UVA's Cannon withdraws from Obama's nomination

University of Virginia law school professor and former Albemarle Planning Commissioner Jon Cannon has withdrawn from President Obama's nomination to become the deputy administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency. According to the Associated Press, an internal EPA investigation brought up concerns about Cannon having served on the board of the now-defunct America's Clean Water Foundation, which could not account for $25 million in federal grants. Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)– the top Republican on the Senate subcommittee considering Cannon's nomination– reportedly assured Cannon he would not oppose his nomination to the EPA's #2 post on these grounds. Still, Cannon says he's bowing out so as not to be a distraction to the Obama administration.


Why would anybody want to move to DC from Charlottesville?

Cheaper to buy a house there.

LOL, but it's true.

Great guy, sad outcome

The culture in DC is just poisonous. Why would anyone would want to move to and work in DC from Charlottesville? Probably Cannon decided that he had a good life and didn't want to ruin it by becoming part of the federal gov't.

Just because Inhofe wouldn't oppose his nomination on these grounds doesn't mean that his entire life wouldn't be scrutinized to a level that no one would want. I'm not saying who is to blame for this, what I'm saying is that the people who would make decent public servants become highly discouraged from serving on the federal level due to the partisan culture in DC.

something does not add up in this story. that there is no story there, but at the same time not wanting to be a distraction? if there is not story, there should be no distraction. and if Inhofe does not care, the move is all the more puzzling. it just does not add up. at all.

looks like the biggest difference between Obama and Jesus is that Jesus could actually build a cabinet.

but the claim was not over "scrutiny" in general, it was over this specific non profit group's money laundering. and inhofe, who specializes in public spectacles on environmental issues, so it is actually a big deal inhofe coming out publicly to say what he said.