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NEWS- Picket payday: Planned Parenthood one-ups protesters

Published March 1, 2007 in issue 0609 of the HooK.

By COURTENEY STUART [email protected]

"Save the baby," call the protesters in front of Planned Parenthood to a woman arriving in the center's Hydraulic Road parking lot. "We're praying for you!" they shout, and several make the sign of the cross. 

It's 10am, warm and sunny, on Thursday, February 22, and a group of nearly two dozen men, women, and children have gathered on the sidewalk to make a statement. These members of various area Catholic churches don't carry the graphic posters that accompany some anti-abortion demonstrations. In fact, they say they're not here to protest abortion, but are instead holding a prayer vigil for the "sanctity of life."

Holding a nearly six-foot-tall painting of the Virgin Mary, they're hoping for a "conversion from the culture of death to the culture of life." Unwittingly, however, they're also helping raise money for the cause they oppose.

As two women emerge from the clinic carrying a large wooden sign, the vigil suddenly breaks up. Protesters quickly fold the Virgin Mary painting, and at least 15 of the 21 disperse, heading down the sidewalk away from the clinic as Planned Parenthood employee Becky Reid begins her speech.

"Good morning," Reid begins loudly. "I'd like to tell you about our program called Pledge-A-Picket."

The program is in its seventh year, Reid explains. Supporters of Planned Parenthood have pledged to donate a dollar for every picketer who shows up on any given day. Many Planned Parenthoods across the country are now using this tactic, and since it began locally in 2001, Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge has raised more than $100,000 as a direct result of protesters, Reid says.

All over America, abortion clinics are confronted with demonstrations outside their front doors. While many  protests are peaceful and are protected speech under the First Amendment, there have been numerous cases in which abortion clinics and doctors have been targets of violence. Here in Charlottesville, a local man was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital in late December after he left a message threatening to unleash his AK-47 on this same Planned Parenthood clinic.

Reid says Planned Parenthood respects the right of free speech but says she wants the clinic to be a "welcoming environment." Pledge-A-Picket seems to be working. Most of this day's protesters prepare to leave before Reid finishes her speech.

"So thank you," Reid concludes to the now smaller crowd, "for helping raise money for women who are in need of any of the healthcare services offered at Planned Parenthood."

 "Does it help the women who die?" calls out Mary Ann Heerschap, here with four of her six children. "Planned Parenthood makes so much money," Heerschap adds quietly. "I'm not sure they need the extra money except to fight lawsuits for botched abortions."

Also remaining is Mike Smith of Greene County. He admits his fellow protesters left because "We didn't want them to get a lot of pledge dollars." (In fact, Reid says, she counts protesters before she brings the sign out.) 

Reid says the presence of the protesters is "upsetting" to the clinic's patients, who must drive past them to get into the parking lot. Pledge-A-Picket is an effective tactic, she says. "It deters them from coming back week after week."

John Whitehead, founder of the free speech/religious freedom nonprofit the Rutherford Institute, says Pledge-A-Picket is a "psychological game," but he hopes protesters won't stop picketing just because they're helping to raise money. "If the picketers are leaving," Whitehead says, "I'd say shame on them." Planned Parenthood is already well-funded, he says, and the right to exercise free speech on any issue is worth "millions."

"What's more important," Whitehead asks, "the right to be out there or $20?" 

Despite the partial exodus, Smith insists the Pledge-a-Picket plan won't keep abortion foes from their mission. "We will continue to bear loving witness," says Smith, adding that the group is praying for the patients as well as the doctors, nurses, and volunteers who staff the clinic.

When Reid asks the group why, if they are opposed to abortion, they don't support any of the reproductive healthcare services Planned Parenthood provides to help prevent unwanted pregnancies, Smith has a ready comment.

"The whole problem boils down to birth control," he says, which led to "so-called free sex" since it became readily available in the 1950s. "There's nothing free about it," Smith adds. Until families return to natural birth control, also known as the "rhythm method"-- which Heerschap says allowed her to space her six children as she wished-- the "culture of death" will remain, he says.

Heerschap says there's never an excuse for abortion, and points out one of her fellow protesters who's accompanied by her six adopted children. "We give these children homes," Heerschap says. "These babies will grow up to be great."

