Top Model dreams dashed for local

Charlottesville's America's Next Top Model contender, Lauren Brie Harding, was eliminated from competition last night after becoming one of the final eight contestants. Harding, who had been criticized for a lack of personality in her photos in past weeks, was again singled out for being "pretty, but empty," according to hostess Tyra Banks. Accused of being "bland" by fellow model Sheena, Harding struggled to let her personality shine through her photo shoot at the Orpheum Theater in L.A. While the judges deliberated over her photo, they commented, "Week by week, she should be getting better, not sliding back." Harding was eliminated over Sheena, whose outgoing persona won out over Harding's pretty pictures. America's Next Top Model continues with seven contestants next Wednesday at 8pm on the CW. #


I told you she had no personality! Just knows how to "pout" for the camera.

OK. Your turn now, what_evah.

Let's see if you can make it into the final eight.

who cares she's !@#$'n hot

She'll still be a successful model! How many peole have been kicked off American Idol and became bigger stars than the winner. A few I believe. I don't watch the show, but my guess is she was a genuine person instead faking all the hollywood BS.

she and most of the girls on that show are quite frankly, unattractive. jsut the fact that they are trying to impress Tyra Banks makes me sick to my groin

SOTLR...people shouldn't go on a reality show if they don't want people to talk about them. Lauren is a nice kid. Shows like that don't want nice kids. In the end she will be happy that she got kicked off the show. How many of the girls that have won ANTM are "known"?

I didn't say that at all. What I wrote wasn't even close to that. I implied that she was probably herself instead a hollywood drama queen. Reality show pick the people that act out the most. Just like you said they don't want nice kids. Who said anything about people talking about?