Thank you for printing Lisa Provence's fine article about the proposed Eastern Corridor Road ["DOA? Who killed the Ruckersville Parkway and other dispatches from the road wars," November 8]. Giving this subject public exposure is a great service to our community.
Since I was interviewed for the article, I would like to clarify several matters. I have not acted alone these past two years as the chairperson of the River Run Committee to Preserve Pen Park. Neighbors, friends, and relatives have also spent countless hours obtaining over 1600 signatures for the petition to preserve Pen Park.
As an individual, I am opposed to all roads planned through all of our parks. Our group has solely focused our time and effort on preserving Pen Park because other individuals and groups have been strong advocates for the other parks.
The Key West subdivision has stood up against a road through Darden Towe Park for a number of years. For decades, many people have expressed their opposition to the Meadowcreek Parkway being planned through McIntire Park.
Finally, I do not think that the routes through Pen Park is the most likely option for the proposed Eastern Connector Road. I sincerely hope and pray it is the least likely option!
Two public meetings on the Eastern Connector will be held soon. The first will be at Baker-butler Elementary School, 2740 Proffit Road, 7-9pm on Wednesday, November 29. The second will be in the lobby of the Albemarle County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 7-9pm Thursday, November 29.
Sarah P. Hendley