be leaving a void. "He is exactly the kind of centrist the country needs to bring us together," says Sabato. "There's no logical person to replace him."

Former governor Mark Warner shocked the political world with his October 12 announcement



I am extremely sad that Warner has dropped out of the running. But, at the same time I think he is smart to put his family and real life first. Unfortunately, our country loses an immensely intelligent and well spoken candidate.

posted by Leigh-Ann at 10/20/2006 3:57:29 PM

I am very sorry to hear the news Mark Warner has made the decision not to seek the office of the president, However I can understant his position to put his family first.

He is a man that can pull the county together and has a proven record of getting things done.

I have no doubt that he would have won the nomination and on to be president, He has all of the qualities to make us proud to be Americans.

posted by Harold. B. Stepp at 10/30/2006 8:07:15 PM

I am pleased that Mr. Warner has decided to step out of the race if his motivation is to save or contribute to middle Amererica from which he came and the family he fathered.......actually Mr. Warner has not as of this date explained the compromised position he placed himself in while his wife and children were abroad. Nor has he replied to any inquiries about the state of the public education jurisdiction in his home town of Alexandria, Virginia. I shall communitcate with him once again now hoping he has new priorities (including the public education ofAlexandria, Virginia as he sends his children to private school)....perhaps because he knows how hopeless his hometown ALEXANDRIA CITY public schools are). Is he not the product of the public schools and of laboring parents?? Something is not right here and do we not need to take a closer look at Mark Warner (beyond his bleached teeth)? 11/10/06

posted by DARLENE FERGUSON at 11/10/2006 5:09:27 PM

Some time ago I was watching a young man make his way in the politcal scene. I listened to him and was impressed with his opinions and his passion. I thought to myself that this guy reminded me of someone who was willing to listen to the people and take action. Although I am a republican, I have been trying to decide who will be the right person to lead this country in 2008, regardless of their political affiliation. When Mr. Warner made it clear he would not be running, I felt very sad. Now, there are no democrats or republicans left in the running I want to see in the White House except for the possibly of one woman, but she too will not run. Mr. Warner, should you change your mind, you will be welcomed back with many open arms. Please, rethink your decision and know that you are needed.

posted by Susan at 11/18/2006 8:13:29 PM

I was really looking forward to this leader taking america by storm. I have only looked at Mr. Warner from a far. He looks like a strong man with sensitivity and compassion for people of all races and creed. However, I agree unless you are 100% committed and have strong family support (sounds similar to Colen Powell decision not to run), don't run for such a position. God Bless you and your family. BTW: If he changes his mind, I will take the step to get involved with my first political campaign to see that he is elected.

posted by David at 11/22/2006 7:38:19 AM

I sincerely hope that Governor Warner will reconsider his decision to drop out of the running for the nomination. Hillary has too many negatives, and although they are not deserved, the result could be a defeat.

posted by Dan at 12/21/2006 11:26:22 AM

Governor Mark Warner should be a Senator from Virginia when the current Senator John Warner's term expires in 2008. John should retire and younger Democratic Mark Warner would be available to replace him.

posted by Bonnie at 3/18/2007 10:02:18 PM

Mark Warner's centrist, business background would be just the balance as Vice President to Barack Obama.. and the Dems could finally win 12 years of progressive national and international leadership in the White House..!!

posted by Helen Leigh at 4/23/2007 8:08:00 PM
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