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REAL ESTATE- WHAT'S GOING DOWN- UVA Music House, 1512 Jefferson Park Avenue

published November 22, 2007

ADDRESS: 1512 Jefferson Park Avenue in the City


ASSESSMENT: $354,900


SIZE: 2,528 sq. ft.

LAND: 0.336 acres 

OWNER: University of Virginia

DEMO PERMIT DATE: 11/14/2007

CONTRACTOR: UVA/South Lawn Project

NOTES: This building is being demolished to make way for UVA's South Lawn Project. The Music Department used it for practice rooms; they were relocated to Old Cabell Hall in June. UVA purchased the property in 1965 for $40,000. Nearby properties at 409, 411, 503, and 407 Valley Road, as well as 434 Brandon Avenue, are also scheduled for demolition. (In January 2007, UVA paid $1 million for 434 Brandon, a 1,813-square-foot private residence-- $538,200 over the assessment.) 


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