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REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction Permits



Rio Associates Ltd., illuminated wall sign for Olivate (formerly Fat Daddy's), $3,240.

Squire Hill Charlottesville Associates, add a disconnect and change server cable between utility and disconnect units at Abington Crossing, no price given.

Forest Lakes Community Association Inc., Heather Glen stairway project Forest Lakes North, $11,000.

Pantops Lube Inc., roof replacement (Jiffy Lube Pantops), $10,640.

David Churchman and Barbara C. and Preston Fleming, demo house built in the 1950s-60s, no price given.

University of Virginia Foundation, tenant upfit, $20,000.

University of Virginia Foundation, electrical wiring for air handler and condenser unit, no price given.

Curtis L. Naylor, repairs to exterior block wall, $3,500.

Christine R. and John D. Milton Jr., demo two ranch houses with basements, $12,000.

MCV LLC, new wall sign for Moore's Electrical and Mechanical, $1,500.

Tree House Properties of Charlottesville LLC, post and panel sign to replace existing Appletree Academies (current sign says Woodlands Day School), $4,000.


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