Reid stresses that Planned Parenthood is always willing to help a woman through an unwanted pregnancy, and the organization supports the idea of adoption-- but it shouldn't be a woman's only choice.

"Outlawing abortions does not stop it," she says. "It just subverts it to an underground market where it's neither safe nor accessible to poor women."

Mary Ann Heerschap with four of her six children, from left, Maria, Jozef, Seth, and Peter.

The group of protesters holds a massive painting of the Virgin Mary for a "prayer vigil" outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on Hydraulic Road. "She's the patron saint of the Americas," says Mary Ann Heerschap.

Planned Parenthood's Becky Reid adds to the Pledge-A-Picket thermometer. Since 2001, the organization has raised more than $100,000 through the creative fund-raiser, she says.


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Discuss "NEWS- Picket payday: Planned Parenthood one-ups protesters" Below

Posted by 3/2/2007 11:24:24 AM
I want to congratulate the people who give a peaceful prayerful witness there and encourage everyone to follow their lead. Forget the threat of the "pledge-a-picket" program. Planned Parenthood has money, it always has, and to be honest the money this program 'raises' they would have gotten donated anyway.

The one thing Planned Parenthood can't stand is grace. Keep fasting and praying for the conversion of all who work there and all who use their services.

Posted by 3/3/2007 7:51:20 AM
Most of all PLEASE keep fasting. Fast constantly. We need our protestors in a weakened condition, close to death, so they can commune with the baby Jesus and deliver the message of his vengeful love upon the misguided heathenists counting their filthy money at the Planned Parenthood abortion palace.
Posted by 3/4/2007 12:21:23 AM
Getting yelled at by anti-abortion protesters as I picked up my birth control pills from Planned Parenthood always struck me as somewhat ironic.
Posted by 3/5/2007 1:27:00 PM
Megan, I see no irony at all. You choose to do business with people who murder children. What do you expect from those who are their to express righteous indignation with the slaughter of the innocent? Praise?

I am not going to pray for the proud baby killers and those who support their wickedness. I am going to pray for repentant sinners who earnestly seek salvation.

Posted by 3/5/2007 3:58:14 PM
ssssssnnnnnnn all abortionists!!!
Posted by 3/5/2007 9:21:59 PM
John, I purchased birth control pills from Planned Parenthood because I did not have much money at the time and they charged less than what I would have paid with my health insurance. By taking birth control, I ensured that I did not get pregnant at a time in my life when I was not ready financially or emotionally to be a mother. Planned Parenthood ensures that many other women - including married women - do not get pregnant unintentionally, and therefore, prevents many pregnancies that would likely end in abortion. Not EVERY person on birth control pills is automatically a sinner, John - in fact, you may be amazed to learn this, but those pills are often prescribed for other reasons besides preventing pregnancy.

If you want to write letters to Planned Parenthood complaining about the fact that they perform abortions, go ahead. But yelling at people picking up their medication and waiving signs with photos of fetuses in their faces is harassment. Would you make such a big fuss if Planned Parenthood was providing inexpensive chemotherapy to low-income patients?

Posted by 3/6/2007 8:32:21 AM
You BET John would make a big fuss, and so would I! Just thinking of the death of all those innocent cancer cells at the hands of evil, life-hating oncologists makes my stomach turn.

If I find out where they're handing out low-income chemotherapy, I'm going right over there with my signs picturing innocent cancer cells that never had a chance to see the light of day and try to persuade those Godless cancer sufferers to see the error of their ways.

Posted by 3/6/2007 2:20:19 PM
In a great show of support for Planned Parenthood, over twenty new donors have enrolled in the Pledge-A-Picket program as a result of this article! Others who agree that harassing our patients, volunteers and staff is not acceptable behavior can sign up for Pledge-A-Picket at http://www.ppblueridge.org/docs/pledge-picket.html.
Posted by 3/6/2007 3:37:45 PM
If you haven't adopted any children, financed any pregnancies (not your own) to term or taken pregnant women into your home please STFU and give me a break.
Posted by 3/6/2007 4:09:36 PM
Better yet, just STFU. Until you stop murdering children, repent of your sins, and beg the LORD for forgiveness, no amount of good works is going to save you from Hell. Consider that a warning of impending danger to you and yours.

