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PHOTOPHILE- Go fly a kite: Give peace a flying start
Published April 14, 2005, in issue 0415 of The Hook
"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back: a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." --Anaïs Nin
Brown's Mountain may have hosted its last Kite Day in 2004, but kites will fly again over Charlottesville in 2005-- this time in the name of peace.
On Sunday, April 11, the Charlottesville Tikkun Community and the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice hosted Kite Making Day at the Sojourners United Church of Christ. Locals let their creativity flow in preparation for "10,000 Kites for Peace Day."
In exchange for a small donation, peace-loving kite-flyers got materials and instructions, and children and adults proceeded to measure, tie, snip, and color the afternoon away. Expert kite maker Fouad Fadil helped in constructing a perfect peace craft.
Next month, thousands of Palestinians and Israelis are expected to fly kites on both sides of the 36-foot high West Bank barrier separating them, as a sign of their wish for peace. In solidarity with this project, more than 80 Israeli, Israeli/Arab, and Palestinian organizations are holding similar kite-flying days around the globe.
Members of the two local peace organizations invite the public to join the joyous kite flying at Chris Green Lake on May 1.
Elke Alikhan decorates her kite, which will eventually bear the German word for peace: friede.
Busy as bees: Kite making is hard work!
Gabby Frankel-Streit, 7, designs.
Great minds think alike: April Holmes and Laheri Kabagwira, 5, make working together look easy.
A message we can all respect.
Give peace a chance: Sarah Lanzman, one of the project organizers from the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice
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