Deer-hunting class hits NYT

food-jacksonlanders-deer Complete with a video showing him field-dressing a deer, Charlottesville insurance exec Jackson Landers, whose deer-hunting class for urbanites has been getting local ink from his mother and other writers, made the big time Wednesday, November 25, in the New York Times.


The City of Charlottesville should allow bowhunters to reduce the deer that inhabit the railroad track area east of Franklin Street. These things are a traffic hazard.

The clean kill of a deer would be a wonderful thing if in reality that happened very often. More often the deer must be tracked possibly a few hundred yards even after an arrow passes through both lungs. The whitetail is a marvel and cannot be brought down easily every time. If you have ever had a meal of venison and the following day felt the energy from that meal you would understand what a powerful animal it is. Many refer to the whitetail as a nuisance, try venison and then do your gym workout the following day and you will be amazed. This fact alone should make urbanites want to hunt. Venison "backstrap", the meat along the sides of the backbone is a delicacy. Steaks trimmed from the back legs are also excellent.
So called humane kills are what we think all animals deserve. In the whitetails world, we are the only predator that desires this for the prey. Death for a whitetail is never pretty be it by wolf, coyote, bear, car, etc. So hunt the whitetail and if it makes you feel better, always wait for the perfect shot.

Oh Lord, poor deer. If the rednecks who grew up on venison jerky can't make clean kills (and they can't) how will the poor things fare under urbanites' shooting skills?

Are you a good hunter? Would you like to be a good hunter?. Here are some tips that help you to become such kind of person.