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Number of stories online to date: 10544.

>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Sweet memories: Joan Woodfolk recalls Vinegar Hill
>>  The HooK: Film Society and OFFScreen offer reel gems
>>  The HooK: FOR BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: Goodbye, C-ville: Anatomy of a hostile takeover
>>  The HooK: Letter From The Editor
>>  The HooK: Model seduction: I'm not ready for my $249 close-up
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- On necessity and audacity at press
>>  The HooK: Transitional charm
>>  The HooK: What a Long, strange trip it's been
>>  The HooK: Why "The Hook"
>>  The HooK: 4 Better or Worse
>>  The HooK: Blonde like me
>>  The HooK: Comfy change? Uncle Sam checks out Peter Jefferson Place
>>  The HooK: Dineomite: Dumpling dynamos
>>  The HooK: Fearless Consumer: Model seduction II: the model's revenge
>>  The HooK: Fiction Contest Announcement
>>  The HooK: Hart's War
>>  The HooK: Mail
>>  The HooK: On The Block
>>  The HooK: Parisi's Prowl
>>  The HooK: Question of the Week
>>  The HooK: Risk assessment: Albemarle teens climb high-risk categories
>>  The HooK: Robert Jospe: Raising the jazz profile
>>  The HooK: Talk to the animals: Dr. Doolittle workshops
>>  The HooK: The new New Cabell: Polshek Partnership to tackle south Lawn project
>>  The HooK: 4 Better or Worse
>>  The HooK: 6 Democrats, 2 City Council Seats: They're all in the Hot Seat
>>  The HooK: Blind justice? Olympics have a history of back-stabbing
>>  The HooK: Dineomite: Dish
>>  The HooK: Parisi's Prowl
>>  The HooK: DMBeat: The space between: DMB markets Hollywood
>>  The HooK: On The Block: Instant community
>>  The HooK: Parisi's Prowl
>>  The HooK: Question of the Week
>>  The HooK: 4 Better or Worse
>>  The HooK: Face Time: Romantic roofs: Thatcher McGhee has houses covered
>>  The HooK: Fearless Consumer Column: Fan's folly or...A lethal night at the arena?
>>  The HooK: COVER- He sparkles: The sad and beautiful world of Mark Linkous
>>  The HooK: Musically rich: Jonathan Richman: The cult hero who survived (and still plays)
>>  The HooK: On The Block: Squirrel House
>>  The HooK: Parisi's Prowl: Jonathan Richman is so confusing
>>  The HooK: Question of the Week
>>  The HooK: The Dish: Gas-p!
>>  The HooK: The party that just wouldn't end: It takes a Saturday to choose a Council
>>  The HooK: The Hook
>>  Dineomite: Crozet Pizza: Has it been topped? Are the saucy days over? Sliced down to size?
>>  No excuse: Ignorance doesn't equal innocence
>>  On The Block: Don't grape about it
>>  Question of the Week
>>  Raging sensationalism, Schilling's odds and Eightyone gets 86ed
>>  Scams for a new millennium: Work at home and make $$$$, Sucker
>>  The deerslayer: Concert benefits injured acoustic DJ
>>  The unsinkable Debbie Ryan: Plays zone defense with The Hook
>>  The HooK: 4Better or Worse- The Week in Review
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grant's death: Trooper cites 'lack of communication'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Music world mourns: Friends remember Dave Grant
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Lay-ing low: But he'll be back
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Gloves on: Mallory brings boxing downtown
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLE TALK- Bud man?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Splitting hairs
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Mental confusion
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Time goes slowly
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- McCutcheon at CHS Center
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hurting by helping? Theater group miffed at funding plan
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Never fear: Colin Rolph (for one) is here
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Situation critical: When a little sprinkle of rain just isn't enough
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Coliform in water? Langford doesn't freak out
>>  The HooK: NEWS- If you build it, they will come: Big-time recording studio to open here
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: Strange but true- Dark talk
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CULTURE CLUB- Seen and heard: Life, love, sex, death, and bad behavior
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Listing agents digits
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Behind the counters
>>  The HooK: The Hook
>>  The HooK: COVER- Waiting for Bodo: Slow and savvy wins the race... if you ever finish [the unauthorized story]
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- I believe... that celibacy doesn't have a prayer
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Mood music: Donahue returns-- with a CD
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLE TALK- Charity work
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Rebirth at the Chiang House
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Who gets to say?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- He's back: Remembering why we love E.T.
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dark Little Rooms, Edison Woods, the Ones and Zeros, and Order of the Dying Orchid
>>  The HooK: NEWS- History isn't always pretty: New marker memorializes dark chapter
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Leafing through the Book Festival: The highs, the lows, the hair
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lost foundation: Whatever happened to W. Alton Jones?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mozzarella mystery: Unannounced gas switch has customers "burning"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stratton Salidis: Trying to show he's not a one-note singer
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Book sale mania
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the City's yellow bikes program?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ESSAY- Realtor®speak: For real laughs, read the real estate ads
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Nothing ordinary: Old meets new down by the river
>>  The HooK: SAVAGE LOVE- Harder than it seems: Can only geeks win?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Losers' sacrifice: Ancient games took sportsmanship to new level
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Promises, promises: Intervention works-- sometimes
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Who owns what? Charlottesville market's top 12
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- You have male: On-line dating solves supply problem
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Treacherous tartare? Did seafood make them sick?
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX- Local film
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLE TALK- Dinner with Dali
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No value in greed
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Panic Perfection: Foster's new film hits the mark
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Lay your money down: In the end, it's worth a Lincoln
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Time to dish? Adelphia's in big trouble
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Closing the door: Mohr to cease detox services
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pied Baker- Staff departs Guaranty Bank
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Road rash: Car knocks top runner from race
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Prof presses wine suit: State monopoly challenged
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Good company: Networking group offers Darden opportunities
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Should you be able to buy liquor in the grocery store?
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Radio daze: Clear Channel-- a clear and present danger?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE ON THE BLOCK- No swinging cats: Tiny house has other charms
>>  The HooK: FOOD- RESTAURANT REVIEW- Great Chinese: Crystal's Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine and Bar
>>  The HooK: SAVAGE LOVE- Virginal lies
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Hot on your trail
>>  The HooK: 4 Better or Worse: The week in review
>>  The HooK: Culture: Music Column
>>  The HooK: ESSAY: The triplet effect
>>  The HooK: COVER- Explosive words: Is Darrell Rice a killer-- or just a man who says too much?
>>  The HooK: My name is Wendy: and I'm a Daveaholic
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Late Monticello
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Party fowl?
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Target practice
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK
>>  The HooK: 4 Better or Worse: The week in review
>>  The HooK: ART: Places to go: "Dictionary" guides viewers inward
>>  The HooK: BOOKS: Very special artists: Call is out for poetry and art
>>  The HooK: Correction: not VMDO
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR: Snack attack: Dogs get the good stuff
>>  The HooK: Culture: think: Killer in the community
>>  The HooK: Dogs: Snack attack: Dogs get the good stuff
>>  The HooK: FACETIME: Wagnerian films: Up close with the on-grounds art house
>>  The HooK: The Hook
>>  The HooK: Hook web exclusive: rice arraigned in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: MOVIE TIMES at local theaters
>>  The HooK: NATURE: A day at the races: Foxfield spring follies celebrate 25th year
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Black dissent: Not everyone loves the attacking teens
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Cost of recycling glass, plastic lose luster
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Woolen Mills stinks: sewer boss surprised
>>  The HooK: PERFORMANCE: Tense Cat: Passions simmer at Live Arts
>>  The HooK: Question of the Week
>>  The HooK: MUSIC: Reason to rock
>>  The HooK: Sold: properties on the move
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER: No smiley face: Know the terms before opening your mouth
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Black dissent: Not everyone loves the attacking teens
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Cost of recycling glass, plastic lose luster
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Woolen Mills stinks: sewer boss surprised
>>  The HooK: The Hook
>>  The HooK: 4 Better or Worse: The week in review
>>  The HooK: ART: print stint
>>  The HooK: BOOKS: Bestsellers with long shelf lives
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: Calendar
>>  The HooK: ESSAY: Duped! No tale too goofy for true believers
>>  The HooK: FAMILY: Taste of the Game
>>  The HooK: LETTER: Snap Dan's pencil!
>>  The HooK: MUSIC: CONCERT REVIEW: Hogwaller Ramblers
>>  The HooK: MUSIC: CONCERT REVIEW: John Scofield
>>  The HooK: MUSIC: PREVIEW: Paul Curreri
>>  The HooK: NATURE: Close encounters with birds
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Louis Rukeyser is back, baby
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Shriner cart injures two at Dogwood Parade
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE: Rice is cleared in Spotsylvania
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Winemaker Mondavi meets winemaker Kluge
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK: house on Barracks Road
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Brad Chandler: King of Torts
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE: HIV status doesn't slow Decker down
>>  The HooK: PERFORMANCE: 4CP presents Charlie Brown
>>  The HooK: RESTAURANT REVIEW: Hamiltons'
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER: Missing Pants
>>  The HooK: THINK: Give peace a chance
>>  The HooK: 4 Better or Worse: The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Deal of the Week and Fiske Kimball
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY: Labor of love: A mom's eye view of children with disabilities
>>  The HooK: CULTURAL CALENDAR: Thursday, May 9 - Thursday May 16
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: ART: Abstract appeal
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: BOOKS: Downtown detective
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: FAMILY: # 9 Dreamin'
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: FILM: Spider Man
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: MUSIC REVIEW: Os Ciganos Do Mar
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: MUSIC REVIEW: Rita Dove & George Francois
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: NATURE: More than gardens
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: PERFORMANCE: Three's the charm
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: THINK: Whose fault?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY: paper or plastic?
>>  The HooK: FOOD: THE DISH: What'll fill the Grill?
>>  The HooK: LETTERS: Thanks for the radio laughs, No thanks for bagging Savage
>>  The HooK: MUSIC PREVIEW: David Parmley & Continental Divide
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE: High profile Aid
>>  The HooK: Question of the Week: paper or plastic
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE: ON THE BLOCK: Schools daze
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER: The drivable car
>>  The HooK: 4Better or Worse- The week in review
>>  The HooK: Classifieds in the May 23 edition
>>  The HooK: COVER PACKAGE: '86ed: How'd a Dem lose? Searls speaks out
>>  The HooK: COVER PACKAGE: Did the Progress cheat? Critics blame paper for Schilling victory
>>  The HooK: COVER PACKAGE: Nostradamus was here? Schilling victory no surprise to prophets
>>  The HooK: COVER PACKAGE: Rob Schilling: City Councilor and Democratic machine-slayer
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: ART: Doublecrossed: Nature multipliedand manipulated
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: BOOKS: A man in fuel: Nobelist details atomic adventures
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: FAMILY: Summer in the city: Cool camps for inquisitive kids
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: MUSIC: A modern classic: My Morning Jacket Creates a Sound All Their Own
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: MUSIC: PROWL: John Moossa Band at Miller's
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: Nature: Hie thee to Batesville!
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: Performance: Original shorts
>>  The HooK: CULTURE: THINK: Payback time: Radio program considers slavery reparations
>>  The HooK: DMBEAT- Fixing things with Busted Stuff: New album and 'intimate' tour put DMB on familiar ground
>>  The HooK: DMBEAT SIDEBAR- Live Review
>>  The HooK: ESSAY: I Hate Hella, All Montagues, and Thee by Dave Gentry
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- 'I Hate Hella, All Montagues, and Thee'
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Importing the muse: Fiction winner returns-- for eye contact
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Due dates: Watch 'em-- or lose your shirt
>>  The HooK: Fiction runner-up- Repeater
>>  The HooK: REPEATER
>>  The HooK: FICTION INTRO- Top talents get published
>>  The HooK: FICTION: Repeater by Sarah Honenberger
>>  The HooK: FICTION: The Gift by Ian Ryan
>>  The HooK: FOOD: The Dish: Fill 'er up-- and fill you up
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I won't miss Savage
>>  The HooK: LETTERS- News travels: Provence story goes wide
>>  The HooK: LETTER: I won't miss Savage
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Falling Star: Lucas goes off the digital deep end
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW: Star Wars
>>  The HooK: Movie Times
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Investigation at local spy shop: Racism, bullying, affairs alleged
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Investigation at local spy shop
>>  The HooK: News travels: Provence story goes wide
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Votes are in: A few hate the new machines
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Votes are in: A few hate the new machines
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE: Jessica Francis Kane
>>  The HooK: Personals
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Are you a single-shotter?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $OLD!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE: On the block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE-Sold!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- On a clear day: You can see Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Due dates: watch 'em-- or lose your shirt
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE-- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR-- Kerner's corner: The ice cream king of East Market Street
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR-- Veterans: Former drivers wax away
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY-- Rocky Road: In the valley of the Bomb Pop
>>  The HooK: DMBEAT- New album, tour mend fences with DMB faithful
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Kindred crazies: Shows, spoilers, and soft porn on the internet
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Whoa, Nellysford
>>  The HooK: LETTER FROM EDITOR- Hook on-line: Best local media site debuts
>>  The HooK: LETTER FROM EDITOR-- Hook on stage: Challenge parodied at No Shame
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW-- Wake-up call: Insomnia keeps viewers wide awake
>>  The HooK: MUSIC-- PROWL-- Beat feat: Darrell Rose
>>  The HooK: MUSIC PROWL-- Robert Jospe's Inner Rhythm
>>  The HooK: NEWS EXCLUSIVE-- Spicer's island: Tortola cools while Labrador sweats
>>  The HooK: NEWS-- Public relations nightmare?: Service district withdraws request
>>  The HooK: NEWS-- Rugby bombing: Copycats-- or just plain stupid?
