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REAL ESTATE- Property Auction

November 8 at 12:30pm at the Greene County Courthouse

Property: 671 Pinehill Drive, Dogwood Valley, Stanardsville

Debtor: Michael and Teri K. Putman

Amount owing: $135,502

Bidder brings: $10,000 or 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Samuel I. White 757-457-1460

November 8 at 12:30pm at the Greene County Courthouse

Property: 2.5 acres at 296 Windsong Road, Barboursville

Debtor: Rosanna M. and Rex M. Batten Jr.

Amount owing: $105,550

Bidder brings: $10,000 or 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Samuel I. White 757-457-1460

November 12 at 11:15am at the Albemarle County Courthouse

Property: 341 Glade Lane, Townwood

Debtor: Brian Keith Cowan

Amount owing: $159,200

Bidder brings: $15,000 or 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Shapiro & Burson 757-687-8822

November 12 at 11:15am at the Albemarle County Courthouse

Property: 5.419 acres at 3765 Buck Island Road, Saddlewood Farms

Debtor: Cynthia L. and Ollie B. Herring Jr.

Amount owing: $208,250

Bidder brings: $15,000 or 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Shapiro & Burson 703-449-5800

November 13 at 12:10pm at the Madison County Courthouse

Property: parcel on Route 697, Orange

Debtor: Unknown

Amount owing: $92,000

Bidder brings: 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Bierman, Geesing & Ward 301-961-6555

November 14 at 9:30am at the Orange County Courthouse

Property: 3.210 acres at 10211 Old Lawyer's Road, Unionville

Debtor: unknown

Amount owing: $161,900

Bidder brings: $15,000 or 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Stephen B. Wood 804-288-0088 Ref. # 210353 

November 14 at 10am at the Albemarle County Courthouse

Property: Parcel One: 154.385 acres on State Route 691, Greenwood Road

Debtor: Greenwood LLC

Amount owing: unknown

Bidder brings: $25,000

Info: William E. Shmidheiser III 540-437-3137

Parcel Two: 38.429 acres on Greenwood Station Road (State Route 690)

Debtor: Greenwood LLC

Amount owing: unknown

Bidder brings: $25,000

Info: William E. Shmidheiser III 540-437-3137

November 15 at 8:30m at the Greene County Courthouse

Property: 437 Rosebrook Road, Poplar Lake, Stanardsville

Debtor: unknown

Amount owing: $255,000

Bidder brings: $25,000 or 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Stephen B. Wood 804-288-0088 Ref. # 209230

November 15 at 8:30am at the Greene County Courthouse

Property: 2.01 acres at 267 Old Durrette Road, Stanardsville

Debtor: unknown

Amount owing: $155,250

Bidder brings: $15,000 or 10 percent of the sales price

Info: Stephen B. Wood 804-288-0088 Ref. # 211937

[This compilation was culled from published accounts of auctions scheduled by creditors. Such plans may change if the alleged debt is satisfied.]


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