Mad TV: CNBC's Cramer electrifies Darden
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PHOTOPHILE- Mad TV: CNBC's Cramer electrifies Darden

Published February 15, 2007 in issue 0607 of the HooK.


CNBC's madman of money Jim Cramer brought the chair-hurling, toy bull-tossing, financial advice-shouting circus that is his daily TV show, Mad Money, to UVA's Darden School of Business. The Wednesday, February 7 visit was part of Cramer's "Back to School" tour.

Tickets to the taping were in big demand among Darden students, some waiting an hour outside the Abbott Center for a coveted seat. Those citizens of "Cramerica" who were lucky enough to get in were decked out in Cavalier orange and blue, some waving Mad Money #1 foam fingers-- making the atmosphere more akin to the John Paul Jones Arena than to a business school auditorium. 

Cramer didn't disappoint his fans, donning a bright orange UVA t-shirt over his trademark button-down with rolled up sleeves and peppering his speech with his trademark "booyah!" to the delight of every budding tycoon in the audience.

Oh, and he offered a few stock tips.

With all the buzz on the Darden campus about Cramer's visit, this sign was completely unnecessary.

Jim Cramer takes the stage wearing a UVA shirt by Under Armour, a company whose stock he later endorsed

Katherine Martini and Angela Mussio eagerly wait to sign up for tickets

All together now-- "Booyah!"

Cramer's famously prop-filled set got a decidedly UVA makeover for this special taping


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