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE-- The avant gardener: Quarles gives as good as he got
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK-- What's your favorite ice cream truck flavor?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE-- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE-- On the block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Bitter pills: Pharmacy prices cause headaches
>>  The HooK: CULTURAL CALENDAR: May 23-30
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Track marks: These lines change lives
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Big Link: Train pix puff life into old depot
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Express euphoria: Delayed by jumbo price tag
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Lie down: Expert reluctantly offers safety tip
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Never Enough: J.Lo's got the goods
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Oratorio Society at Old Cabell Hall
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Breeders beware: Medicaid part of Ph.D. aid package
>>  The HooK: NEWS EXCLUSIVE-- Hidden danger: City playgrounds may be hazardous to children
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Neither anthrax nor bombs, nor gloom of closings deter postal management bonuses
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Magnificent melons: Locals go giddy for new Giant
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- My Morning Jacket at Starr Hill
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think about crossing the tracks?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- History on tap: Old tavern makes unique home
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Don't get a big head: Natural evolution for humans ends
>>  The HooK: CULTURAL CALENDAR-- May 30-June 5, 2002
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Daycare nightmare: How the system failed a local girl
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Tips for choosing childcare
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Diaper dilemma: Cloth v. disposable: the battle heats up
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jesus v. Jostens: Graduation service tests First Amendment
>>  The HooK: NEWS: Unlimited Vitality closes: "Peculiar" health food store is no more
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Did you ever shop at Unlimited Vitality?
>>  The HooK: Cartoon: Undissolved Mysteries by John Allen
>>  The HooK: Cartoon: Culture Vulture by Linda Sherman
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Ozz fest: Why The Osbournes</> might save the nuclear family
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH: The Great Outdoors
>>  The HooK: LETTER: Trains are the answer
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Alias J. Pinkerton, Carl Washington and Giant People, and Summer Spark
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Steve Ingham, Sarah White, and Atsushi Miura
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE: Sex, money, and dirty fingernails- Million-selling Bechtel knows what works
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Eyes down! Elks bingo draws the crowds
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Key West oasis
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE: Hot-footin'
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Did Uncle Ed...Leave you millions? Probably not
>>  The HooK: CULTURAL CALENDAR- Thursday, June 6-Thursday, June 13, 2002
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Babes in boyland: Local women mean business
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Day of reckoning: CHS teens face the music
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Blue skies
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Strike a deal: Boxerjam marries into Progressfamily
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Labrador repriever: Spicer's friend gets an off-island murder appeal
>>  The HooK: Cartoon: Culture Vulture by Linda Sherman
>>  The HooK: Cartoon: Undissolved Mysteries by John Allen
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- No comment: If you see me eating, keep quiet
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Ryan Martin
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Runneth over dept.
>>  The HooK: LETTERS on Unlimited Vitality
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Scooby Doo
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Oooh baby!: Parents take over the park
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How many grocery store discount cards do you have?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Tall order: Country house reaches for the sky
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Playing a gag
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER: Those cards: Does Kroger want my body?
>>  The HooK: CULTURAL CALENDAR June 18-20 and ongoing
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- She hunts alone: Taylor's wife a poet in her own write
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- The write stuff: Why Peter Taylor rocks!
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- House by house: Peripatetic couple covered the map
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE: The Week In Review
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Adelphia on the skids: Sprint poised to pounce
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Flipping the switch: Clear Channel axes local morning team
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fugitive spanker: Former FUMA teacher still on lam
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Undercover sting: New Louisa chief lays down the law
>>  The HooK: CARTOON- Culture Vulture
>>  The HooK: CARTOON- Undissolved Mysteries
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Professor Taylor: The writer was also a warm and generous instructor
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Breast revenge: Bogus Kournikova pics enflame Miami lawyer
>>  The HooK: FOOD REVIEW- Ooh, gasp, Bang: Spot on Second is first rate
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Disappearing dirties
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Knocking Minority: Seven Questions for Spielberg
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Graves Mountain Bluegrass Festival, May 31-June 2
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Lot 6, The Kills, and Order of Dying Orchid at Tokyo Rose, Wednesday, June 12
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Adelphia on the skids: Sprint poised to pounce
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- SoHo in Belmont: Warehousey condos get lofty unveiling
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Which morning radio show do you listen to?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK: Locust Avenue dreamin' can become a reality
>>  The HooK: WEBBONUS--Swearing time: Schilling gets inducted
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY-Jim-Bob's thrown out; John-Boy pulls out: There's trouble on Walton's Mountain
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Fans converge...But not on Walton's Mountain
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Footnote to history: Kassell portrayed by John-Boy Thomas
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Still on: TVLand is Walton Central
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bikes in hiding: where have all the yellow ones gone?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Film boot camp: Video bugs strut their stuff
>>  The HooK: NEWS-- Hail, yeah: Tornadic possibility in Western Albemarle
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Who is your favorite Waltons character?
>>  The HooK: CARTOON- Culture Vulture
>>  The HooK: CARTOON- Undissolved Mysteries
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Danger: read at own risk
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Jumbo jetting: Fat flyers should pay up
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Oodles of Noodles Guy
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Tea time: New spot offers twist on coffee
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- David Toscano: Keeping his options open
>>  The HooK: INTERVIEW- Sibling supergroup: A conversation with Anomoanon's Ned Oldham
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bottom line on diapers
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Chick flick: Juwanna Mann's not all that
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- CD: They Might Be Giants: No!
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- The Chocolate Workshop at The Outback Lodge, Wednesday, June 19
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Custom car culture comes to Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Anything goes: Belmont Victorian has possibilities
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Vampires are sickos!
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Trail nix: Rivanna neighbor just says no to hikers
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Have you ever used the Rivanna Trail?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blazing: Defoliation sparks forest fire
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Burying asphalt: Supes weigh dumping proposals
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTOS- In Emily's memory
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rob on board; Maurice on top: Cox and Schilling take their seats
>>  The HooK: NEWS- So far: No terrorists or FBI sighted in libraries
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Spotsylvania solution? Lisk-Silva suspect a Florida suicide
>>  The HooK: NEWS- U-Hauls on the Rivanna? Woolen Mills opposes project
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS- Culture Vulture and Undissolved Mysteries
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- "Advice Columnist Landers dies . . .": A Remembrance
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- If you hate piña coladas...
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Men In Black II (Three Stars)
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hook wises him up
>>  The HooK: LETTERS- What's with the limning?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- In the swim
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- Switching gears: Venerable Métropolitain closes for new look
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Anomoanon at Tokyo Rose
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Claiborne & Company at Dürty Nelly's
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- Oh, Superman: Student narrowly avoids Reeve's fate
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Festive for all: Sippin' and groovin' in Nelson County
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Hidden gem: Shiny new house tucked away
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- That tasty tingle
>>  The HooK: WEB BONUS-- Allard's opening: Makes No Sense unveiled in Nelson
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- On display: Does the public really want public art?
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Another man's trash... Comments from the ArtInPlace.com bulletin board
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Artist with the mostest: Breeden's soapstones grace area
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Wave the flag: City turns to catalog banners
>>  The HooK: QUESTION of the Week- What's your favorite piece of local public art?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Book Crossing: Locals set books free
>>  The HooK: NEWS- County allows mini-dumps: Rejects vehicle displays on Rivanna
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Observer walkout: Valley publisher giddy after staff exodus
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Smiles in Schuyler: Quarries community gets national air
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Take a hike! Rivanna Trails Foundation detours path
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS- Culture Vulture and Undissolved Mysteries
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Art attack: Does the public really want public art?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Underage and under siege: Kids' sexuality finds a champion
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Where's the Beef?
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Suddenly shafted: Metro closing takes some by surprise
>>  The HooK: LETTER- It's called stealing
>>  The HooK: LETTERS- Did you buy limning options?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Setting it straight
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW: Perdition
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Observer walkout: Valley publisher giddy after staff exodus
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- Hill climbing: Sam gives bands the business
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Robb mob: Reception honors former Governor
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Room to grow: Add-on potential in Earlysville
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Deep throat
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Plop, plop: Pool poop spoils outing
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Poison Ivy: If you build it, they will scream
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blocked!: UVA kicked off local discussion
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Outgassed: Chevron operators stunned by UVA buy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- West Main Street police blotter: Van pinched; Girl, interrupted
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS- Culture Vulture and Undissolved Mysteries
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- library and Observer
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Raw ambition: Get an Ivy League paycheck without the ivy
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Hot type: Letterpress printing goes glam?
>>  The HooK: FOOD- DISH- Bella Pizza
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Smooth Sailin' in the Caribbean
>>  The HooK: LETTERS- on the Rivanna Trail controversy
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Stuart Little
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Buttah at Orbit
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Jim Waive at the Blue Moon Diner
>>  The HooK: PHOTO FEATURE- Mountain love: Waltons fans converge on Doubletree
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What is your dream house?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- If only... Charm compensates for location
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Worms, bugs, and kisses
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Super look? You can fool some of the people
>>  The HooK: WEB BONUS- NEWS- Ivy condos: White Gables set for development
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Sonic boom: Local sound scene doesn't just rock
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- For which band would you most like to be lead singer?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ivy condos: White Gables set for development
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Missing entrance? Color the Progress clueless
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rescuing the rescuer: Emergency vehicle flips
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Valley volley: Observer staffers cry foul
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: DMBEAT- At last: The Stuff of both worlds
>>  The HooK: DMBRIEFS- The right Stuff: Fans, critics exult over new album
>>  The HooK: DMB UPDATE- Daveaholic on a bender: Shows no sign of quitting DMB tour
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Charlottesville music: The next Seattle that never was
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Five alarm news
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Pedal to the metal
>>  The HooK: LETTER- More Trail troubles
>>  The HooK: LETTER- The meany next door
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Cupola love: Let the light shine in
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Stealth bugs
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- One born every...
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Risky business: Porn-loving merchant does his time
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Search thee: Sex offenders in your neighborhood
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- A few bad men: Where are they?
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How should Adelphia founder John Rigas' be punished?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Adelphia founder on "perp walk": Company says arrests won't affect service
>>  The HooK: NEWS- A-gas-t: Sale, robbery rock station
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fight terror with plates? Virginia joins the battle
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The Week in Review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- on the Buttr show and Rescue crash
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- See ya greater: Why quitting is back in style
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Signs
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Beleza
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Slow Children at SERP House on Rugby Road
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- Drive-by wording: The man behind the maxims
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- King of the Hill: Brewer gets on-the-shelf acclaim
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- Playing a new role: Chapel has big dreams for UVA
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Season finale: Barracks Road Courtyard Concerts
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- By-gone beauty: Scottsville house glorifies the past
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE - Don't count on rubber
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Murky water: Swim refund not automatic
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS- Culture Vulture and Undissolved Mysteries
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Good vibrations: Local woman swaps Avon for orgasms
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Hard at work: Former Wahoo hits porn bigtime
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Off the C.U.F.F.: What goes down at a fetish group
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Underexposed: Where are all the topless bars?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Toy story: New shop has town buzzing
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Protected "porn": Supreme Court saves Romeo & Juliet again
>>  The HooK: FOOD- DISH- Burger burglars
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Capful of feathers: Garrett named Poet Laureate
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on movietimes and competition
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on schwag
>>  The HooK: LETTER- On the music issue
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Natural selection: Monticello picks pups to oust deer
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No. 1: For a week at least, DMB holds top spot
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Bell milking
>>  The HooK: NEWS- "We aren't a biker town": Charitable event divides Scottsville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Squash ban? County comes down on produce stand
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- Transplanted Rose: New memoir celebrates a childhood in Iran
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Is Charlottesville ready for a topless bar?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Secret gardens: Treasures wait behind the gates
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Summer knights
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Brave new world: Pay with your fingerprint?
