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FILM- Rosy outlook: From satires to vampires with Alan Ball

Published November 5, 2009 in issue 0844 of the Hook
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Alan Ball
When Alan Ball wrote the satirical screenplay American Beauty, he didn't specifically mean it as a scathing commentary on suburban life.

"I happen to live in suburbia," Ball, 52, told the Hook recently. "And I like it." 

His script dealt more with the zeitgeist of suburbia, and he intended his account of middle-class dad Lester Burnham's dissolution "to be an indictment of the shallowness of American values that [Americans] are basically conditioned from birth to accept as gospel," he explains.

"In that regard," he says, "I don't know if there is any more scathing indictment of American culture than American culture itself." 

Ball's targets seem peculiarly ironic— but not illogical-- considering that his prior writing background was mainly in pure Americana: sitcoms. But his days of unrewarding toil on shows like Grace Under Fire soon ended: American Beauty won him the 1999 Academy Award for best original screenplay, among numerous other laurels. 

"It became this phenomenon," Ball marvels. "Who knows why?"

Being thrust into the spotlight, Ball recalls, "was a strange experience... It's a place that I'm not entirely comfortable. And all the things that are really, really huge traps for an artist of any kind were all just sprung on me at once." 

Ball dodged those traps smoothly, and next developed the hugely popular HBO series, Six Feet Under, which, for five seasons, chronicled the lives of a family of morticians. In 2008, he followed it up with HBO's True Blood, an adaptation of Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse vampire novels. Set in Louisiana, the series traces a vast undead community's attempts to assimilate into everyday human life. 

Appropriately, Ball discovered the novels while waiting for a dental appointment. At a bookstore, he was amused by the tagline for Harris' Dead Until Dark-- "Maybe having a vampire for a boyfriend wasn't such a good idea after all"— and bought the book. "I really just couldn't put it down," he says.

Like a vampire guzzling type-O negative, he was hooked. Somewhere around reading the fourth book, he envisioned Harris' novels as a TV series. "What I really loved," Ball says, "was that they walked this razor's edge of tone between romance and the supernatural and horror and comedy and social commentary and Wal-Mart trailer park people... I just found it delightful. It was so escapist and so much fun."  

True Blood has further cemented Ball's warm relationship with television, in which, it seems, he is content. Or is he?

"It's just a lot easier to get interesting, complicated, morally ambiguous stories about flawed characters done on the small screen," he says, "than it is on the big screen."

Pinning down a unifying theme in the wildly disparate subjects of Ball's work is tricky. But while discussing his sense of humor, he gives more than a little hint about it.

"One of my ways of dealing with depressing matters," he explains, "is to make fun of them. It is one of the things that I learned in adolescence, and I've never really outgrown it because it has helped me survive a lot."


Alan Ball will host a screening of True Blood at 10:30 am Sunday, November 8, at UVa's Culbreth Theatre. At noon that day, also at Culbreth, he will introduce American Beauty, which will be followed by a Q&A. 



Debbie11/5/2009 1:13:35 PM

There are may attributes that I love about True Blood, However AB's statement about staying true to the " Spirit " of the books, is false. Charlaine Harris gave us these characters that we love, not AB. I know it's imparative to add filler and fluff so as not to make the show all about Sookie, but changing the " Core " of the characters is disappointing and disrespectful to CH. Please, in Season 3, keep focused on the story, not the fluff.

Gerald11/5/2009 1:22:11 PM

I like the addtion of the new characters on Tb, Jessica, Lafayette and Maryann. I just wish Alan Balls would realize that Eric Northman is the heart of True Blood and that after Book 2, the focus is mainly on Sookie and Eric, not Sookie pining for Bill. Alan said Bill won't be marginalized, fair enough,but after book 2 Bill is the co-star of the books and no longer the main attraction. I too wish that Alan would stay closer to the spirit of the books that Charlaine Harris wrote and created.


Susie Q11/5/2009 1:32:00 PM

I liked season one much better than season 2. Season one seemed closer to the books than season 2. I hated that Bill staked Longshadow and rose from his coffin in the daylight. Even though AB might have felt it was imparative to add these " fillers" I think he could have been more tactful about the future of TB. The future of TB hopefully will follow the nature of the books more closely. And we will get to see the realationship and bond that is key to all 9 books so far, that being Eric and Sookie, not Bill. CH keeps it interesting by throwing Bill at the readers here and there, but Eric is really the main character in the Sookie-verse. More and more people are reading CH's books thanks to the show and more people are watching the show thanks to the books, its a marriage, but not without its ups and downs. I give TB 5 years at most on air. Thankfully we will have the books for a very long time, and continue to enjoy the writings of CH and her characters.

