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LETTER- Face 'peak oil' reality

published February 22, 2007

Thank you for publishing "Do we desire a streetcar?" [February 22 cover story] 

It's the first article I recall seeing in Charlottesville's alternative media even mentioning peak oil. When peak oil really hits home, we're going to be wanting every mile of streetcar we can get, because gasoline is going to be so expensive. 

Yes, for a while people will absorb the cost, but along with the increasing cost of gasoline will come increasing costs for food, among other things. We need lots of public discussion about how to anticipate these developments so that adaptation to them will be less painful than otherwise it's going to be. 

So more articles on transportation alternatives to the single-occupancy vehicle will be most welcome, and more on peak oil.  That would be a great public service.

Stephen Bach
[email protected]


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