Posted by 3/7/2007 10:40:40 AM
How sad I was to read the article by Courtney Stuart and seeing the untruths that were printed! I thought better of "The Hook"! I was one of the 26 people praying at the Abortion Clinic and supposedly quickly dispersed when the employees from the Clinic brought out their "pledge a picket" sign. The truth is that we were already leaving after praying there for 2 and 1/2 hours when Courtney walked up. She asked us to put the Image of Our Lady back up so she could take a picture. We stayed long enough to answer her questions. Planned Parenthood employees came out while she was asking us questions and we left as we had been in the process of doing before Courtnye arrived. It had nothing to do with avoiding being counted--and Courtney knows that! How silly to think that we might not be aware this is simply a publicity gimmick on the part of Planned Parenthood! Of course we know people who want to donate to them will do so no matter what. Their "pledge a picket" sign does not cause us to come in fewer numbers or to leave earlier than planned. I am just very saddened to see such an untruthful article written to promote the agenda of Planned Parenthood!
Posted by 3/7/2007 11:34:26 AM
Just more of the same, Julie. When I talked to Courteney Stuart over the phone about my experience of being detained and tortured by authorities for freely expressing my thoughts on the Charlottesville monument to freedom of expression, I told her that I was fully aware that the police might take me into custody for the content of the words I wrote. The story she wrote stated that I got a "surprise". I told Courteney that the police searched my car, and that items were missing from my car afterwards. Though no mention of this was made, the story did that my home was searched, with the permission of my mother, indicating I live in my mother's home (which is not true) My mother says this is blatantly false. Perhaps the city lied, not Courteney, on this one. But I highly doubt my mother did. And no mention of forced drugging as a consequence of my expressions of thought, resulting in my complete inability to walk, or talk intelligibly, not to mention extreme physical and mental anguish (i.e. torture), although she did hear me describe this in our conversation. God forbid the reader sympathize with me, a murderous lunatic who deserves to be tortured. No mention that the Commonwealth's Attorney was consulted on the alleged "threat", and declined to press charges, finding that my words were protected free speech. I guess John Whitehead and Region Ten have more authority in this town than the actual prosecutor to make determinations on what is, and is not, a threat. God forbid I get a jury trial, and a court-appointed attorney, and the right to post bond...
Posted by 3/7/2007 3:00:51 PM
It is a free country and people have every right not to have an abortion or have sex with someone who would have an abortion. People also have every right to express opinions about abortion. Something is wrong when those opinions are expressed in attempts to threaten or humiliate other citizens.

I am free to seek medical care where I choose and should be able to walk into any building to get care without harrassment. I have used Planned Parenthood at various points in my life to control my fertility and deal with other reproductive health issues, and have never had an abortion. I hope the time will come when the need for abortion is extremely rare and we seem to be making progress in that direction. Sometimes, though, a woman is faced with a pregnancy which she can not carry to term. It may be legal for these protesters to intrude their beliefs into other peoples lives but it is deeply offensive and should be socially unacceptable behavior.(I'll take my chances with hell- everyone does NOT believe what you do!)

Posted by 3/7/2007 7:07:38 PM
Women don't always tell the men with whom they have had sex when they kill off the child. Sometimes, their reason for not telling the man they are killing off the child is that they know the man would be upset, perhaps devastated. Perhaps he wouldn't want anything to do with her if he knew she killed their child. I don't know how common this situation is, but I have a feeling it happens more often than we'd like to admit. Humiliation is a form of shame. If one isn't ashamed of their actions, they cannot be humiliated. And a threat is defined by the New Websters dictionary as "menace, warning of impending danger." By this definition, all of the prophets of the Bible should have been sent to Region Ten for psychiatric evaluation.
Posted by 3/8/2007 12:08:54 AM
The Planned Parenthood clinic in Charlottesville only performs first trimester abortions. These are embryos, not babies. And here's something you probably didn't know: Planned Parenthood keeps track of who pickets and protests in front of their clinics. Many's the time that a woman who was picketing one week shows up a few days or weeks later at another Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion. People at the clinic are aware that a particular woman is a vocal anti-abortion picketer. Nevertheless, the woman is given the same respect and privacy as any other patient. Inevitably, these women are back in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic within a matter of days, bearing signs and piously praying for the wicked people inside the clinic. So, when you see people protesting abortion, consider the fact that it's social pressure keeping them there. An unwanted pregnancy throws their lives into upheaval, just as it does the rest of us. And they have abortions, just like the rest of us.
Posted by 3/8/2007 8:24:52 AM
I'm not doubting your claim, Marian, but how in the world does Planned Parenthood know the names of the protesters to keep track of whether they get an abortion?
Posted by 3/8/2007 8:47:32 AM
'Many's the time' Marian? I'm sorry but I don't believe you have any information to back up that statement. I sounds a little ridiculous.
Posted by 3/8/2007 11:10:02 AM
Hello. Although I would like to post about Natural Family Planning, I would just like to add to the ongoing conversation as well. When I pray for those in the abortion industry--medical providers as well as patients, I do not consider them "wicked people inside the clinic" as Marian states. Rather, I pray that they will find the help and support for which they are searching deep within. God knows best what they need. Thanks! Just wanted to clear that up!