TRUDY11/5/2009 2:09:46 PM

I guess most of you don't listen to what CH says about Eric, being the bad boy and all about himself...I am glad CH and AB talked about the show .and I hope AB cont. with the show deviating from the books and keep Eric as the Dad Boy...and Bill as the Tragic Hero

Elianne2311/5/2009 2:52:55 PM

Haven't read the books and don't intend to.

It's always dangerous to expect an "adaptation", which is what True Blood is,

to be a complete cinematic re-creation of the book (or series of books). I doubt if I would be able to enjoy the show as much if I were constantly comparing it to the books. I'm glad AB has created his own vision of Bon Temps and Sookie's world. Eric is a great villain, and should stay that way. Ball has said that Sookie and Bill are the emotional cornerstone of the show and I hope he sticks to it, even if they have many obstacles to overcome.

Shelly11/5/2009 2:54:36 PM


I have listened to Ch talk about Eric numerous times. Her last statement was in regards to Eric and Sookie "neither Eric nor Sookie" will ever be killed off. Ch had to be talked out of killing Bill in Dead and Gone by her editor. CH has also released an official statement at her website www.charlaineharris.com and a letter regarding AB's latest statement to the press.

As far as CH making Eric a bad boy? No thats what AB is doing. CH and AB don't have the relationship you seem to think they do Trudy. It was a working relationship and is very limited as of now. CH stated that she would never let anyone dictate how the future books will be written and she already knows the outcome of the characters in her books.

As for Eric being all about himself? Obviously you need to either read or reread the books. Also check out CH's Blog from 2007 in regards to being raped more than 30 years ago, and how it is still a daily struggle for her. She makes refrence to the SSSS " Forcible seduction is anything but fun" I believe she made this statement in parallel to Bills action in both the cememtery and the trunk, from the books. Thankfully the books will continue, and like susie said, I give TB 5 years at most. HBO typically never runs over 5 seasons anyway, and the actors, particularily AS have already turned down work from alternate sources. I can't see many of them staying on for longer than 3 more seasons.I too enjoy the show,but to say CH calls Eric her bad boy? Thats a false on the BS meter, check out CH's site. Sometimes she goes under alias as "Ducklover". But don't quote her without a source,,,she hates that :)and Eric is all about Sookie, not himself tyvm. You mustve fallen for tv Bill before you read the books. Shame

DavidSandquist11/5/2009 3:07:58 PM

Bravo Shelly.

I enjoy some of the liberties AB has taken. But he is very inconsistent to the public reagarding the show. He said Sookie and Eric are "Fated". He said Bill and Sookie have a connection that won't die.

It's great to be suprised, and even if you are a " Bookie " you can still be suprised, with the changes in the show.

I like the additions to the cast but I also think the " Core" of the characters needs to coincide better with the books.The books are written in Sookie's POV so of course Ab needs to take liberties to make the show work and stay interesting. In my opinion, if you read the books before watching the show, you are a fan of Eric, and if you watched before reading you are a fan of Bill. That being said...An adaptation of a book is keeping true to the writers vision...based loosely on the books is being given creative license to change it up. I would hardly call TB an " Adaptation". Alan Ball has simply taken CH's beloved characters and written the show around Bill and Sookie. I beleive Book Bill was just a catalyst for Sookie into the world of Supernaturals... Bill was her first, but Eric is her equal and her soulmate. CH's vision if Eric is anything but Evil....Quote page 108 DUD* As far as vamps go, he is a pretty good guy* end quote.

lovetrueblood11/5/2009 9:15:04 PM

First, This is a discussion about True Blood NOT the Books. 2.) It is an adaptation NOT a re-enactment. 3.) Alan said he would stay true to the "spirit" of the books that DOES NOT necessarily mean the storyline. 4.) Alan has stated in many interviews that he was drawn to the BILL character and his story and how these two outsiders were drawn to each other. 5.) Read all the books LOVE True Blood 100% more because of Alan's ability to develop the personality of the characters and the drama. 6.) Charlaine Harris in her most recent interview (Nov.5) responds to the question: "I read recently that you said you didn't understand why so many fans love Eric so much? If this is true, why was he written to always be there for Sookie, give her what she needs, always tell her the truth, and be emotionally awakened by her, and happier with her than he had been in hundreds of years? He seems perfect for her. Have I read all of the books wrong?" Answer: "I'm not denying that's one side of Eric, but he's also a ruthless killer and I think some of my readers tend to forget that in their enthusiasm for his sexier habits." 7.) Red herrings are sometimes thrown out there to keep the element of surprise, not what I would really state as being inconsistent. 8.) I read the books before True Blood and I was a Bill fan from the beginning to the end and still am (hate what Charlaine did to a main character such as Bill). 9.) Alan does have the creative license to develop the themes that exist in the stories and how he interprets them. For example I HATE ERIC in the books and on the show. I know many love him for the same reasons that I hate him. To me those particular character traits I personally find repulsive and cannot connect with such a character (arrogant, full-of-himself, cocky, manipulative). Again that is based on how I interpret his actions and personally no one can convince me otherwise for it goes against my convictions in what I like and don't like in individuals.