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The Week in Review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- on brewery and $old transaction
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Edgar Bronfman Sr.: The man behind the meat
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Slicing the facts: Can Georgetown's meat be beat?
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Home on the range: Georgetown Farm's where the buffalo roam
>>  The HooK: DISH- Bashir pumps it up
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Blame Bogey and Joe: Do movie stars make people smoke?
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- John Whitehead: A civil libertarian's job is never done
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on John D'earth
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on my nudie quote
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on protected porn
>>  The HooK: LETTER on the Observer
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REIVEW- on S1m0ne
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- My Dog Lucy
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- VanDyke Brown
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Final rites: Yoga master dies teaching peace in India
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Oops? Country club flasher returns
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Phat fees: The day the music died?
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Detoured: Bikers to skip Scottsville after narrow vote
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- Monkey boy: Big winner tells Millionaire tales
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What is the most unusual meat you have ever eaten?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On The Block- Fixer-upper: Not your typical shanty
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE ­ Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- More salt
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Bull's eye! Target scores off a guest
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- on phone numbers
>>  The HooK: COVER INTRO- Museum madness
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Backpacking 1803: Explore like Lewis and Clark
>>  The HooK: DMBEAT- "Under Covers": Singing nancies release DMB tribute album
>>  The HooK: ESSAY - Deadly mix: Hate and religion an unlikely marriage
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Gimme a dry sandy beach
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Meredith Richards: Blazing a campaign trail
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on Annual Manual
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on Municipal Band
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on real estate
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on Scottsville bikers
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on story juxtaposition
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- The Good Girl
>>  The HooK: NEWS- All the buzz: Is West Nile here yet?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Can't get enough of The Waltons? New museum in works
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No frogs: County Fair drops live critter contests
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Toaster museum? Kitchen nostalgia pops up everywhere
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Walking corpse? Comdial going through the motions
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Center sportlight: The circus came to town!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Which local museum are you most likely to visit: the Toaster museum, the new Waltons Museum, or the Lewis and Clark Museum?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Ramble on: Size doesn't matter on Cherry
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE - Outrunning T. Rex
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Where were you? 9Eleven remembered
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Out of Africa: When you're traveling on 9/11
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Horse, of course
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- CRAB gets Cornered
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Virgil: Goode ole boy
>>  The HooK: LETTER-hogs in Scottsville
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on music review
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on sin city
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on Whitehead
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- One Hour Photo
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hackensaw Boys
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Tokyo Rose triple
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hero's reward: Surviving teen gets $150,000 for nabbing Evonitz
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Unlimited sunshine: Travelling Hacks bask in tour glory
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Top buyer: Enniscorthy owner waits for Tyco axe
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wet harvest: Controversial winery harvests first crop
>>  The HooK: PEOPLE- Bag lady: Local designer goes electronic
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Everything's fair: rides, piggies, music, cotton candy
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How will you spend September 11?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ ON THE BLOCK- Cochran's Mill: Step back in history on Rio
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Here, kitty!
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Unsolved mystery: $132 deposit for a land line?
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Grisham's plea: A time to conserve
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- He's baaack: The Marshall Plan 2002: Shut the door to Albemarle, ASAP
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Word to Congress: Before attacking Iraq, declare war
>>  The HooK: FACE TIME- No fair!: But Doernberg's working on it
>>  The HooK: FEATURE- John and Breece: Casey reflects on the summer's hottest re-release
>>  The HooK: FEATURE SIDEBAR-Source material: West Virginia life inspired writer
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Bashir's is here!
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT--No regrets:
Patricia Kluge wakes up and smells the grapes
>>  The HooK: LETTER- correction on Madison's house
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on music reviews
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ on condon
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- on Frontbutt
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Sandip Burman
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Magic spell: Can the County Fair really bring rain?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No growth: School system defies County numbers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Nohousing: Cohousing project conks out
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Artful offerings at Fayerweather
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How would you manage growth in Albemarle?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Ivy holdout: Same as it ever was
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE ­ On the Block Update
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Good as it gets
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Devilish dilemma: Pick up what you pay for
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The Week in Review
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Locals only: Wagner vows to get Anjlz off the shelf
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Bluest skies: The shelved movie that won an Oscar
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Dave's debut: Disasters stymie Matthews' move into movies
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Sticky Mickey: Could Bronx scandal have halted local film?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Born to be bad? My genes made me do it
>>  The HooK: FACETIME-- Family plans: Kid-friendly cafe expands in crisis
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Beggars love her leftovers
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Kluge mixes oil and wine
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Chief Timmy: Longo dodges questions about trouble
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ Toasters not taxing
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Plucked clean: Four Feathers mostly fluff
>>  The HooK: MUSIC PREVIEW-Ian Mackaye interview
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Carbon Leaf at Starr Hill and Hip Hop Night
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dr. Arnold Popkin
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mall tragedy: A young man's life, cut short
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mr. Enniscorthy: Ex-Tyco CFO indicted; faces 30 years in jail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Trickle down: The Moormans' last gasp?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Habitat for Humanity & Swing-style noogie at the Omni
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How has the water crisis changed your life?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On The Block Update
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ on the block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Babble on
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Circus of the scars: Injuries follow Sterling & Reid
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Spanish flies in Belmont
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ Sold! update
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Doomsday: What happens when it's all gone?
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Dry days: Dealing with the drought is serious business
>>  The HooK: DMBeat- They're #1:
Despite lower prices and smaller venues
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Guilty: Why I shop at Wal-Mart
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT­ Friend or foe: Mike's still a radio wonder
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Spare us!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Sweet Home Alabama
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Antibalas
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- The Keith Sweat Returns
>>  The HooK: NEWS- It's the flushing, stupid: Potty policies take center stage
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jim Bob charged: More trouble on Walton's Mountain
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Personal piggy? The Rigas indictment widens
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Washed up: Car wash owner defies water ban-- temporarily
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Tanked house: Prescient building in Kluge-ville
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE-Pagans and knights and Tarot cards: Oh my!
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- on Beatles' songs
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Is shutting down car washes fair during the drought? Why?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Buoyed up
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Weitzner Properties:
All three refunds-- MIA
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Papering the problem: Project H2o's a go
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- on Tunes and Red Fern
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Fan fare: Collectors treasure local mementos
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- The ultimate swag: Enron's sign goes for $44,000 at auction
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Last laugh: Collectors gobble scandal-corp swag
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Drug czar must abdicate
>>  The HooK: FEATURE-Aiming high: Lopez questions the Charlottesville legacy
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Eggs over easy, please
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Papering the problem: Project H2o's a go
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT­ Speaking up: Sally Thomas knows her stuff
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ Let me count the ways
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ Potty poems
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- on Red Dragon
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Gut reaction: Hardcore punks pack the house
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Kid redeems woozy lineup
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Greenest envy: STAB grads round up trouble
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Site-clearing
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Sites gone wild: Cybersquatters push porn locally
>>  The HooK: NEWS STATISTIC- Waldo power
>>  The HooK: NEWS- The big chill: Danielson and Rolph's split final
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Urine-- or out: Our effluent is good enough to drink
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Blues meet the brews
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Which defunct local business do you miss most?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ ON THE BLOCK- Time travel
Back to the '60s close to town
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE ­ On the Block- Update
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- It's in the mail: But you'd never know it
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE - The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- on gallery date
>>  The HooK: COVER- Cross to bear: Southern prideor prejudice?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Cooter's race: Don't mess with the General Lee
>>  The HooK: COVER sidebar-- Whistlin' Dixie: Fairgoers "appalled" at racist items
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Pinto to Protégé: My life as told in cars
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Soulful server
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH­ Blenheim comes alive: Woke up this morning with a wine glass...
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- George Welsh: Living legend needs work
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on the drought
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- on White Oleander
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Change of heart: Miraculous musical biography
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Free for all: Downtown tunes come cheap
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Assault at Lowe's: Woman allegedly punched, called racial slurs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Liquid trouble: Sinking water means rising costs
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Masons at Mount Zion
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Sign of the times
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Update: UVA joins telescope project
>>  The HooK: NEWS STATISTIC- UVA architects
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Untainted: Enniscorthy owner seeks 'clean' bail money
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Court Days in Lee Park
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of when you see the Confederate Battle Flag?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESATE­ Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Tucked-away: Rambling downtowner has possibilities
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ On the Block UPDATE
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Calling all bugs
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Tow row: Dude, where's my car?
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE ­ The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- On the Block date
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Pump and cover: Petrol purveyors stay the course
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Killer course: a school for civilian snipers
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Stand and deliver: City schools add uniformed officers
>>  The HooK: ESSAY­ Emily Couric One year later
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- The soprano: Goyne rides her voice to Italy
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Soulful server
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Bankruptcy strikes Grill
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Larry Tropea: He really is in the Hot Seat
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on Confederate battle flag
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW­ on The Ring
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Banjoman: Molsky keeps the beat alive
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Where's my Moog? Band raises dreams of glory
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Drought gets hairy: Salons reflect on water saving
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Star wars: Dueling Waltons events again
>>  The HooK: NEWS ­Green offshoots: W. Alton Jones Foundation sprouts Oak Hill Fund
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Public water, private profit: Power companies suck it up
>>  The HooK: NEWS STATISTIC- Religion in the city
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- I'll be with you: At apple harvest time...
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How have you changed your behavior because of the sniper?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESATE­ Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block- Yogaville-area bunker
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ ON THE BLOCK- Slippery slope: Hillside house raises questions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Better than Kevlar: silk could stop jets
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Cold comfort: Tenants fume over doused pilot
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE ­ The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- All wet: Ebert wades into water crisis
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR­ Festival lifejacket: Tips for staying dry at the Fest
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- Roger and thee: What not to ask Ebert
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- All Wet: The Hook's guide-o-rama to the Film Festival
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Celeb unions: Much more fun than the movies
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Examine your monsters: Interactive exhibit puts you in the show
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Grin and film it: Hollywood $miles on Couric's son
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Writer's lock: Hollywood $miles on Mountaineer
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- Let me eat cake
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH ­ Southern change: Scottsville takes center stage
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Cut! He cried when Kaye bounced
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on Confederate Flag
>>  The HooK: LETTER- on the sniper
>>  The HooK: Letter ­ on charging for water
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- The truth about Charlie
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Folksy, bluesy, toe-tappy duo
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lopez update: Mt. Graham activist busted in D.C.
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No chads on us
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Spinning the numbers: Richards gaining ground on Goode?
>>  The HooK: NEWS ­ Suicide, interrupted: Train grinds to halt at Beta Bridge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sludged: Amish fight agency order to install septic systems
>>  The HooK: NEWS STATISTIC- Voters go national
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Mickey gets a new ending: but can Grisham's film get a distributor?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE-- Purebred? Puleeze!!!!!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What are you looking for at this year's film festival?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESATE­ Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ On Block Update
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE­ On THE BLOCK- Go with the flow: Inside, outside, all around the house
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Reptiles in repose: Not hard to soothe a savage beast
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Mulch lesson: Don't pay in advance
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE - The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Say it ain't go: Museum to go
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Statlers say goodbye to all that
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Farewell in Salem: Legendary Statler Brothers call it quits
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- B-sides: Why I hate my records
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THEDISH- Meet the new Met
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Larry Sabato: Political pundit and proud of it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Flag flaunting hurts
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We need a militia
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- on Auto Focus
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Freak-Out: -O-Ween XXX-Travaganza Tour
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- How do they do it? Three guys in suits rock all night
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Black cat fever: Saving one of those nine lives
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Court day: Charges dropped, but Jim-Bob's leaving town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Democracy in action: Do voters care?
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Mopping up: The ebb and flow of the wet Festival
>>  The HooK: NEWS ­ Turmoil town: Louisa upheavals leave vacancies
>>  The HooK: NEWS STATISTIC- Water, water, everywhere
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What will you miss the most about the Statlers?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block- Old Rockfish Ordinary
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- City slicker: In-town house has country seclusion
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Eyes for art: Bad vision makes for masterpieces
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- on a property transfer
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR­ Cheap heats: UVA grapples with smokestacks
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Slick maneuver : Inventive Welsh use cooking oil for gas
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Steamy story: Fossil fuel plants near U
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- The green blade:Local firm finds kilowatts in the sky
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- It's easy being green: a fossil fuel story
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Gush of guilt: Holiday cheer brings water fear
>>  The HooK: FEATURE- Successfully small: Jan Karon reaches masses with Mitford
>>  The HooK: FOOD- TABLETALK- It's Bora Bora for him
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Paper plates to stay: Project H2O not washed up yet
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Julian Bond: That's Bond, Julian Bond
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Do the water math
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- 8 Mile
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Celluloid stars: Movies intensify the music
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Indie-visible: Save the awe for last
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Awash: At 70 percent, car washes reopen
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Cab wars: Jaunt comes under fire
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Insecure hike: New federal digs may require scary crossing
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ $2,995 special: Will it rock the realty world?