Natural Family Planning is NOT the "rhythm method" as the author of this article so erroneously states. The rhythm method (also called the calander method) is about 91% effective according to Planned Parenthood's website. I actually disagree. I would say that so many women who do not a standard 27-28 day cycle (and therefore who were probably not included in the study) would find this method to be MUCH worse. I'd estimate it was about 60% effective--having based this estimate on those given by Web MD. However, Natural Family Planning is a very effective way to space pregnancies. And it available at no cost and helps women to understand how their bodies work and what is going on inside of them. By charting only one's basal body temperature (the body temperature of a woman after at least 3 hours of sleep in a row), couples can avoid pregnancy 98% of the time according to Planned Parenthood's website. By charting only cervical mucus signs, couples can avoid pregnancy 97% of the time according to Planned Parenthood's website. However, by doing both in what is called the symptothermal method of Natural Family Planning, couples can avoid pregnancy by an even higher percentage. Although Planned Parenthood's website does not give this percentage, according to a recent study done by the secular University of Heidelberg (link below), the effectiveness rate was found to be 99.6%. This rate is indeed higher than any artificial form of contraception, and, of course, it poses none of the associated health risks that artificial birth control have.


The Planned Parenthood website on NFP/FAM: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/birth-control-pregnancy/birth-control/fertility-awareness-based-methods.htm Please note: although their effectiveness rates are accurate, many of the so-called "drawbacks" are actually not true. This method can easily adapt to breast-feeding, menopasual and non-regular women.

The University of Heidelberg research results posted in an article here: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=8754

More infomartion about Natural Family Planning:




Thanks for reading!!!!

Posted by 3/8/2007 11:11:17 AM
They photograph the protestors. I'm not sure how they get the names, but they get the names. (This is not difficult for a private investigator.) Why do they do this? Because there are certain people who go around the country, protesting at clinics, who have a history of violent behavior and/or making threats to clinic personnel. When you see a bunch of people in front of the clinic, you want to be able to check them out, to know if any of them are potentially dangerous. The overwhelming majority of protestors at an abortion clinic pose no danger. They're merely exercising their right of free expression. The reason employees know that a particular woman who is in Charlottesville today for an abortion was, say, protesting at the Roanoke clinic last week is because everyone who was protesting at the Roanoke clinic was scrutinized, due to vigilance for the few who could pose a danger. Don't take my word for this: ask anyone who works at a Planned Parenthood clinic. You will not get any hard "proof" because that would involve violating the privacy rights of clinic patients. They will not do that, no matter who the patient is.
Posted by 3/9/2007 10:47:19 AM
I was one of those women who entered an abortion clinic in the '70's. I wish someone would have been standing outside the building then..it would have only taken one person encouraging me not to abort to have kept me out. Thanks to all of you who stand out there and pray and just make yourselves available. Please don't stop. Keep praying for the workers inside. God will work on their hearts....that will be so much more effective than ugly words.
Posted by 3/9/2007 12:53:00 PM
There are a lot of good points in this discussion.People sometimes regret abortion. People who embarrass other people about their medical choices may make the same choice. Men who want a child may be devastated when their sexual partner has an abortion.I might add that men sometimes abandon pregnant partners and that the lives of unwanted children are often tragic. Life is messy and often sad.

The central issue though is that,legalities aside, medical privacy should be respected. People should make the case against abortion in the press and in their communities without hounding people who are already in the painful process of ending a pregnancy. This is a matter of simple respect and decency.

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