September 26th, 2013 issue #1239

September 26th, 2013
  • A real drag? 1963 killing of Pat Akins remains the coldest case

    One of the town's biggest boys lay dead underneath one of the town's smallest cars. Initially, cops claimed that 19-year-old James Patrick Akins had been dragged from Greenwood to Charlottesville under a Triumph TR3.

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  • The Award-winning Hook

    Earlier this year, the Hook won the state's top journalism award for its coverage of the attempted ouster of UVA President Teresa Sullivan last year. It is the third time the Hook has won the coveted prize for Journalistic Integrity and Community Service, given to only two newspapers every year at the Virginia Press Association's annual award ceremony.

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  • The Hook in review: 12 years of covering Charlottesville

    The first issue of the Hook hit the streets February 7, 2002, in an America still reeling in post-9/11 shock— not quite sure how our world would change, but with an uneasy feeling that it would not be for the better.

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  • What they say about the Hook

    Since its inception, the Hook has shone a spotlight into the darkest corners of our community, forcing us to confront issues that most would just as soon ignore.

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Editor's Note


  • Digging deeper: On becoming a Hook reporter

    One of the first stories I wrote as a full-time employee for the Hook in 2005 was about the planned renovation of a Downtown park. I spoke to advocates of the renovation, c...


  • Table of contents

    COVERThe coldest caseFifty years ago, this town was shaken by the death of popular football star Pat Akins. Early reports claimed the six-foot athlete had been dragged 12 m...