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PHOTOPHILE- Bowled over: Outdoor socialites take shelter at Keglers

published March 22, 2007

Taking a reprieve from hiking up mountains and shooting river rapids, on Sunday, March 18, the Outdoor Adventure Social Club traded their all-terrain boots for funny-looking leather shoes and headed to Keglers to hit the lanes for a Bowling Extravaganza.

The event is one of several the hearty nature boys and girls have put on at Charlottesville's venerable house of strikes and spares-- and they say it won't be the last. 

Anita Cornell and Patrick Wright take a moment between rolls to chat.

Catherine Christian applauds a strike.

Jonah Weiss bowls for a strike.

Josh Crane prepares himself to knock 'em down.

Sheri Balko gets her roll on.


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