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The 2009 version of Dems 4 Day?

by Hawes Spencer
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Brian McNeill of the Progress reports on the desperation of some unknown opponent(s) of the Cap and Trade bill to forge letters in an effort (futile, as it turned out) to sway Congressman Tom Perriello. The incident brings to mind the infamous 1995 effort by a Richmond-based Republican strategist to upset the impending State Senate election of Democrat Emily Couric in a wild, four-way race by issuing a last-minute postcard, ostensibly by “Dems 4 Day,” encouraging Democrats to cast their votes for independent challenger Donal Day. Bob Gibson outed the scheme.

  • Sue July 31st, 2009 | 11:40 am

    The internet will make it more difficult for those who attempt these dirty tricks to hide their identities.

  • Jeff July 31st, 2009 | 8:56 pm

    Not quite Watergate, but this was an elaborate scheme that was bound to fail –what were they thinking ?

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