Lyndsay Wilson- 1998 Plymouth Voyager

To motor around town, third-year UVA student Lyndsay Wilson mans a good ole reliable 1998 Plymouth Voyager. ("Not a Grand Voyager," she says, "just a Voyager!")

While it's great for junkets from Downtown to Barracks Road, when the Voyager hits the open road– as it did last weekend on a trip to D.C.– things get more interesting.

"I thought I was hit by the boogey man," says Wilson. A victim of Chancellor Street hi-jinks, the van's passenger side mirror was ripped off. Wilson, unshaken, jammed the mirror back in and headed north. About an hour later, her quick fix failed. The mirror flew off, and– dangling wildly– banged against the side of the car again and again. By the time she stopped, the whole thing had completely let go and shattered on the ground.

"The Mini," as she lovingly calls her ride, has its fair share of dings, including a dent on the trunk and scratches on the side. Wilson's mother bought the van brand new in 1998 without power windows or even a back door on the driver's side and Wilson's been driving it since 2001. Wilson loves her Mini– even with all its flaws.

"They give it character," she says. "I used to get mad because I want to take care of my Mini, but I love her all the same." (However, she doesn't love it so much that she wouldn't consider trading it for a Grand Cherokee.)

Recently, Wilson and Mini were pulled over by a cop on foot in Newark, and she's thankful that the escapades show no signs of stopping.

"I give her a little kiss and say, 'Way to go, Mini!'"

What drives you? Call 295-8700 ext. 239, then pull up in front of Hook headquarters at 100 Second St. NW and tell us why you love your ride.

Lyndsay Wilson