Drumroll, please! Bodo's set to open... really

For those who said the Corner Bodo's would open when pigs fly, look up– is that a soaring sausage? The temperature in hell also may be dropping precipitously.

In fact, the signs are all in place, and owner Brian Fox confirms he's the reason for these freakish occurrences. According to Fox, June 13 "or thereabouts" is the day bagel-lovers believed would never come, the day the Corner Bodo's opens.

After a two-year tease, Fox opened his first bagel restaurant on Emmet Street in 1988. He opened his second on Preston Avenue three years after the announcement in 1993. But it's been a decade and a month since he first leased the Corner Bodo's space.

At various points "Coming soon" signs have adorned the place, and in recent years, the name Corner Bodo's has rarely been heard unaccompanied by a snicker. In fact, several April Fool's pranksters have used the delay as joke fodder.

But this time's for real, Fox says, promising he's not just crying "bagel."

The soda fountains are hooked up, the iced tea is flowing, and all that's left to do now is finish hiring the 45 or so employees it takes to run a single Bodo's.

"You can't hire a month ahead of time," says Fox. "That's the daunting part of it."

Fox says he might have opened a few days sooner, but blames the Tennessee music festival Bonnaroo for leaving him short-staffed.

Bodo's boss Brian Fox says he's serious this time. Fool us once, shame on you...


This story is a part of the Waiting for Bodo special.
Read more on: bodo's