Discuss " THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Embrace instability: The opposite bogs you down " Below
Posted by 4/6/2007 1:57:06 PM
I run a career/jobs website for writers and editors (www.sunoasis.com).
Two comments. One, is the trend toward a
"free agent nation," in which each person takes full responsibility for their careers, rather than letting an industry do it for them. And two, careers are defined by goals. Don't let impersonal forces make you do things you don't want or need to do. There are "portfolio careers,"
"entreprenuer careers" to name a few according to the career expert, Peggy Simonsen. Find the path according to your goals!
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Discuss " THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Embrace instability: The opposite bogs you down " Below
Two comments. One, is the trend toward a
"free agent nation," in which each person takes full responsibility for their careers, rather than letting an industry do it for them. And two, careers are defined by goals. Don't let impersonal forces make you do things you don't want or need to do. There are "portfolio careers,"
"lifestyle-driven careers," "linear careers," "expert careers," "sequential careers,"
"entreprenuer careers" to name a few according to the career expert, Peggy Simonsen. Find the path according to your goals!