>>  The HooK: NEWS STATISTIC- Virginia's flagship going down
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you heat with, and what's bad and good about it?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Party central: Big house has the makins'
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE­ Switching sides
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Rain and smoke: Major allegations about Minor's houses
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- on Breece's hometown and Holkham transaction
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Cismont ceremony: Bless the beasts and the hunters
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Hounded: What's so wrong with fox hunting?
>>  The HooK: DMBEAT- Lone Dave: Say it ain't solo
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Guilt tip: Voters gave DNA a boost
>>  The HooK: FACE TIME- Star witness: Winner's a conversion fan
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Mountain brewed: Coffee comes to Pantops
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- George Allen: The senator from Virginia eyes White House?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Femme Fatale
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Oldies but goodies: Symphony offers ageless pleasures
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Where ya been? Putting faces to tunes at last
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Car trouble: Thief demands justice-- and gets it
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hangin' with Regis: and Kelly, Letterman, and Affleck
>>  The HooK: NEWS-- International incident: kiddie tuition freaks foreign scholars
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Radio pays: Will webcasters wind up in court?
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Porcelain power
>>  The HooK: NEWS STATISTIC­ Lagging reservoirs
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How do you feel about fox hunting?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Columbia gem: Far enough above the James
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the block update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Blue hue: the azure stream of conciousness
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Slow dig: When the Leyland cypress didn't show
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Crafty goings-on: Talents glow at Meriwether Lewis fair
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Bar none: "The Cookie Lady" delivers
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Crozet's Blue Ridge Tunnel
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Crozet: The town followed the man
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- The others: three out of four ain't bad
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Ain't no mountain wide enough: To keep Crozet from tunneling a new attraction
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Caller I.D. vs. caller id
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Kaboodling: Jones' kiddie show gets syndicated
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THEDISH- Ta-ta-ta-tapas! Small dishes, big potential at Mas
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Mitch: Elder statesman-- oak and maple, too
>>  The HooK: LETTER- "Subsidized toadies" pathetic
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ Bravo for hunters!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW ­ Die Another Day
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Big letdown: Phish's Fishman isn't enough
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Pleasant surprise: Maiden gig makes fans smile
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dove-ville: Locust Grove wages peace on Iraq
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Observerama: El Jefé has left the building
>>  The HooK: NEWS- XXX-rated ordinance: City wants to regulate adult fun
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think about hiking through a 4,200-foot-long tunnel under Afton Mountain?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Herndon House: Cottage part of Scottsville rebirth
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STATISTIC- Busy courthouses
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Flatus impossible: Whoever denied it supplied it
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- So long, Joe: Selman dies in a prison hospital
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- on spelling the school and the boss
>>  The HooK: COVER ESSAY- Game girl: Sid and Nancy in Electronics Land
>>  The HooK: COVER ESSAY- Not all the turkeys are in the oven
>>  The HooK: COVER FEATURE- Holdiday survival tips
>>  The HooK: COVER FEATURE- Splurges and Steals
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Protest nothing? Organizers head for the hills
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Mr. Oluwa's overture: the email everyone gets
>>  The HooK: FACE TIME­ Jefferson Ward: Joyful life
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THEDISH- While you wait: Bashir's has tapas, too
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Rita Mae Brown
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bloody facts omitted
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Realty isn't easy
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ Ban the hunt
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW­ Treasure Planet
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW­ Give 'em some rock dots: Sierra gets down and rocks
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Wife knows best: More there than you think
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Big digs: County gets mothership for half-price
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blackface: offending costumes roil UVA
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DNA trail: Serial rapist sought in eleven attacks
>>  The HooK: NEWS- House ousting: Legislating Monticello's return to nickel
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Going south: Textile tank opens up prime real estate
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Fast friends: When entrepreneurs mingle
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your holiday horror?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Ode to a rancher: And cheers to its diligent owners
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE ­ Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: STATISTIC- Recession-proof-ville
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- 'Pap' can do his part
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Cut off: Sprint can't get its dates straight
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE­ The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR­ When woolens ruled: The mill behind the neighborhood
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Hot dam: Should it stay or should it go?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Osbourne Inc: Why Ozzy's a great CEO
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Mr. Grape Man: Gorman's got the juicy details
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Communist evolution Tea Bazaar embraces Reds
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Judge this: Hizzonor Helvin's gone fishin'
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Call hunting what it is
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ Do unto foxes...
>>  The HooK: LETTER­ Where's the evidence behind adult ordinance?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Curb jerky: Local band sounds overdone
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Going up: Ted Stryker boys on the move
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Getting around: UVA students dodge car rules
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Lowe's incident: Assailant convicted; plans to appeal
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Sour note: Bell-ringer sent packing
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Superfast: Griesar gets his due
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tricky triangle: Locals tangle over city's designs on Preston
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Already? It's beginning to look a lot like Yikes!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Which kind of Christmas tree do you prefer, live or plastic?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Starr-y, Starr-y Hill: Grab a piece of the 'ville
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block UPDATE
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE ­ foreclosures
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Going supersonic in a freefall
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE­ The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Fancy Footwork: Meandering to Monticello
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY sidebar- TJ Parkway: More than just a walk in the woods
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Reparations considered: What's it take to set it right?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Look out, Leopold: New concertmaster keeps busy
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Red and green? Georgetown Farm promises healthful meat
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT­ Naughty and nice: Santa shares his trade secrets
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Reid's is a grocery store
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Tunnel trailhead will ruin Afton
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Maid in Manhattan
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Prodigy: Trucks knew it all by 10
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Trumpeting: Have yourself a jazzy little...
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blackface II: UVA still struggles with incident
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gag denied: Trial looms in $11 million Grisham suit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- disAdvantage? Corner merchants want Cavalier pie
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Joy fizzles: The strange, sad case of Jefferson Ward
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What kind of car would Thomas Jefferson drive?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Born late? Dunlora Victorian can take you back
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- UPDATE
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- On the other hand...
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- MADD v. Foxfield: Liquor license in limbo thanks to boozin' Wahoos
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Plane pasture: From aviation to steeplechase
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Shady's return: Was Kissinger back to hide assassinations?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Walking the line: impresario Harris balances "fun and insanity"
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH-Tapping top talent: Kluge estate lures the masters
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Louise Dudley: Shooting from the hip. Yeah, right.
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Build it and we'll walk to it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No grinch at this grille
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Take that dam down!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- "Two" much: Three hours of Gollum gets old
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Can the Muzak: Oratorio Society delivers the real thing
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- It's all here: Jigs, reels, tunes, songs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- City tackles restrooms: but can't flush Trailways sign
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Columbia: Will Fluvanna's historic burg be saved?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crossed out? Whitehead backs challenge to VA law
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Frozen law: Sidewalk scofflaws skate free
>>  The HooK: NEWS SIDEBAR- Camille's innocent: And so is Agnes, says resident
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Party up: Merry Hooksters rock the Bayly
>>  The HooK: Question of the Week- What's the best thing about Foxfield?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure sales
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Thick of things: McGuffey condo is near yet far
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Going supersonic in a freefall
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Elephants marching? Capshaw digs have folks hearing things
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- True confessions: Deep secrets of Charlottesville's newsmakers
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- The Year in Review, the best, the worst, and more
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Well, I declare: New Year's resolutions from the stars
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Playing the piper: Ryan takes his show on the road
>>  The HooK: FEARLESS CONSUMER- Infuriating! Scams, dodges, bumblings madden consumers
>>  The HooK: FEATURE- POP QUIZ- Take the Channel 29 Challenge!
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Come and go: Life and death in the Charlottesville restaurant scene
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Dan Jordan: Mr. Monticello prepares for L&C mania
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Put pups on the trail
>>  The HooK: Letter- ZPG for the city
>>  The HooK: MOVIES- 2002 in film: Success from old stars and old styles
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Packed with poems: Moving readings provide respite
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Touring the city: Walking in Jerusalem takes listeners there
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Not on my property: Tyler gathers steam
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Razing Trax: House of Dave begins its tumble
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sledding death: Mary Baldwin ponders ban after student accident
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Checking it out: Library hosts the Grinch
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the best/worst thing about 2002?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Tiny "purse": No longer a sow's ear
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- update
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE TRENDS- the year-end round up
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Pop a top: Then watch the explosion!
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Canal Basin Square
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- How small is small? 555 souls call Scottsville home
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- James surges: Town drowns
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- No sleight of hand: Thacker lost after 30 years
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- River city: Scottsville's awash... in cash
>>  The HooK: DMBeat- New Year's Dave: Solo, shopping, snagging awards
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Twin freaks? Human cloning not all bad
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- It's a vine line: Moses knows his wine and widgets
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH-Curse of Valley Street? Jimmy's on the James succumbs
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- The Bison-tennial: Kay Slaughter leads explorer mania
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cheri's not old
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Put nature before dam
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Slippery slope planning
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Shooting ironic: Bang, bang-- you're dead
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Modern magic: Melvin melts the crowds
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Vinyl mining: Dig deep for classic treasures
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 5,000 missing: Found alive and well in Albemarle
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Humping zone: Road renegades rile West Leigh
>>  The HooK: NEWS- See you in court : Arby's owner has beef with county
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you like about Scottsville?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: REAL ETATE- On the block- Room for all: Crozet rambler does just that
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Probing poop: What an offal story
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Satellite hassle: Look up, down... all around
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Closed: Wild Wing takes flight
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Misspellings
>>  The HooK: COVER Sidebar- Dealing with a serial rapist: Professionals weigh in
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- M.O. of a local predator
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Rape city?
>>  The HooK: COVERSTORY- On guard: Women brace against serial rapist
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- York: Mystery man of the Corps of Discovery
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Outbound: Venezuela too rowdy for Christina Cox
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH-Corner makeover: Death of the sports bar?
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Sheriff Robb: Tales of fooling the Mafia
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Help Scottsville take back the night
>>  The HooK: LETTER- It's a trickle, not a flood
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Hip hop: Kangaroo Jack lost in the Outback
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Album Review: Art imitates death
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bewitching duende: Flamenco comes to town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Go East, young man: Discovery mania sweeps the town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No complaint: Tribes join the celebration
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Nonsuited: Case against St. Anne's, Grisham on hold
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Marquee debris
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How have the recent rapes altered your habits?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Not fat free: Glenmore mansion suits rich tastes
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Withdrawn
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- True blue: Jeans' color doesn't go deep
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Outstanding Exposure? Rave reviews prove elusive
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Scottsville, Conestoga, and a house for sale
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Avoiding wrecks: Consumer tips for U
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Taken for a ride: loopholes for lemons and the secret history of salvaged cars
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Feet of clay: Let's take back the church
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Look out, Shania: There's a new half-time show in town
>>  The HooK: FICTION CONTEST- Story zone: big local writing contest strikes again
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Have another!: Tapas on the table at Mas
>>  The HooK: INTERVIEW- Corey Harris: No war, no fear, no rest
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Arby's issue "beyond unfair"
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Good rape news?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Jaunt plays major role
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Scottsville can't engineer River solution
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Your Father's Jackass: Em-Barris-ment for all concerned
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Divine descendant: Rose line-up not watered down
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Learning to swing: Boogaloo group fills in the spaces
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Buffalo bash: Making the Voyage permanent
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Valley Observer folds: Life cut short after 21 months
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Overstoked: UVA's coal soot blankets neighbors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- This old, old house: PBS wants 17th-century Survivors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tossing their cookies: Harris Teeter food heads to Tennessee
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- The real keel: Pole, pole, pole your boat
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your worst experience purchasing a used car?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block- Sale Withdrawn
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Back to nature: Living life on Naked Mountain
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Finest hour: Chaplains embodied courage
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Boxed in: A boy's lost week
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Going public: Andrews talks, and the governor listens
>>  The HooK: Essay- Roe v. Wade: Status quo serves us well
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Bridging the divide: Resolving conflict from Prospect to Belfast
>>  The HooK: FEATURE- Purple gain: Frances Brand's house gets painted
>>  The HooK: FICTION CONTEST- Story zone: Return of the amazing Fiction Bowl!
