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MY RIDE- Carter McCoy: Chevrolet Tahoe 2005

published November 8, 2007

Although it may look like a shiny souped-up SUV straight out of the driveway of an MTV crib, Carter McCoy's 2005 Chevy Tahoe fits his active outdoor lifestyle. 

"It's great for my dog: there's plenty of room for him to run around in the back," he says. "I also take it hunting a lot." 

McCoy is so busy stalking the wildlife that he's never even used the handy DVD player and TV screen. 

While he realizes that some purists may object to the Tahoe's high carbon emissions, he actually finds his ride to be more fuel efficient than his former Silverado pick-up. 

And he falls back on the practicality: "I really use the whole space," he says. "I practically live in the thing." 


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