Music Reviews

What a year: Preachers, funksters, Dumpsters
Published on Jan 5th, 2006
0 comments Before heading forward into the new year, I wanted to take a look back at some of the more meaningful prowls of 2005. American Dumpster: Lemme see... the lineup went something like drummer on a three...
AGT: Shut up and listen
Published on Dec 15th, 2005
0 comments I remember going to an Acoustic Charlottesville showcase at Starr Hill a few years back and being very frustrated with the audience. I don't remember who had taken the stage, but I do remember...
Lil Bro: Emcees bring the show to life
Published on Dec 8th, 2005
0 comments The band O.A.R is considered to be one of the hottest new groups on the touring circuit right now. Earlier this year, the group played Starr Hill and later the Charlottesville Pavilion– both to...
Mainey-act: Cerberus Shoal raises goosebumps
Published on Dec 1st, 2005
0 comments I've never been to the state of Maine. The closest I've ever gotten to that state is through the novels of Stephen King. I'm not sure if he still does this, but early in his career all his stories...
MUSIC REVIEW - Pick of the stack: Music lovers' stocking stuffers
Published on Nov 24th, 2005
0 comments Here's a wrap-up of current CDs for you to consider as you plan how to stuff those stockings hung by the chimney with care:   Artist: Samantha Album: Square One  What it is: Singer/...
Dance much: Flailing to Bostonites: 'grooving' to MMW?
Published on Nov 17th, 2005
0 comments It's that time of year where there seems to be something interesting going on every day of the week. When I open the paper to check the calendar listings, it's tough to make up my mind about what to...
Teeny bop: The Wave comes on strong
Published on Nov 10th, 2005
0 comments So far, when someone brings up teenage bands in Charlottesville, the name Sparky's Flaw is usually mentioned first. Rightly so. The band has dominated teen competitions for the last few years and...
Listen up! Williams sure plays a mean guitar
Published on Nov 3rd, 2005
0 comments I first heard of the DJ Williams Projekt shortly after this year's All Good Festival. The band played side stage one of the evenings and pulled a crowd as large as some of the headliners. People were...
California dreamin: Lyrics Born's sunny vibe
Published on Oct 20th, 2005
0 comments Riddle me this: How does musical group A play to a full house while, a few weeks later, musical group B from the same label– boasting a newer, more successful record– can't pull even a...
Time travel: Outback to the '80s
Published on Oct 13th, 2005
0 comments The Outback Lodge has gone through a few ownership changes this year, but it's still the same old place. By that I mean there haven't been any drastic overhauls in the décor or sudden shift in the...
Roundup: New discs all over the map
Published on Sep 29th, 2005
0 comments Once again, time for the local music roundup. This month I had the pleasure of receiving numerous review-worthy albums. Unfortunately, time and space permit me to review just a few. Red Eye Seamus, a...
Really big show: Blackalicious plays to full house
Published on Sep 22nd, 2005
0 comments Noonish Friday, my buddy buzzes with a question, "Yo, D, you know where to get tickets for the Blackalicious show? Plan9 says they're sold out." I did know where to get tickets, but the sold out...
Satellite: Let's hear it for big venues
Published on Sep 15th, 2005
0 comments For the last few years, Starr Hill Music Hall has had a monopoly on the live show scene in Charlottesville. To their credit, they've brought in a number of stellar acts. Now we have the Pavilion and...
Hither and yon: Music from Corner to tea room
Published on Sep 8th, 2005
0 comments Sometimes when I'm out an about, the question arises why my column is called "On the Prowl" when I actually seem to review CDs a good bit of the time. Truth is, I see live music nine times in 10...
Two simple: All-star cast can't save disc
Published on Sep 2nd, 2005
0 comments Michael Sokolowski and friendsSoko: Two So, I received this Soko: Two disk, and, to tell you the truth, the whole thing is a bit frightening. I'm scared of it. Wait... I'm getting ahead of myself....
