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STRANGE BUT TRUE- Indestructible: Very little fazes cockroaches

published November 8, 2007

Q. Cockroaches are a hardy breed, going back to the time of the dinosaurs. How much punishment can one take? --F. Kafka

A. That's what Jason Maron, then a Caltech student in theoretical astrophysics, looked at in a novel series of "cockroach survivability" experiments:

 1. Expose to vacuum: Roach agitates violently as the air is removed, then is still. Vacuum is applied for 10 minutes. Upon return of the air, roach comes slowly back to life, appearing normal after two minutes.

 2. Dunk in water: After 10-minute submersion, roach revives. No max dunk time yet established.

 3. Dunk in hydrochloric acid: Dies in 30 seconds.

 4. Apply air pressure of 20 atmospheres (300 pounds per square inch!): No visible effect.

 5. Freeze in liquid nitrogen: The roach chills out for good. Minimum survivable temperature yet undetermined.

 6. Place in 100-degree celsius (212 F.) oven: Takes a while, but then its goose is cooked.

 7. Microwave: No effect after one minute.

 8. Explosion: Roach barely one centimeter away from an exploding M-80 survives.

 9. Radiation: Roach unfazed by prolonged exposure to X-ray beam from 40 kW rotating anode source; human flesh so exposed is completely inviable after one second.

10. Crush between shoe and floor: About 29 Newtons (6.5 pounds) of force is required to squash the exoskeleton, known scientifically as the "crush point."

Q. In American football, why does the quarterback generally try to "rifle" the ball to the pass receiver? --J. Unitas

A. "Rifling" is a firearm's term that refers to the spiral grooves along the bore's interior to impart spin to the bullet, says Jearl Walker in The Flying Circus of Physics. The quarterback tries to do the same with the football, which acts like a gyroscope in maintaining its orientation and flying smoothly instead of tumbling. Now the ball will travel farther, and with strong enough spin will gradually "nose down" as its passes through its arced trajectory, making it easier for the receiver to make the catch. Failure to spin the ball properly could result in a wobbly pass-- or even an end-over-end "duck"-- shorter and trickier to grab hold of. 

When a punter (kicker) puts spin on the ball, usually the intent is to get it to travel farther and also to increase "hang time" so the punter's team can get down field before the ball comes down.

As for the spinning bullet, if one is aimed directly upward, it will sometimes maintain its stability throughout the flight, returning base-first to the ground. Although usually not lethal, the bullet could still injure someone. If it tumbles while falling, it will come in much slower than its muzzle speed, lessening the chance of injury. "Still, if someone near you starts shooting in the air," Walker says, "you best hide instead of standing in the open in admiration."

Q. You might think boiling an egg would be pretty much standard around the world. Think again. --F. Leghorn

A. The science of high-altitude cooking is well known to residents of more mountainous regions like Colorado where atmospheric pressure affects water-boiling temperature, says Goran Grimvall in Brainteaser Physics. Try to boil eggs atop Mount Everest (29,028 ft.), where water boils at about 72 degrees C (162 F) instead of 100 C (212 F) at sea level, and you better keep a book handy. 

Egg proteins change their structure at about 63-66 C, first in the whites, then in the yolk. Even at 85 C (185 F), it takes half an hour to get a 3-minute egg. That's a plenty big factor, based on about 160 millibars atmospheric pressure difference from, say, New York to Denver. By comparison, the difference between a low-pressure stormy day and a high-pressure day is less than about 50 millibars, so you don't need to check the weather before setting the egg-timer.

Q. We don't advocate this because it's unethical, or worse, you could wind up on Boot Hill. But let's say you

want to deal yourself all four aces in a deck of cards, surreptitiously, of course... --W. B. Hickok

A. You'll need to practice up on your "perfect shuffle," where you cut the pack exactly in half and then interleave the cards one after the other, says Persi Diaconis in New Scientist magazine. Magicians are able to do this, so why not you? Now if you can set the deck with all four aces on top and shuffle it perfectly, the aces will be every second card. Shuffle it again, and they'll be every fourth card. 

"If I were a crooked gambler and dealt four hands, I'd get the aces," says Diaconis. "Gamblers have been writing about what they can and can't do with a perfect shuffle for 300 years."

Actually, there are two kinds of perfect shuffle: you can keep the original top card or place it second from the top-- called "out" and "in" shuffles. With the right sequence of these, you can put the top card anywhere you want. As it turns out, eight out-shuffles in a row will bring a deck back to where it started, but it takes 52 in-shuffles to do the same. "That's the kind of thing that makes the mathematician and magician in me rather happy," Diaconis adds.

Send Strange questions to brothers Bill and Rich at [email protected].



You can kill cockroaches with duct tape, aspartame and/or a red light and a vacuum - How to kill pests without killing yourself or the earth......

There are about 50 to 60 million insect species on earth - we have named only about 1 million and there are only about 1 thousand pest species - already over 50% of these thousand pests are already resistant to our volatile, dangerous, synthetic pesticide POISONS. We accidentally lose about 25,000 to 100,000 species of insects, plants and animals every year due to "man's footprint". But, after poisoning the entire world and contaminating every living thing for over 60 years with these dangerous and ineffective pesticide POISONS we have not even controlled much less eliminated even one pest species and every year we use/misuse more and more pesticide POISONS to try to "keep up"! Even with all of this expensive and unnecessary pollution - we lose more and more crops and lives to these thousand pests every year.

We are losing the war against these thousand pests mainly because we insist on using only synthetic pesticide POISONS and fertilizers There has been a severe "knowledge drought" - a worldwide decline in agricultural R&D, especially in production research and safe, more effective pest control since the advent of synthetic pesticide POISONS and fertilizers. Today we are like lemmings running to the sea insisting that is the "right way". The greatest challenge facing humanity this century is the necessity for us to double our global food production with less land, less water, less nutrients, less science, frequent droughts, more and more contamination and ever-increasing pest damage.

National Poison Prevention Week, March 18-24,2007 was created to highlight the dangers of poisoning and how to prevent it. One study shows that about 70,000 children in the USA were involved in common household pesticide-related (acute) poisonings or exposures in 2004. At least two peer-reviewed studies have described associations between autism rates and pesticides (D'Amelio et al 2005; Roberts EM et al 2007 in EHP). It is estimated that 300,000 farm workers suffer acute pesticide poisoning each year just in the United States - No one is checking chronic contamination.

In order to try to help "stem the tide", I have just finished re-writing my IPM encyclopedia entitled: THE BEST CONTROL II, that contains over 2,800 safe and far more effective alternatives to pesticide POISONS. This latest copyrighted work is about 1,800 pages in length and is now being updated at my new website at http://www.stephentvedten.com/ .

This new website at http://www.stephentvedten.com/ has been basically updated; all we have left to update is Chapter 39 and to renumber the pages. All of these copyrighted items are free for you to read and/or download. There is simply no need to POISON yourself or your family or to have any pest problems.

Stephen L. Tvedten

2530 Hayes Street

Marne, Michigan 49435


"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come." --Victor Hugo

posted by Stephen L. Tvedten at 11/9/2007 4:37:55 PM
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