Wild Wing recovering from blaze

Flames leaping into the air during the early morning blaze.

An early morning fire at Wild Wing Caf© on July 27 was fortunately extinguished within 10 minutes, but it will take a little more time for the popular eatery to recover. According to general manager Kiersten Kaufman, they were hoping to open the downstairs seating area this weekend.

“Unfortunately, there was more damage than we had anticipated, so we are having to push that back for a few days,” says Kaufman. “We’re still completely unsure when we’ll officially reopen, but we are hoping by next weekend.”

Kaufman says the majority of the damage was actually caused by smoke and water from the building’s sprinkler system and hose-wielding Charlottesville firefighters as they fought the blaze. Upstairs, where the fire started, planters, a chair, and a small portion of the restaurant’s decking were burned.

“We’re still not completely sure how the fire started,” says Kaufman, “but it's suspected that it started with a cigarette that was put out in one of our planters.”


i heard about what had happened to wild wing cafe and i am hoping that it will reopem soon so all who want to eat there again and watch the spots on HD TV there can do so. we all miss it.

Is there any fire not started by a smoker?

I was just wondering, earlier there was a post on here from Justice 4 Morgan who has now changed her name. It was a long post that was very interesting. Now it is gone. Did something happen. This was a very interesting post.

there are arsonists in the fire department.

Yes Do you believe, there was and now you can find it on google cached. It is beyond interesting. Despite the thought that J4M is a woman, there is thought J4M/rightisrightwrongiswrong or whomever, is a man. One who bakes sweet thangs.

My guts are still recovering after I ate 12 "Blazin" wings at Wild Wings 2 months ago.

J4M is always ragging on the CIA/FBI train. Paranoid and conspiracy theories are his bandwagon. Why would he go to the FBI and about what? He's always threatening strange actions and claiming that jihadists are behind MH's death. Lurking in the hills o' Va, in their training camps and out on dark midnight missions. Either that or the man that is in the sketch is one set up by white people.

What'd he do over at Blink? His post was quite Blinky on Blink and fishy about Fish too. Lots of hidden meanings that mean absolutely nothing.

"What’d he do over at Blink? His post was quite Blinky on Blink and fishy about Fish too. Lots of hidden meanings that mean absolutely nothing."


Rich Man LOL, very true. Can no longer penetrate the meanings and minds here----------fortunately.

when are they gonna open so I can get my wild wing on?

deleted by moderator

This was the work of a Satanic individual. The devil hates chicken.

It looks like the cached version no longer has J4M's post. Please tell us The Hook why it was deleted? I read the cached version and saw nothing overtly incriminating. In fact, I enjoyed its refreshing aroma.

I don't see it there on the google cached link (can you please provide?). Interesting since she (?) made an accusation on another site and said she was going to the FBI then stopped posting

Don't worry. You can still read her posts under the following names

-You are wrong
-S Jones*

*all personalities made up by said poster.