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- Gold medal pizza? Thai pie vies for prize
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Will Morris: Greene County sheriff rides into sunset-- maybe
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Yo, UVA! Do the right thing!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Too clever by half: The Recruit fools everybody
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Too clever by half: The Recruit fools everybody
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Too clever by half: The Recruit fools everybody
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Metal lineup rocks the Rose
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- More than OK: Afro beat band wins converts
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Too clever by half: The Recruit fools everybody
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Activist school: Ivy kids learn to fight The Man
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Don't tread on them: Libertarians rally round Arby's flag
>>  The HooK: NEWS/FEATURE- Mellow Pursuit: Trivia night keeps 'em guessing
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Going in circles: Roundabouts come round again
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Clean slate: Capshaw's Fifeville apartments break ground
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Good vibrations: Music guru rocks Alderman
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How have you been coping with the recent chilly weather?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- OFF THE BLOCK- Sale Withdrawn
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Mixed message: A jarring blend of old and new
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Pals with Hal: Getting it on with Mac
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Disappearing hypnotist: The $59.08-a-pound diet
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Commissioner Zelikow: Miller Center boss in 9/11 post
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- It's official: The City stands for peace
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Winn's vision: Islam is very, very bad
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- When war hits home: Bush push changing lives
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- What's it all about? Many fingers in the Shuttle pie
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Sundancing: Sisson seizes the celluloid dream
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Divine swine: Hog Heaven finds greener pastures
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Being John Casteenovich: The lighter side of the UVA president
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Intolerance is Un-American
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Rethink those roundabouts
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- How-to movie: 10 minutes and audience is gone
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- LDOM: Organic music with soul
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Stars in the shed: Rapunzel's makes listening easy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Columbia tragedy: local astronaut looks ahead
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ivy's black residents: Faulconer is merely the latest assault
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Funny paper: Is the new Progress trying to be funny?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slaughter dissed: Republicans say no to environmentalist
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Unanimous consent: State passes sex offender measure
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Changing direction: Arby's rally turns impromptu memorial
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What should happen to the space program now?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- OFF THE BLOCK- Sale Withdrawn
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- House or home? Crozet farmette exudes warmth
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Underwater pull: Trolling for magnets
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Gripping story: Case of the hugging handyman
>>  The HooK: WEB BONUS
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Cosmic degrees: Out of body at the Monroe Institute
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Front of the line: The rich get richer in Virginia
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Void filler: Wacky feeds sophisticated cravings
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Goodbye, Crystals: From Vietnamese to tandoori on 29N
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Kevin Castner: Snow day
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's split hairs
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- One of the best: Talk Isn't Cheap
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Highlighting the best: Songwriters Showcase II
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Snoredom: Only an occasional wake-up act
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Collateral smoke damage: Goody's closed until March
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Faulconer foiled-- for now: Cops at hearing not undercover
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sweet spot: Albemarle sign moves 50 feet
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Redirected: After Venezuela, AFS student finds Argentina
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Relinked: Public artist meshes with school kids
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Dressing Cupid at UVA Bookstore
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your scariest brush with the paranormal?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- "It just growed": Old and new placidly coexist
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Eeeww: Farted fish tunes
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Over-Exposured: My quest for truth at Northern
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- byline on Facetime
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Eight years: for a 'minor' offense
>>  The HooK: DMBEAT- Skipping billies: Dave & Tim show bypasses Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- The sky's no limit: Strippers, nudists take to the air
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Perfect fit: Filmmaker Fennell joins ATO Pictures
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Barista business: Java Java adds feng shui to coffee scene
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Rhymes with lovey: Charlottesville rainmaker refuses to retire
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bad guy shortage?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Obvious Life: If you can't figure it out, well...
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Riff rush: Party anthems make you smile
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- To the quick: Cave finally finds his place
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Contest update: we're flooded with fiction
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fly this up your flagpole
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Labrador's chance: Spicer's friend gets London hearing
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Moving Mall: Downtown set for mega-changes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Smooth flying: No closings and no weigh-ins
>>  The HooK: NEWS- UV-A's: It's easy acing every class
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Snow day
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the eight-year sentence?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK No fixed address: Talkin' trailer-movin' blues
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Down and dirty: Those nasty, nasty humans
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Fly away: Nordin ruins hypnotic picnic
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Icons or eyesores? VDOT vows to replace roadside memorials
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Edward Deane: His grief taught VDOT sensitivity
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Memorials: A Hispanic roadside tradition
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Where's the pot? Straining for an elusive bargain
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- WTC visionary- Architect Morrish thinks with Think
>>  The HooK: FILM REVIEW- Dig it! Cradle 2 Grave rocks
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Scuttlebutt: Elliewood's Crab is back
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Lindsay Dorrier: the Tom Sawyer from Scottsville
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Can the cant
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Eight years is an insult
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cheaper than Nikes: APC docks with Shipp
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Otherworldly: Holst's Planets soothe souls
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dangerous? Local officials stress nightclub safety
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Heavy lifting: The case of the purloined Sheraton
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mid-stream: Floods prove density of icepack
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Opening arguments: Spicer still facing "perversion" charge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Snow daze: Who let the kids out?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Trash or treasure? Scottsville car dealer outraged
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unenforced: Sidewalk scofflaws slip by ordinance... again
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Festive affair: Guests party down at Farmington fundraiser
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of roadside memorials?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Let it B: Will B-3 zoning spell its doom?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Still Available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Zoo bullies: Throwing their weight around
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Losing Face: 'Model search' hits the Doubletree
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- It really is LexisNexis
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- She's got Bette Davis Eyes: B.D. Hyman goes from Mommie Dearest to Jesus Dearest
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Bette Davis Eyes
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fred Rogers: Esteem-builder for hard-boiled kids
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Designing fellow: Sam Johnson takes Museum helm
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- 'Soul' closing: winter quashes alfresco dreams
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Casey's choice: Life's one big pajama party
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I'm no Barhoppers newbie
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Regal romp: Queen brings down the house
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Transported: Choruses take us to Heaven
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Trixie & Ian: Strange narratives set to music
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Architect Morrish gets bad news
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Drought dries: but wells might too
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Race attack: alleged assault shakes UVA
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Roughed up: Golf course project almost there
>>  The HooK: NEWS- That word: Charles Wright limns a winner
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Zero tolerance=zero common sense?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Simulating spring: Fire Hall bursts into... bloom!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What did you think of Mr. Rogers?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- A real corker: Endless flow for entertaining
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Slurp city: Rats don't suck it up
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Hostage fabric: Owner given the slip
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Davis not in Notorious
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY II- Festivale cruise: Bookworms, crawl in here
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Has-been highs: Losing the personal drug war
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Saving the city: Novelist has hopes for his craft
>>  The HooK: FICTION CONTEST- The Scoop
>>  The HooK: FICTION CONTEST- The Winners
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- She-ben brings South Africa to Vinegar Hill
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Mr. (Exit) Strategy: No more Huja to kick around
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Lots of men like kids
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No "Williamsburg on the James"
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Scottsville engages in folly
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Talk to local teachers
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Take Dad: Cody Banks wows big guys, too
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Color us happy: Jumpin' acts keep audience moving
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cough, cough: Solo act chokes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 2003 scorecards: Lawmakers, who's on first?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Freebie no more: Fridays After 5 eyes admission charge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- MIXed message: Will FCC "clear" WUMX sale?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No fade: Van Yahres runs again
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Swoosh: North joins south over Emmet
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Happy Sidney! Blue Moon celebrates local legend
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What are you reading?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Let's dance! Fire house could rock
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Far out! Dream is clue to dreams
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Monologue dialogue: No refunds at pricey show
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- on a house price
>>  The HooK: COVER- Crowded house: It may be cozy, but should it be illegal?
>>  The HooK: DMBeat- Number 3, and counting $-- DMB hits the road
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Documented: Riding across America with Diego
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Anarchist of Love: The conviction of Andrew Holden
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Sweet story: May's book preserves traditions
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH Tra-tra trattoria: Is it Water Street or Calabria?
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Baldacci: He's already living the fantasy
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't divide Fridays
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Exposing Northern's "story"
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Families will turn off Fridays
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Catchy : Formula works again for King
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Fiddlin' around: Irish fans dance and jam
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Smartrock: Music to think by
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bank scandal: Check-kiter is 'extremely sorry'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Greenleaf nab: Suspect probably not the serial rapist
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No quick fix: Locust bridge down for the count
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pay-day: Sponsors fled from Fridays
>>  The HooK: NEWS­ Recycling R.I.P.: County wants to dump losing program
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tunnel vision? Terrace plan would deep-six JPA
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- No snakes here: Winery celebrates St. Patrick's Day
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the most unrelated people you've lived with?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Hoof it: Bag the commute, save your life
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Dog with remote: Terr loves Lassie
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- House was a duplex
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- My house as a life: when architects design for themselves
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Ace in the hole
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Live like an architect
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Dirty bomb: No reason to be afraid
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Feline dreams: architect/author tries an old skin
>>  The HooK: FEATURE- Wartime bookfest: Lit lovers soldier on
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Grape expectations: Governor signs laws at new Kluge shop
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Rob Vaughan: Lord of the lore
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't fear the Clear
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Happy Sidney
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Kutchai's twisted tale
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Many gigs are free
>>  The HooK: LETTER-UVA's failure the crowding source
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Don't! Don't ask, tell... or see
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Contradiction? Dark Little Rooms go outside in the light
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cut a rug: Chasing the elusive two-step
>>  The HooK: NEWS- A time for sanctions? Grisham strikes back in St. Anne's case
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Introducing: HOOK INK
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Mas, non mas? New Belmont restaurant sold
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- No cheese chumps: French goods still moving locally
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Unstable cable: Bankruptcy leads to jacked rates
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grand plans: knocking the blocks off
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Road protest: Resistance was futile
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Savage squirrel: An unusual attack in McGuffey Park
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Washed out: Flood slices popular road
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Washed-up: State bans selling secret junkers
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Make bikes, not war! Ely wants to wean you of oil
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What is your dream house?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- OFF THE BLOCK- Cochran's Mill
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Look again: Farmhouse hides its gifts
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Drop dead? Mice survive great falls
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Oily treatment? Bring your own towel to Shell
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: The Hook
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- In the doghouse: Even PETA wants to ban pit bulls
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Who cares? Cocks don't evoke same sympathy
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- The pits: Dogfighting's bloody aftermath
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Murder by dog: Owners liable for violent pets
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Big Ray: He and his Kats go nationwide
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Not Spotless: Corner gets burger pit back
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Rob Bell: Delegate law and order
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't let Stover 'clean' your food
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Skeen: Get off my back!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Too familiar: A man playing a part
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Driven to bank: Southern Financial takes 2nd location
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Shooting up: Building biz at Botox parties
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- You've got mail: but is Tovaris secure?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Coordinated: New lanes, lights help flow
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DMBeat it: Nancies goes for Mayer
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Review upheaval: Two freelancers quit over new column
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Shock and ow! Shoppers charge it at Giant
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Survival: Can museum avoid extinction?
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Have you ever seen a cockfight or a dogfight?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Auctions- Foreclosure and Bankruptcy
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Mount Fair: Views and history intersect
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Mr. Mom: George craves pickles
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Markup madness: Boston taxes still chafe
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Still alive: Inches to Flood, inches from fame?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- The best: Local group shows how it's done
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Haysom convicted in 1987
>>  The HooK: COVER- Land use: Farmers' friend or tax break for the rich?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Famous farmers: Land use of the rich and famous
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Top 70 land barons: Who are these people?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fat chance: Dating pointers at Weight Watchers
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Uncorporate: Social worker as rapper
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Up, up and...: Wild Wing takes off, again
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Grant's retreat: Board departure a mystery
>>  The HooK: LETTER- A better way to speak: vote
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Arm-numbing experience
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Leave Fridays alone!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Prum deserved it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Stopping traffic bad move
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Robbed! City of God should have won
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Soft, so soft: No help here for ho-hum tunes
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Ups and downs: MACRoCk full of surprises
>>  The HooK: NEWS- $400 million: Tyco sues County land baron
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Just winged: Wild Wing Café may fly again
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Lost Opportunity: Junior League closes Mall shop
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Pub crawl: New publications hit town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Labrador repriever: American acquitted of Tortola murder
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rugby ousting: Eviction among the rich and famous
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Snow daze: Area schools must do the time
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Teens + cars = crash: What's a county to do?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Shiver me timbers! It's Dogwood Festival time again
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the best thing you ever scored at a thrift store?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Go figure: Mill House- why, oh why?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Sickening? Nose-pickers needn't worry
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- All's well...: Checks clear, covers arrive
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER-Real makeovers: Zippy transformations of movers and shakers
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- do's and don'ts
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calenar April 10-17
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Clothes modification: How fashion defines us
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Alchemy: Brown trades metal for classics
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Foot in door: Cordell's skill fills his classes
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Crowded out: Caffé meets Royale end
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Relaxed: Bobby Thompson keeps CHS calm
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ads can abet abuse
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Botox makes losers
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Death be not proud
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Facts tell pit bull story
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Gladiators next?
