Congress to probe bogus letters to Perriello

Representative Edward Markey (D-Mass.) has said that a House panel will investigate the blazing-hot controversy over letters purporting to come from two Charlottesville organizations to sway freshman Congressman Tom Perriello on the eve of his Cap and Trade vote.

Read more on: dems 4 daytom perriello


Backfire, might be one word that comes to mind for forging e-mail. But the same word might soon be used for the response. Ordinary people just don't get why Congress gets so worked up over this stuff--who slept with who, who put money in their freezer, and who sent a bogus e-mail. People are scared. They're scared about their jobs, their homes, their health insurance, their kids future, and their safety at home and abroad. Stuff like this, though great for the talk shows, is often seen as Congress gazing at it's navel and not theirs.

Hello-- how many people lost their homes, jobs, and health insurance this year ?

I supported Perriello, but one trait I hope he grows out of, is whining so much about the nasty opposition.

Using this incident as a fund-raising ploy --well, we're not dumb.

This is nowhere near being in the same category as "who slept with who." The forged letters purported to weigh in -- on behalf of large numbers of people -- on decisions that affect the jobs, homes, and health insurance we are all concerned about.

Kay, didn't say this wasn't wrong, but in the grand scheme see this as a mole's mountain.

Goode, this sorry tune better be retired before the next election or it's democrats forever.