Discuss " ONARCHITECTURE- Constitutional dust-up: Can you read the writing on the wall? " Below
Posted by 4/12/2007 3:33:49 PM
I'm very unhappy about the First Amendment. People keep using it to say things that I really, really don't like. Some of those things are patently offensive. This nation's founders didn't fight and die to give people the right to say things that I don't like.
The chalkboard is only one venue for this. Did you know that you can find dirty words throughout the internet? The very same internet that's in our schools and homes! Sometimes people put posters up that contain foul language, just put them right up on public poster boards. Some newspapers in town have contained some truly offensive language. Radio stations routinely broadcast offensive things. That Don Imus fellow said something last week that really made me angry and, get this -- it turns out that's not illegal!
I insist that we amend the Constitution to prohibit things that I find unpleasant.
Posted by 4/12/2007 4:38:58 PM
Mr. Cox,
Would you please come to my house and bring your toilet brush with you. I have some offensive items in my bathroom that need cleaned.
Posted by 4/12/2007 8:28:30 PM
Posted by 4/12/2007 9:07:36 PM
I find your post offensive and I insist you remove it at once.
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Discuss " ONARCHITECTURE- Constitutional dust-up: Can you read the writing on the wall? " Below
The chalkboard is only one venue for this. Did you know that you can find dirty words throughout the internet? The very same internet that's in our schools and homes! Sometimes people put posters up that contain foul language, just put them right up on public poster boards. Some newspapers in town have contained some truly offensive language. Radio stations routinely broadcast offensive things. That Don Imus fellow said something last week that really made me angry and, get this -- it turns out that's not illegal!
I insist that we amend the Constitution to prohibit things that I find unpleasant.
Would you please come to my house and bring your toilet brush with you. I have some offensive items in my bathroom that need cleaned.
I find your post offensive and I insist you remove it at once.