Therefore trying to state that Alan is wrong in his vision is wrong. Trying to say it should be Eric and not Bill is wrong. Trying to tell people what they should be seeing in the relationships and dynamics in both the books and tv is wrong as well because each person will see different things and focus on different things. Therefore, let Alan tell the stories in True Blood how he sees them and what he wants to examine more closely and explore instead of saying how he should be doing it. Thank you for allowing me speak freely.

Lizzie11/6/2009 7:53:17 AM

Bravo LOVETRUEBLOOD! You have hit the nail on the head! AB has always been up front in what attracted him to the books and he had a vision and that vision is True Blood! Bill was badly written in the book series - I think CH found it easier to write Eric as he was simple. Bill was more complex and needed more work on her behalf hence he was marginalised from book 2. I guess readers liked the sexy bits and bought the books and CH was happy. It paid the bills! Now, she is more famous because of True Blood and I think she really likes what AB has done and I bet she wishes she had thought of some of his ideas as well!! Power to the bookies as they have both the books and the series! Enjoy!

Renfield11/6/2009 12:22:13 PM

I love the show tb and i love the books.

eric's character to me, is much more in depth, he seems more human than bill and the chemistry between sookie and eric in the books, the way they argue " Get your finger outta my face" and the emotion they are both denying , would be very hard to bring across on screen. Anna and stephen are a real life couple, so the chemistry is already there for them. I like teeveeBill, but despise book Bill, not just becasue of the rape and betrayal, he is boring and doesnt talk much, i dont think this is bad writing, i just agree that bill is the costar, he was sookies first thatdoesnt mean they should stay together, he isnt the one for her. Yes eric is a 'killer"arent they all?Billnlorena flashbacks pretty wicked.Ilik tv billnndeerci, love book eric,hate book bill.

When ab started TB he had only read the first 4 books, now he has read all nine, but i do think he is a bill lover...have to see it play out..at least we will have more books to look forward to. AB said sookie and eric are fated, and bill wont be marginalized. interesting to watch it play out on TB. I cant imagine alex staying with the show for long, since GK has thrown him into the list of highly sought after actors.

In the books Eric is sexy no doubt, but thats the least of what attractive about him,confidence without arrogance (TBL), genorosity, intelligence, brave,and yes ruthless, but mostly for sookie.He didnt live a thousand years and become sheriff for being a southern gent, bill never even broke a nail until D&G lol, and bill being more complex? thats the funniest thing i heard yet. lol and her books were on the Best sellers list b4 true blood aired. they compliment each other, the books made the show more popular and vice versa.

Sharyn11/7/2009 9:18:04 AM

Being thrust into the spotlight, Ball recalls, "was a strange experience... It's a place that I'm not entirely comfortable. And all the things that are really, really huge traps for an artist of any kind were all just sprung on me at once."

You dodge those traps with talent that's grounded in reality, and that's where Alan Ball seems to come from.

"One of my ways of dealing with depressing matters," he explains, "is to make fun of them.

As soon as you can laugh at something, you start to conquer your fear of it. Alan's good at that, too.

Holly11/7/2009 1:14:27 PM

I really like what Alan Ball has done to the Sookie books. I only wish he had a much larger budget so he could throw in special effects, shoot on site and add all the bells and whistles that should go with a supernatural story. The only thing I wish he could have kept from the books is Sookie's twisted sense of humor. Alan's Sookie is very serious. Harris's Sookie is sarcastic and funny! I can't wait for the 3rd season.

Jennie-Rae11/8/2009 1:13:51 AM

I think its too early in the seasons to be expecting a sookie/eric romance. The third season should see AS step into a bigger role in the show as he does in the books, and Bill's role, although not marginalized should be signifigantly less. Bill is creepy and needs to go away. Period.

VIllae11/8/2009 5:21:34 AM

I am actulally quite disapointed about AS as Eric (though he is hothothot) SM have a much stronger presents and carisma as BIll, and AS will have to act it up to radiate the selfcosiousnes, charm and control that is Erics trademark, -and that he later will fight so hard to maintain. The opossit problem goes for Allan Hain as Godric, he had the carisma when he made Eric, but the caracter as the humanloving regretfull guy was just pittifull. AB could have made him a lot cooler though still suisidal. AB have to step it up on the vampirecaracters, thay are not cool enough! (-Loreena is an exception as well.)

Vamplover111/9/2009 11:36:21 AM


Read the books, AS is PERFECT as Eric, He has done stage, screen and TV. That man isn't only hot, he can act! Very versatile.

Om Sara, Wings of Glass, Hundtricket,Iron Angels, To be released: Straw Dogs, Beyond the Pole, 13, Puss. His presence is captivating and when he is on you forget everyone else. Bill who?

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