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QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Ever been attacked by a wild animal?

Published April 23, 2008 in issue 0816 of the Hook


Miles Fowler: "I was once attacked by a feral cat. I knew this cat hung around somebody's house, so I figured it was safe. So I go over and pet it, and I didn't realize it wasn't their cat, and it scratched by wrist. I still have a little scar."


Zach Fox: "I don't know if my cat counts, but I'll play with her sometimes, and she'll miss and scratch my thumb instead."


Helen Frye: "No, I'm lucky I guess. I stay away from dogs."



I'm a much better guitarist than Eli Cook! I mean, he's ok, but seriously, I'm just a tad bit better than him, folks.

posted by Michael Angelo Batio at 4/23/2009 6:29:44 PM

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