Last day had great film

It was enlightening to read Lisa Provence's summation of the events of the 18th Virginia Film Festival {News, "Weighing in on the film fest," October 3], but it was regrettable that [her] "batteries were too dead" to cover the events on the last day.

It was a special privilege to have the screening of The Ox-Bow Incident at Scottsville's Victory Hall Theatre, where the recently installed big screen and surround-sound projection equipment were initiated. It was great to reprise Henry Fonda, Dana Andrews, and Anthony Quinn in their youth in a film that was not recognized as a morality classic until long after its 1943 release.

Although he was scheduled for seven other appearances that day, festival director Richard Herskowitz showed up long enough to greet a full house, and in the audience was a former student of Walter VanTilberg Clark, author of the book. After the screening and discussion, everyone enjoyed a gala reception.

We are proud of the fact that our historic Victory Hall Theatre is making a comeback, although as a smaller, more intimate venue offering a variety of entertainment for the community.

Robert Kirkwood Spencer