Wrong bill, wrong title, wrong Supes, wrong map, wrong everything


* We gave the wrong number of a crime-overhauling House Bill proposed by Delegate Dave Albo in a January 13 news story entitled, "Whose values? Lefty PAC fights for families." The bill is HB 1054.

* In our January 20 edition, the photo credit for the picture of Hollymead Town Center should have indicated that the photographer was Lauren Brooks.

* Several restaurant locations were botched in our "Focus on Crozet" map in the January 20 Foodfinder section.

* In our January 6 fiction contest announcement, the fellow listed as editor of Meridian literary journal, Jeb Livingood, is actually its faculty advisor.

* The Year in Review (December 23) incorrectly reported that Faulconer Construction's plan to build a storage yard in Ivy had not yet been before the Board of Supervisors. In fact, on October 27 the supes voted 6-0 to lay down eight conditions that must be met before the site plan could be approved, including assurance of the structural adequacy of Morgantown Road– which VDOT has already said is inadequate.
