The week in review

Hungriest: Twelve UVA students begin a hunger strike February 18 in support of a living wage of at least $13 for the university's lowest paid employees.

Sweetest deal: UVA lacrosse coach Dom Starsia, 59, re-ups for for a five-year contract at $250K a year, with two longevity bonuses totaling $375,000 if he stays through the end of the contract in 2017, the Washington Post reports. Starsia's new salary is a 65 percent increase from his previous contract; and Virginia men's lacrosse team, which won last year's national championship, is ranked number 1 in the nation.

Most protective orders: The number of people seeking relief from abusers has skyrocketed since the Yeardley Love law went into effect July 1, 2011. Previously, protective orders could only be obtained against threatening spouses or family members. In the six months the new law was in effect last year, 2,015 full protective orders and 4,941 emergency protective orders were granted, compared to 141 full protective orders and 272 emergency protective orders during the same period in 2010, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports.

Most suspicious glances at Beamer owners: WINA reports police seek a hit-and-run driver in a BMW who struck a 27-year-old pregnant woman around 7pm February 15 in front of Kroger at Barracks Road Shopping Center. The woman's injuries are not life threatening.

Most excellent blazework: Charlottesville Fire Chief Charles Werner receives the 2011 Governor’s Fire Service award for excellence.

Most power outages: The February 19 snow leaves over 1,000 households in Albemarle without power, and 14 in the city.

Worst start to a snowy day: Fire seriously damages a condo building on Laurelwood Road at Wintergreen, NBC29 reports. The fire, believed to have started in a fireplace, is called in around 6am February 20. No one is injured, but three units are burned and two have smoke damage.

Worst group beating: A gang attacks two men early February 18 in the 2100 block of Michie Drive, leaving one of them in critical condition, NBC29 reports.

Biggest twist in the Culpeper shooting: The husband of Patricia Cook, the 54-year-old retired cosmetologist and church volunteer killed February 9 by a town police officer who claimed she started driving away with his arm rolled up in a window, hires Charlottesville attorney David Kendall. The Star Exponent talks to an eyewitness, Kris Buchele, who alleges that– contrary to a Virginia State Police release– the officer did not have his arm in the window and was not being dragged away when he unloaded six rounds into Cook's Jeep Wrangler. WUSA9 has a similar report on the emerging scandal.

Closest call crash: A five-year-old girl is behind the wheel of a 1996 Ford Taurus when it begins rolling down a hill around 5:30 February 17 on Greenfield Court off Rio Road. According to a release, the child's lower body was outside the car's open driver's side door when the car struck a trailer, pinning her between the Taurus and mobile home. Her injuries are non-critical, and charges are pending consultation with the commonwealth's attorney.

Best advocate in the war against zero tolerance: The Rutherford Institute comes to the aid of a 13-year-old Waxhaw, North Carolina, boy who brought oregano to school as a prank, and was suspended 10 days for bringing in a "counterfeit illegal drug," a penalty later upped to 45 days.

Sorest cuckold: White House-crasher Tareq Salahi sues wife Michaele for $50 million for running off with Journey guitarist Neil Schon, claiming her bolt was a plan to make money at Tareq's expense by portraying him as a "buffoon," the AP reports.

Worst way to get on Saturday Night Live: Virginia's General Assembly gets a national "really?" for its legislation requiring women seeking abortions to have a transvaginal ultrasound and for its personhood bill that says life begins at conception. "What’s next?" asks Seth Meyers. "Life begins at last call? Life begins when you click ‘send’ on your profile. I mean, really!”