>>  The HooK: LETTERS- Big boys have right idea
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Voting's not good enough
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Dig it! Holes not too deep for kids
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Close to home: Pointed melodies mirror tales
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Singular vision: Short set, long songs
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Burst bubble: Cigar mag explains $eagram's beating
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Classes, not jail: Protestors cancel 'living wage' action
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Dirty MBAs: What were those Dardenites doing?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dave's debut: Red Fern to premiere at Tribeca
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Auf Wiedersehen: UVA boots German House residents
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Semper Fidelity: The pitfalls of illegal dumping
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Revoked: Foxfield license down to wire
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the most egregious fashion faux-pas?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Halfway house: Bring on the other half
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Still Available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Hair raising: Stop smiling and run!
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Touchy: Shell carwash up to scratch?
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CULTURAL CALENDAR APRIL 17-24, 2003
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CALENDAR April 24-May 1
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Not '60s: Students wrestle with war, lightly
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Post-war: Locals reflect, ponder
>>  The HooK: CULTURAL CALENDAR APRIL 17-24, 2003
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Apology is a Do
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- What'll it be? Will we lead by example or force?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Lady Jane: Portrait of a peacenik
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Belt-tightening: Schnitzelhouse fiddles while VDOT yearns
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- TD-V: Go west, young woman
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Boo on the protesters
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hale's got a chance
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Texas dealers lie, too
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Vote with your dollars
>>  The HooK: MOVIE BOX- Amandla debuts at Vinegar Hill
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Grab fast: Confidence a fun romp
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Crowe-ing: Big time rockers plant the seeds
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Story time: Indie rock with a plot
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- $80K missing?: City says Adelphia owes big bucks
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Pioneer women: Is there gold across the tracks?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grisham's latest: A Painted House debuts on CBS
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Honeymoon's over: Schilling and Lynch trade barbs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Panhandling panned: No more Mall driving, either
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- Groove be gone
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Reined in: Wasted Wahoos risk Foxfield's license
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Test
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- A bloomin' good time: Dogwood carnival rolls along
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Is Saddam dead or alive?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $OLD!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Stylin': "Eclectic" defines Mineral mansion
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Be like Mike: Headless fowl goes on and on
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Lethal incident: Why would he say he paid?
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- 2-ring circus: Reality TV feeds urge to merge
>>  The HooK: COVER- Gay unions: Same-sex couples can't tie the knot
>>  The HooK: COVER INTRO-Getting hitched: Everybody Vera Wang Chung tonight
>>  The HooK: COVER- Legends: Local weddings through the ages
>>  The HooK: COVER- Newlywed advice
>>  The HooK: COVER- Prenups: The death of romance?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Bachelor parties Guys, rum, and strippers what more can you ask?
>>  The HooK: COVER- The most unusual place we've done it
>>  The HooK: COVER- Unveiled: Wedding tales beyond legend
>>  The HooK: COVER- Will you marry me?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Private parts: Keep Santorum out of your closet
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- On the ball: Revived rugby club lures "old boys"
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX- Sweet treat: Still Life with Donuts packs the house
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Bulked buffet: Cici's Pizza comes to 29N
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- "Old marrieds": 3WV's morning duo, Max and Rick
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Farmers and others deserve it
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Down to business: X-2 an X-cellent adventure
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Beautiful world: Cale kids celebrate life
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Pumpin': Circulatory System run through the Rose
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Crowded heights: New apartments ritzy or risky?
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Outsource outrage: Has Tenaska done local workers wrong?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Coming clean: Hit-and-runner blabs to lawyer
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Drummed out: Pep Band padlock draws headlines
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jumbotron: UVA's building a whopper theater
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mary McAleese: Who is she, and why is she coming here?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Painted House: Grisham reveals his country life
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Underwater: Psychic Renier sees Laci
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Can't beat it: Shoshones drum up interest
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Describe your dream wedding?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Step right up: Shelves empty at Page's Store
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Laid-back llamas: Hypnotizing animals not too hard
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Lemon aid: Can Toyota stop the bucking?
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Scott Stadium did exist
>>  The HooK: COVER- Cheater? Local author charges Professor Edlich
>>  The HooK: COVER- Copycat? Another UVA prof endured scandal
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Similar? Painter of light draws Edlich and Tucker
>>  The HooK: COVER- You gotta be crazy! Cheating students plead insanity
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- SARS wars: Genomics may save China
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Gauging the guerillas: Braun explores Colombia's bad boys
>>  The HooK: FEATURE- Near 'miss: The mom who just said no
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- No closure: More late-hour options
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Working prof: Bloomfield learned how things work
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Beggars can be boozers
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Schilling is shrilling
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Doubles: Pleasures multiply in Good Thief
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Last big blowout? Powerhouses go head to head
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Whispered whimsy: Tunes to cuddle by
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Locust bridge: Swarming traffic eats into businesses' crops
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Van ban: Shuttle service gives up airport contract
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bubble, bubble: City trash fees double
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Flak flack: New County info position criticized
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Horror story: Prosecutors say Rice tortured hiker
>>  The HooK: NEWS- JPA demo: Mansion leveled for another student-plex
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wet Fern: Dry eyes rare at Matthews debut
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Fiesta! El Cinco de Mayo comes to City Market
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How do you feel about paying at Fridays after Five?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- High lands: You can see for miles and miles
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Sold!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Still on the block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Puffery: One bite and you're half dead
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Trench foot: Refilling wasn't so Speedy
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CALENDAR MAy 15-22
>>  The HooK: CALENDAR May 15-May 22
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Naming problems
>>  The HooK: COVER BOX- The Waltons: still jolting the pop culture
>>  The HooK: COVER- Earl's world: Almost like being in a real place
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- An Earl Hamner Jr. filmography
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Earl Hamner's NFL notoriety: How Heidi irked Jets-Raiders fans
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Cloning: You shouldn't live so long
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Stone man: Toru Oba rocks
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Arriverderci, mush: Al dente comes to town
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Master plan: Anderson quits UVA before he gets old
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Lane's honor attack lame
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Black is back! Machine-made, but still awesome
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Smooth delivery: Singing stories at Nature
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Where are we? Drum 'n bass group takes us to London
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- David and Goliath: Moms-and-pops in boxville
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Pavement pounding: Charlottesville Marathon proves a national draw
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Transit center: Location irks transportation advocates
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Chez Dowdell: House and contents under the gavel
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Frozen assets: Ice Park changes hands
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No 'monster': But UVA garage razes houses
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Update: fresher sketch of serial rapist
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Crafts in Crozet: Fun between the downpours
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What did you think of the earthquake?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $OLD!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Que sera? What will this house become?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Heads up! Falling balls hazardous
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Rear-ended: In more ways than one
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: Calendar May 22-29, 2003
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- 25 Hot things to do this summer
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Top 10: Condon's nature tips for a smart summer
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Doubts abound: You better believe it or not
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Toshi's imports: The wedding planner-- from Japan
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Read all about it! Restaurants have no secrets now
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Life Arts: John Gibson tends his garden
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's cheat our way to success
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Letter unfair to Lane
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Folkin' A! Spinal Tap unplugged
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Second-story men: Ellipsis everyone's cup of tea
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Totally random: Fishing through the CD pile
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DEQ view: Quality Welding under investigation
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Freyda Epstein: Fatal homecoming in Madison
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Near fizzle: Who owns the 4th of July fireworks?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- NYT untrue: My brush with Jayson Blair
>>  The HooK: NEWS-What's in a name? Garrett Square becomes Friendship Court
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Whitewashed? UVA investigating bribery allegations
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Strutting stuff: Batesville celebrates its small-town charm
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How are you spending your summer?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $OLD!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Attachment: Hard to part with perfection
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Wheeeeelie: Drive a car up a wall
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Sticker shock: What to do when the price is wrong?
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE ­ The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER- Unhappy camper: Hiker takes a walk in the courts
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar- May 29-June 4
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Potent weapon: Make sanctions, not war (yet)
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Allard's anguish: Illuminating the 'untouchables'
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Lease lost: Not a marvelous night for Moondance
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- There once was a... Dare leads Limerick to blaze trails
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Earl's the real thing
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Fish story: Nemo wows the small fry
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cash-strapped: Gibbs group worth every penny
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Rasta legends: High old time at Wailers' show
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Air war: Speed limit really is enforced by planes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Big dig: UVA's arena begins its rise
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Cut the cheese: New reg limits home-grown chevre
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Let your finger... Touch-screen, get fat faster
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Until July 8: Albemarle land-baron's trial postponed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Negligence? $8 million suit filed in Grant's death
>>  The HooK: NEWS- O.R. in a trailer: UVA's newest medical facilities
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How much of the Appalachian Trail have you hiked?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Up the creek: It's just you and the deer
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Heavy duty: Grab barbell, then jump
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Snow tow: How neighborly was that?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Bylines went bye-bye
>>  The HooK: COVER- "Bring it on": WVIR boss asks for suit-- gets hit for $10 million
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Sideshow: The crying game
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar June 5-June 12
>>  The HooK: cultural calendat-- June 5-June 12
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- France matters: Don't mess with Texas-sized state
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Allard's anguish: Illuminating the 'untouchables'
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Take two: Starsia savors victory
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Coffee today... New café now, gelato soon?
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Busy funnyman: Why Mark Warner loves orange cones
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Far out!!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Modulars don't compromise care
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Morrell has a story, too
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Trailer wags are wrong
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Far from home: Nowhere in Africa defies stereotypes
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Long night: Music better in small bites
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Mixed reviews: Rappers score; covers bomb
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Blue Wheel: Article says the shop's smokin'
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- High life: new mag showcases Virginia
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- When it rains: Showers spell trouble for businesses
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blobville: Kuttners' New York pad oozes love
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Heart, broken: Goodbye Mount Vernon, Hello Best Buy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Low rollers: Albemarle supes go a-Homesteadin'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Where's Waldo? Not at UVA-- after three tries!
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Flying high: Bat Boy swoops into Live Arts
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Queens for a night: Drag show rocks 216
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the $10 million verdict against NBC29?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Swan on Seventh: Starr Hill hovel goes glam
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- 20-20: Ping-pong perks up peepers
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Rude awakening: 'Dad, Lethal wants $150 in cash'
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Lax victories, SI rankings, and Sheckler
>>  The HooK: COVER- A changed man: Lisa Hartley looks back on life
>>  The HooK: cultural calendar 6/12/03-6/19/03
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Afterglow: where have all the fireflies gone?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Ryal Thomas: more than just a happy stripper
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX- Masterful: Vinegar Hill shows Japanese classics
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- It's raining cafés: Are we the Seattle of the Southeast?
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Greg Smith: Boy Wonder and new Wahoo
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cover up
>>  The HooK: LETTER- NBC29 could be pompous
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Overkill: Hollywood Homicide has it all-- and then some
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Long night: Music better in small bites
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- To the Max: Collins breaks the acoustical mold
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Apocalypse when? A revelatory evening at the Doubletree
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Auction & claim: Banking scandal bickering intensifies
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Best Buy? Local appliancers say bring it on
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ - Dust settling: New concrete co. hardens competition
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Home sweet home: Catec students learn on the job
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Click it or ticket? Camblos says "stick it"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Deadline in the sand: School board candidates cry foul
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Not Colin: Downtown's unsung backer
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What if you could be a member of the opposite sex for a day?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Locust lair: Time to move downtown?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Stand back! More powerful than speeding bullet
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Still in: Lethal's A-OK with AAA
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Box-car willies: Modern hobos defy age stereotypes... but little else
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rice trial: Hiker can testify in Park murders
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Rail culture: the language of freight-hoppers
>>  The HooK: cultural calendar, June 19-26
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fight for it: The right to party
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- 24 years: And 69 movies for young filmmaker
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Hot tip: Diners duped into donating?
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Every crowd... Has Silverman in it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I like the idea
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I remember Commonwealth
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Supersized: Hulk's not Hogan's hero
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Higher power: Music inspires, transcends
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW-Identity crisis: Pick a genre, any genre
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ - Heady bouquet: Confusion reigns in vineyard victory
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Jail time: Doctor used homeless to clear asbestos
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Melbourne Place: Lighting the way to 52 condos
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Downzoned: High-rise district meets JPA resistance
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Retirementville: O'Connell gets the hero's treatment
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unsolved crime: Where's my investigation?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Vespa opens: It's not a moped
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Would you hop a train?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Gitchell's house: Pretty as a picture
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Head start: Half as tall at two!
