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REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits

Published April 5, 2007 in issue 0614 of the HooK.



Parker River LLC, interior demolition and remodel, 812 East High Street, $50,000.


Blank LLC, tenant upfit, 943 Preston Avenue, $40,000.

City of Charlottesville, new concession stand, 1300 Penn Park Road, $224,000


Piedmont Hospital LLC, install two hydraulic elevators, 424 Monroe Lane, $193,875.

University of Virginia Foundation, temporary construction, 405 Valley Road, $6,800

Pavillion LLC, install elevator, 301 15th Street NW, $347,600.

Monticello Avenue Partners LLC, tenant upfit, 111 West Monticello Avenue, $300,000.


Piedmont Housing Alliance, demolish entire structure, 910 Meadow Street, $15,000.


220 South Street LLC, exterior  renovation, 222 South Street, $75,001


Willoughby Square Associates, replace roof, 1133 5th Street SW, $54,597.

Willoughby Square Associates, replace roof, 1131 5th Street, SW, $97,546.


City of Charlottesville, adding fire wall, 800 East Market Street, $800.



City of Charlottesville School Board and County of Albemarle School Board, Charlottesville/Albemarle Technical Center, new single family dwelling built by CATEC, $40,000.

Lowe's Investment Corp., electrical wiring for three checkstands with self checkouts, $3,500.

Mimosa LLC, remove existing faulty atrium structure and replace with new wood-framed structure with exterior finish to match building, $250,000.

Janet A. and Samuel J. Joseph Jr., demo gas station/convenience store and adjacent retail building, $18,000.

University of Virginia Foundation, mobile office trailer- northern fire and rescue station, no price given.

Albemarle Housing Associates LP, 10 x 12 storage shed for Park's Edge (Whitewood Village), $2,000.

Avemore LLC, 57-unit apartment building (Bailey House at Avemore), $7,514,880.

Pantops Shopping Center LLC, tenant upfit, martial arts academy (old Prime Time rental space), $7,000.

Maple Grove Christian Church, new freestanding sign (non-illuminated) on existing brick base, $1,700.

North Garden Crossroads Inc., tenant upfit for Old Dominion National Bank, $35,000.

Luck Stone Corp., gas line to supply plant, no price given.


Tymac Partners LLC, interior renovations, framing for 8 office spaces and creating bathroom, $39,000.

University of Virginia Foundation, tenant upfit on first floor of Town Center II, no price given.

Neighborhood Investments DMV LLC, interior renovation to DMV, change one office into two using portion of drive-up window space, $30,000.

Skylar Group LLC, tenant upfit for basement portion, Eastern Ridge LLC, $40,000.

Dorothy Bailey, admin, demolition house (approx. 60 years old), $14,000.

Village Square of Scottsville LC, tenant upfit of former retail space for US Postal Service, $350,000.


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