Zen jam: Neither good nor bad, just....
Published on Aug 25th, 2005
0 comments When I was studying Buddhism in college, I had a professor who used to repeat the same mantra over and over to the class. "There is no good or bad, there just is," he would drone. The statement...
Crop circles: Glimpsing recent local CDs
Published on Aug 18th, 2005
0 comments Robin Wynn, Broken Sky Fair Weather Bums, FWB  Sun-Dried Opossum, Back Up  For an artist, having a CD is a sign of a certain level of confidence. It says to an audience that they have...
Giant universe: Pavilion's inaugural awesome
Published on Aug 11th, 2005
0 comments Oh, there was talk– all kinds of talk. There were optimists and pessimists. There were supporters and naysayers. Seems like for the last two weeks, all that was talked about was whether the...
Worth the wait: CD excitement contagious
Published on Jul 28th, 2005
0 comments Two weeks ago, Jay Pun and Morwenna Lasko celebrated the completion of their debut album at the Gravity Lounge. Paul Curreri and Devon Sproule locked down the opening slot for one of the most...
Mélange: Afro-pop's lovely loose vibe
Published on Jul 21st, 2005
0 comments It was almost a year ago when UVA asked me to cover their Afro-pop Festival for the Arts and Sciences Online magazine. I jumped at the privilege to have access to all the events. Representatives from...
In-box follies: The postman brings a winner
Published on Jun 30th, 2005
0 comments 252"> The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- In-box follies: The postman brings a winner BODY { scrollbar-arrow-color: white; scrollbar-base-color: black; scrollbar-face-color: "#...
Pillar to post: All over the music map
Published on Jun 23rd, 2005
0 comments 252"> The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Pillar to post: All over the music map BODY { scrollbar-arrow-color: white; scrollbar-base-color: black; scrollbar-face-color: "#BF0303...
Lovin' it: Horn delivers, Hacks do too
Published on Jun 16th, 2005
0 comments 252"> The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Lovin' it: Horn delivers, Hacks do too BODY { scrollbar-arrow-color: white; scrollbar-base-color: black; scrollbar-face-color: "#BF0303...
Alive and well: Hip-hop contest brings 'em out
Published on Jun 2nd, 2005
0 comments His clothes looked brand new: white sneakers with baby blue highlights, crisp blue jeans, and a wrinkle-free blue t-shirt proclaiming, "Hip-Hop Is Dead." He smiled as he and his group pranced around...
Mall musings: Music a bonus Downtow
Published on May 25th, 2005
0 comments   Octane Saints, No Gods No Monstersat Atomic BurritoSaturday, May 25 Graduation weekend is no-stop action in Charlottesville. Restaurants are full, parking is limited, and traffic congestion...
Two sides: For every fan, there's a nay-sayer
Published on May 19th, 2005
0 comments For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. In Charlottesville, there are two definite reactions to the success of the local Dave Matthews Band. On the one hand, there are those who...
Holy rollin': Taking the masters to church
Published on May 12th, 2005
0 comments John D'earth and Kait Duntan (Soulful Sundown Series)at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial ChurchSunday, May 8 Friday night I prowl'd. There was music happening around town, but nothing was grabbing my...
Parting remarks: This town is a jam band (sometimes)
Published on May 12th, 2005
0 comments More than three years ago, when the fates saw fit to actually pay me for spending half my weekends constructing occasionally verbose pieces (always much longer than asked for) on the subject of music...
Holy rollin': Taking the masters to church
Published on May 11th, 2005
0 comments 252"> The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Holy rollin': Taking the masters to church // >> classifieds  >> personals  >> advertise  >> contacts...
Parting remarks: This town is a jam band (sometimes)
Published on May 11th, 2005
0 comments 252"> The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Parting remarks: This town is a jam band (sometimes) // >> classifieds  >> personals  >> advertise  >>...