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Updates: Positive Changes folds... and more
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- "Small potatoes?" Wife owes $5 million; Dowdell could be looking at life
>>  The HooK: cultural calendar, June 27-July 3
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Card-carrying: Why a conservative joined the ACLU
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- All heart: Children's author loves her work
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Mono deco: History debate on Water Street
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- The forester: Perkins would rather be outdoors
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Leave better half alone
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's hear from enforcers
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Make that boxcar sillies
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- No better, no worse: Angels sequel is a ringer
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Richmond riches: Bands swamp the Rose
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Speak up: Attack of the cover vultures
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Everything must go: But not without a City permit
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Up to Speed: After 6 offers dating option
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hiker, interrupted: AT trip delayed a year
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Missing man: What happened to Owen?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sour grapes: Neighbors fermenting over Kluge plan
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Staige Blackford: Editor dies a week before retiring
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE - Studio time at Crystalphonic
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's an appropriate penalty for swiping $100 million?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Appreciation:
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Smelly clues: Closed nose kills appetite
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Bright Beginnings: Violations galore vex center
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Photo credit , spelling, and price
>>  The HooK: COVER- SONIC BOOMII- CD Reviews
>>  The HooK: COVER- Sonic Boom II- Short Interviews
>>  The HooK: COVER- Sonic Boom II- Tune crawl: some regretful evening
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar July 3-July 10
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Northern neck: Gay marriage boosted... by Canada
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Barkery: Dogs, kids-- one snack fits all
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Elvis sighting! Roark rides the Presley wave
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bright Beginnings works for me
>>  The HooK: LETTER- How natural can Klugeville be?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Blonde bomb: All bend, no snap
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bonnaroo II: Hacks and Indecision play with legends
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Groovephobia? Emphasize the bad-ass
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Barnhill lives: 'Prosecute me, not my wife,' he says
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Habitat: Donate that old door
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ-Priced out: Rains, City dampen Fridays' parade
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ-Weinschenk's revenge: Car wash files suit against City
>>  The HooK: NEWS- For sale: Union Station developers want offers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- SOL 2004: Better educated or S*** outta luck?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Too gourmet? Critics wage war on Kluge store
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Where in the world? 35,000 maps guide roamers
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What local band is about to make it big?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Imagine: Fannie Mae's loss can be your gain
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Doctor doggie: An HMO who fetches slippers
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Double-dip: Concert-goers, bring your email
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Ready or not: Here it comes
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- On Target: How will the supes vote?
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 10-17, 2003
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Brazen column
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Shopping bags: We are what we schlep
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Front and Center: Zocalo heats up the hub
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Go-to guy: The Reverend Alvin Edwards
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Condon doesn't know Kluge
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Old as the hills
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Reader could have helped
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Free Williemina? Whale Rider dark and deep
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Happenstance: Out of the rain, into excitement
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hoots and hollers: New groups get big howdy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Authorized auction: But still no Dowdell verdict
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Flushed: No ifs or ands, just butts
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Capshaw Center: Fifth Street mixed-use development
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Historic Belmont: Official designation in the works
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Oh, Boyd: Solo album gets thumbs down
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pooch promendade: New mall goes to the dogs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- You're grounded: A shocking update at Giant
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Glad grads: Jail no bar to success, hope, pride
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What stores does Charlottesville need?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Futuristic: Jetson-like living at River Run
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Too high: No O, down you go
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Storied career: Tell stories to get ahead
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Snail's Pace: Feeling a little gouged
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Their words: Women at UVA
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Timeline: Women at UVA
>>  The HooK: COVER- Women, women everywhere: Trying to jump the gender bar
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 17-24
>>  The HooK: EDITORS' NOTE- Emmett's world: Welcome to Boaz-ville
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Profit-sharing: Alaska showing Iraq the way?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Ask Emmett: Boaz knows whereof he speaks
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Breakfast in Belmont: Monticello Grill ups the ante
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT-Barber of C'ville: Staples looks back on hairy past
>>  The HooK: LETTERS on last week's 'Boaz issue'
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Extraordinary! Connery steals the whole show
>>  The HooK: MUSIC NEWS- Over the Moon: Pink Floyd gets a Reggae makeover
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Thanks, physics! Babies CD a keeper
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Mickey lives: Grisham, Wilson try "big fat" release
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Struggling American: Grisham takes backseat as mag stumbles
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Car tax cheaters-- or are they just oblivious?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pudhouse shut: City officials gloat, blame Hook
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sold off: Cohousing dream goes up in smoke
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Trail nix II: Blades on Bland
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What more should be done to catch the serial rapist?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Can the commute: If you toil up on 29, treat yourself
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Tooth truth: DNA lives on in molars
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Top-climbing: 10 tips improve careers
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Bed check: couple ticked by $2,300 mattress
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE - The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER- SUMMER READING- Kayley's Constellations
>>  The HooK: COVER- SUMMER READING- Schneiderman
>>  The HooK: COVER- Summer tips: Shakin' up the dog days
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar July 24-July 31
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Treason's poison: Coulter spews pure nastiness
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Merry go-round: New bagels, and you bake'mmm!
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Charles Martin: Pet peeves of a public official
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hilarity at the Hook
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Leaks sank Tinsley
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Look to the Word
>>  The HooK: LETTER- My, how the Kluge has fallen
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Strong words, weak cause
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- 3 men, one horse: Seabiscuit looks like a winner
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Space travel: '60s CD takes a UFO ride
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Welcome Break: Local stars glitter at party
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ - How low? Discount house-traders opens
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Pig's lipstick? Spy Center overhaul wins raves
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Wine not? County okays Kluge's gourmet fare
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Folding American: Stumble turns into a fall
>>  The HooK: NEWS- From the rubble: Paramount rebirth under way
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Meade remade: Playground gets the goods
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rape fall-out: Search targets innocent black males
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Student publications: "Sneaky" policy change delayed
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Station Break 2 rocks out: Where were you?
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What are you reading this summer?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Indescribable: Top of the line on a mountaintop
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Tee hee: Get someone else to do it
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Read wisely: Job prospects may depend on it
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Missing ride: Up, up, and awry
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Survivors: Three lives rebound from crumpled cars
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 31-August 7
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Comings and goings
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Must be seen: Viewers are mad about makeovers
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Early riser: Anne Williams makes mornings musical
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Sail away: Fuel goes nautical
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Gary O'Connell: The man behind the curtain
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Boaz makes Hook clownish
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hot pants at Hook?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Kluge should know better
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Not all well with women at UVA
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Rose is a treasure
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Chemistry 101: Not Much 'Gee!' in Gigli
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Comfortable: Originals, covers vie on the Corner
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- No hair: Hip-hop, drums, and "Racists"
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Dogged daycare: Play yard shut down
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Living's large: Does it threaten Albemarle?
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Reborn dot-bomb: Boxerjam Media's got game
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pedophile fix: Did the tumor cause it?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- The final days: Buddy Hackett's last interview
>>  The HooK: NEWS- TLC in town: A Makeover Story visits Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Trail nix III: Busted blades on Bland
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- A good old time: The Orange County Fair makes summer perfect
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Would you get a makeover?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Romper room: Schoolhouse adds to the charm
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Grape fizz: The skinny on microwaving
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREEREST- Rule-breaking: Pick your targets carefully
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Slaughter's saga: Ex-councilor tangles with Dell
>>  The HooK: ART- Art in this place- Embarrassment of riches
>>  The HooK: ATTRACTIONS- Charlottesville: And the learning is easy
>>  The HooK: BOOKS- Bookworming: Charlottesville loves its words
>>  The HooK: CAVALIERS- Visiting the University of Virginia
>>  The HooK: CONSUMERISM- A Charlottesville consumer primer
>>  The HooK: ECONOMY- The space between us
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- So Long, Hookville: Breaking loose from the velvet rut
>>  The HooK: FAMILY- Get me outta here! Where to go and what to do with kids
>>  The HooK: MOVIES- Antici-pation: 10 notable coming attractions
>>  The HooK: MUSIC- Local band makes good!
>>  The HooK: PLAYS- Acting out: Local troupes electrify the boards
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Realtor®speak: For real laughs, read the real estate ads
>>  The HooK: TRAVEL- I-64: Ode to a Highway
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The 2 weeks in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Misspelled name
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Meadowcreek Parkway: One word or two?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- UVA's lost pond
>>  The HooK: COVER- Stream of consciousness: UVA gives Meadow Creek second chance
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, August 14-August 21, 2003
>>  The HooK: DISH- For sale: Dew Drop Inn
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Terror futures: Why Pentagon betting is good
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Spinning gold: World is Slezak's loom
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Plea bargaining: Camblos rides the hottest seat
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hollymead Target's too far
>>  The HooK: LETTER- "Eyesore" it is!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Virginia daycare needs help
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hot sax: Originals mix it up
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW-Twist and shout: Teahouse rocks, Outback rolls
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Bid now! Local stuff on eBay enriches residents
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dogged daycare II: The pressure's on for the pups
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tribune travails: Publisher sued for $1 million
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Non-fatal: Boxer story highlights a scourge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Once bitten: Adopt-a-thon turns ugly
>>  The HooK: NEWS- School story: Peabody Mom gets son expelled
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Where's the car? Mystery hit and runner still not charged
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Rural sanctuary: No need to leave home
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Seeing red: Tomatoes everywhere
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How should the person who threw the boxer off a bridge be punished?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Gassed: No gators under Big Apple
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Desperation: Get experts to help you out
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Does not compute: Is it those Dell interns again?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Charlottesville dating: Not an oxymoron
>>  The HooK: COVER- Dating disasters!
>>  The HooK: COVER- Extreme measures: dating resources reach family-ville
>>  The HooK: COVER-Man on the street: To date or not to date
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Hotties: Boozin' and Cruzin' in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Resources galore! Wrapping that rascal makes sense
>>  The HooK: COVER- Where, oh where?: Good places around town to hook up
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, August 21-28, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- My crime: 'You fit the description'
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- Dig those dots: chillin' twist on a classic
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Arm-waver: Prof lives to teach... and write
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get serious, Shirley
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I'd live there
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Smile! Can Crest cure marital decay?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Between the eyes: Revved-up roots rock rules
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- High Strung: An loving that energy!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 278 men: Rapist search angers black males
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Barnhill's bride: Wife escapes endangerment charge
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- W'boro hub: City eyes home furnishings
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gabe to Pooh: Don't touch my building
>>  The HooK: NEWS- PAC man: Van Yahres finds another way to raise money
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Starry eyes: Can rock lotto pick a winner?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- No excuses: Make my salsa hot!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your best date?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Walls of ivy: Easy maintenance in Greenbrier
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Still available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- In other words: You say 'don,' I say 'underpants'
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Four tricks: How to make more time
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- A painted house: Is it smooth or slick?
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Lots o' misspellings
>>  The HooK: COVER- Flooded house: Dreams get soaked
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Beware: Caveat emptor makes buyers vulnerable
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 28-September 3
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Must they? Madison Avenue knows no bounds
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Bauer's trimmers: Give her your tired, exploited
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Father Mulcahy: New pastor speaks out
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX- In focus: OFFscreen prepares for new season
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- Doing wonders: A Garden grows on Market Street
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Star QB: Will streaking Schaub get the Heisman?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Dating: Yep, it's a myth
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No privacy or decency in DNA bank
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Please, a little less swanky
>>  The HooK: LETTER- You shoulda said 'Straka'
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- About a girl: Me, you, a pig named Moo
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Part and Particle: Being at the show makes it better
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Winning combo: Hot Lunch satisfies the crowd
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Demo denied: BAR rejects Pooh's permit
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Greased: Arby's cleans up Forest Lakes
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Hot space: Boxer Learning building ripe for the picking
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Doomed: The house with the secret studio
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Road rage: Neighbors blame Longo
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Two cases: Local folks who just walked away
>>  The HooK: NEWS- W&L tops UVA: But Wahoo leaders don't mind
>>  The HooK: PHOTO ESSAY: They're baaack: Hoos fly in to school
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Look! Up in the sky: Big air! Big grinds! Good cause!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How has the start of school changed your life?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Gimme Shelter: No bluffing at Cedar Bluffs
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Snap quick!: TV photos require fast work
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Crystal gazing: Having a ball with the Blind Date Challenge
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Esther's glossies: Find wisdom in a stupid job
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Dishing it: "I want my VPT"
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- No apartment, Fair credit, Music Resource Center
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Ali Baba very bad: A week in 'post-conflict' Baghdad
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- The Dish comes out of the closet
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Mitch was right: Why ex-cons deserve the vote
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Belmont life: filmmakers shoot for the hip
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Tim Garson: Fit to be bow-tied
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Mandala mixup
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Parkway is the answer
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Peabody isn't utopia
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Queer eye: New Jeepers has strange slant
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- No tomorrow: Oregon Hill's groovy fallback
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Pigging out: Hogs rule the Mall
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bard-ville: Staunton becomes Shakespeare mecca
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bearded lady: UVA doctors seek a cure
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTION- Raceday: Women with attitude
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Damaged: New Locust bridge takes a hit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Guerilla advertising: Boards hop around Main Street
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Norcross property: From ho's to hoes to homes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Solo swim: Dave's debut disc due soon
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Verdict waits: Judge hints at life for Dowdell
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Storm Survivors: Rebuilding the Albemarle County Fair
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- When do you think the war will end?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Two for two: Off to good start at Burnley Station
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Net loss: Cannonballs need good aim
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Order priorities: Live like a millionaire now
>>  The HooK: THE DISH- Suck it up: Bubble tea stirs the town
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Test pattern: Dish rebates prove elusive
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- on officer's name
>>  The HooK: COVER- Horrors: How George Garrett met his Space Monster
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Girl, interrupted- Hoffman: 'I was just too young'
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Something's Stu-ing: Rifkin gives good restaurant
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Paul Garrett: Boring and proud of it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Deep-six Trunk
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Grabowski's got no talent
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Orgasms: Nice not naughty
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- En garde: Matchstick Men strikes two chords
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Alignment: Bands respond to planets' vibes
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dulcet tones: Ezra's voice steals the show
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Acoustic sunset: When they were kings of Cabell
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Hair-ried: State eyes braiding, abuse
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Zoned out: Is techy tax break fair?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Critical mass: Cyclists hog to unclog
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dimming light: Galleries claim Kinkade's a fraud
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sign of the times: Slave block commemorated
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sobering: Booze-serving parents resentenced
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unswung: McIntire boots Sunday golfers
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the schlockiest film you've ever seen?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Too cool: Only the hip need apply
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Fingerplay: Tickle a chimp with care
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- No man's land: BDC opens the closet door
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Two years later: Close call sparked 'reframing'
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Work smartest: Being a chameleon isn't bad
>>  The HooK: THE DISH- Take it easy: Slow Food creeps into town
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Hot races: 15 candidates, 7 seats, 14 questions
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Citizens to the polls
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Forums: Where informed citizens hang out
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Huh? What's a Soil and Water Conservation District?
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, September 18-25, 2003
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- New music reviewer
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Edward Teller: My brush with greatness
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Jack in the box: You can't keep Smith down
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Publisher emerita: Kay "I'm not a bluestocking" Peaslee
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Biking is privilege, not right
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Brazen's getting better
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Garrett's a hunk
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Mane attraction: Secondhand Lions warms the heart
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cartoon planet: TTC's road to nowhere
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Tonal shift: You bring new crowd to Corner
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Acoustic sunset: When they were kings of Cabell
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- More glossies: South Magazine launches
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Read on: New glossy lures Southerners
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Caffeinated farewell: Live Arts leaves Old Michie
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Central perk: DMB provides the sound of money
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Court scare: 'average joes' dissed for deputies
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Isabel: one spot's ready
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Living history: Scottsville unveils new park
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Newest Virginia Landmarks Register addition
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Giddyup, giddyup... Model-Ts, 409s, and modifieds wow 'em
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Have you ever missed voting in an election?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Greenwoodsy: Tiny cottage full of charms
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Precipitation: Gold goes and comes
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Pet peeves: A few least favorite things
>>  The HooK: THE DISH- New 'opportunity': Dueling gelatos meet on the Mall
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Days for Knight: Consumer scolds busy contractor
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- misattribution and misspelling
>>  The HooK: COVER- Roll of Dice: Fifeville gets a makeover
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, September 25-October 2, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Isabel's big brother: Metro honchos overstep boundaries
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Channeling Faulkner: Sperry Marine scribe takes prize
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- Isabel's wrath: The Dark descends on foodville
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Peter Griesar: Life in his own superfast lane
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Feel the pain: The Rundown kicks ass
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Happenin': Zaireeka must be experienced
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Say what? Label manifests El-P's vision
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Appealing: Driving breast-feeder blames self
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crossed wires: Why aren't those power lines buried?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Decisions, decisions: Sun shines too late for Fridays
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Defying Isabel: Megamall opens as planned
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Displaced persons: Isabel brings folks to town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Getting burned: UVA out to halt music theft
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Isabel Wreckage
>>  The HooK: NEWS- R.I.P. WUSA: Sponsorship woes doom women's soccer
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Insult to injury: Flooded house gets swimming hole
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Write-in: Latecomer challenges Dorrier
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How has Isabel affected your life?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Level it: Mill's glory days are over
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Open wide: Gulping gazelles for dinner
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Strike out: The Challenge goes disco-bowling
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Just so-so: Maybe you're not that good
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- "Free" reign: how to cancel CompuServe
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Holding on: Markets still booming in Belmont, despite hold-ups and Kluge competition
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Fueling competition? Kluge's gas mart gears up
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 2-9, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Holler news: Isabel kisses Hungrytown
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Schnitzel king: Gerstl returns to his roots
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- Cookin' or cuisine? Virginia fare from dumplings to duck eggs
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Allen Hale: Hoping to soar into office
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fifeville wasn't Fife's
>>  The HooK: LETTER- "Not gay" not here no more
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Setting Caravati straight
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Class-ic rock: Who says School's no fun?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Local accident: Two brilliantly unique EPs
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- What a night: Packed house roars for Rufus
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Under way: Mr. Enniscorthy goes on trial
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Chipped beef: Carousing bull felled by dart
>>  The HooK: NEWS- From dream to screen: Wadlow's Living the Lie
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hot makeover: Coughing up $50 million for heat
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Looted: Hip-hop store an Isabel victim
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Resourceful: DMB concert answers prayers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Solo Devil: Dave is Dave with another band
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Hot-blooded: Foreigner rocks Sundays after 3!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite Belmont market?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Challenging: Victorian may repay hard work
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Puffed up: Less pressure, bigger bosom
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Must be: Seven ways to impress
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Cheaper rub: Why Tess was hospitalized
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Globetrotters: When Jewish upon a star!
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION/LETTER- Get the date right
>>  The HooK: COVER- Egads! The road Greens like: Which way will it go?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Albemarle Place: Ahead of the cut-through curve
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Attention Kmart shoppers: Check out that Hillsdale Connector!
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Go east, young fan: UVA connects with less fuss
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 9-16, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Loathsome: Bush-haters' vitriol runs big risks
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Cat man Kostich! Greene kitties get new home
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- Pop a cork! Getting a taste for the bubbly
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Felica Rogan: Grande dame of Virginia viticulture
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Call it gentrification
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hack away: Trim more
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Lack of ethics haunts mom
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Fills the Bill: QT kills again!
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cool Jacket: Moves will move you
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Let down: Searching for a purpose?
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Fashion scare: Clancy book wreaks havoc in Mall
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Coming home: Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kluge-ville: Town meeting doesn't sway neighbors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mr. 460,000: Dave's disc sells well
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Non-fired worker: More flaws at Bright Beginnings
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No toilets: But plenty of history at Earlysville church
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Parallel universe: "Connector roads" all the rage
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rave reviews: And stellar box-office for Agent
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- History weekend: Bringing out the big guns
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite road?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- No secrets: Store is seen in Heards
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Spinning: Dentist's drill tops a cycle
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Beach volleyball: The joys of uncertainty
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Shining Knight? One down, one to go
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- misspelling
>>  The HooK: COVER- Saving Sarah: Satan worship, sex abuse, and Dr. Martin Stein
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Which hunt? Repressed memory... and other '80s fads
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 15-23, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Short people: Let them opt to be taller
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Bonsoir, Ciboulette! Market gets a bistro
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Inspired life: Johnson loved cousin and Christie
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bush guided by 9/11
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fixing Fifeville; Cox rocks
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Stop bullying Bright Beginnings
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Write in urban renewal!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- High expectations: Mystic River no Boston cream puff
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Musical bashing: Bands rock to sock Bush
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Throwing fits: Dando's star power flickers
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Thinking outside: Out of the Box reuses old store
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Freed by judge: Greenleaf perp out, strikes again
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kinkade paints 'em...says lawyer, slamming Hook story
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Live or die? Case puts focus on planning
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Nobody came: Rain drowns Valley tourism
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Thanksgiving effect: UVA studies cat allergies
>>  The HooK: NEWS- West Nile: Augusta man's death state's first
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Lining up: When it's apple-pickin' time
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Do you own any Thomas Kinkade paintings?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Bellwether?: Big house might be indicator
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Snake-icide: Reptiles' bites end misery
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Resume rules: Keep it simple, specific
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Weighty records: Dieters to get files, not money
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Attempted rape maxes out at 10 years
>>  The HooK: COVER- Pay off: The Hook's Guide-O-Rama to the $ Film Fest
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Aboriginal: Rabbit Proof star loves his work
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- No hogs: A different kind of Film Fest
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- One-sheet: Wahoo returns... as poster collector
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Roll 'em: Phantom of the projection booth
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Venues
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Windfall: Festival tips worth a million
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, October 24-30, 2003
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Welcome to Parsons
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Taking his medicine: Rush needs more than treatment
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Star-grazing: Majewski's got the Milky Way's menu
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Milking it: Cheese with grass-roots feel
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Dogged Dem: Why Sisson wants to hang up Hanger
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't disparage babysitters
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Stop bullying Bright Beginnings
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Runaway hit: Jury' duty's a pleasure
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Interested: Two keep audience enthralled
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Surprising: Dub reggae makes trip worth it
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bombshell: Defense move delays Rice trial
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Freed by judge: Greenleaf perp out, strikes again
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grisham's latest: Runaway Jury not runaway hit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kinkade paints 'em...says lawyer, slamming Hook story
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sign out: Vandalism on the campaign trail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sticker shock: rainbow riles parents
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tune in: Sisters' TLC makeover airs soon
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Booster feat: Will Lewis & Clark be magic #3?
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- 'Smithereens': Isabel KO's county's busiest trail
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Show off: Big Belmonter outshines neighbors
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Memorable: Soirée benefits young Pollocks
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Are you going to the Film Festival?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosures
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Itchy sex: On being allergic to your lover
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Cold as ice: Taking the plunge, then gasping for air
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Sterling treatment: No refund on 'amenity'
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Wrong speaker and wrong spelling
>>  The HooK: COVER- Halloween mystery: 99 years later, the McCue murder
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR ESSAY- Permanent vows: What's a widower to do?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Mute testimony: The missing killer?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- Hearsay: Why he was found guilty
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar October 30-November 6
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Tricky treat: Let's reclaim Halloween from fear
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Talking the talk: Justin Steele tells it like it is
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Fair trade? Coffee debate winds up in cup
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Watkins Abbitt: Incumbent and sorghum squeezer
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Daycare story should be told
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Cut to the chase: Women in lust and jeopardy
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Analog wonders: Cool kids still mixing tapes
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Mindlessness: Pleasures and pretense of a mechanical man
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Big 'Buy' here: But Crutchfield has no fear
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Emergency symbol: Controversy in BOS race
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fur flees: Rummage sale shuns pelts
>>  The HooK: NEWS PHOTO- York statue: Nation's first dedicated in Louisville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Profit and loss: Film Fest highs and lows
>>  The HooK: NEWS- "Jaws will drop": Live Arts lands in new digs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Scary tale: Nightmare on N. Berkshire
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Double dipping: 'Safe' Halloween = twice the treats
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the new Live Arts building?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Escapism: Farm it or don't-- your choice
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Tips of the slung: Spoonerisms provoke giggles
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Busy? Don't give me that!
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Gone cuckoo: The case of the missing clock
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong funding source, wrong county, wrong caption
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Arctic blast: Will jet stream bring blizzards?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- High and dry: Local weather, water guys MIA
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Man on the street
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Wet records: 2003 will shatter at least one
>>  The HooK: COVER- Tub overfloweth: Water conservers change tactics
>>  The HooK: COVER- What next? Weighing in on winter weather
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 7-13, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Talking men: Don't marry a Silent Type
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Think Mink: Taking kids back to nature
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Qdobas: Tex-Mex comes to the Corner
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Steve Landes: Is fifth term the charm?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bright Beginnings seems dim
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Leaders are everywhere
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Sexual abuse-- all too real
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Matrix 3: All good things must come to...
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bring it on: Dancin' through the revolution
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Phishy business: Acoustic-jam a crowd-pleaser
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Use your assets: Help with revamping rooms
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTION- McRaven: Vandalism escalates
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hair's breadth: Rice trial delayed nine months
>>  The HooK: NEWS- "In your face": PEC attacks new Kluge plan
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Short circuit: Quick workouts = fast results?
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Power trip: Police release rapist's words
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Open at last: Gallery finds another Second Street
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your idea of a good winter?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Shock of the new: No hi-tech stone unturned
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- Still available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- For the birds: Prankster causes delay of game
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Love on the brain: Couple probe each other's minds
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Strategic planning: Make harassment work for you
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Shattered: Case of the exploding cooktop
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Apple facts: A glass of cider a day...
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Summit: Cider makers head to North Garden
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Pulp friction: Uncle Sam threatens to stop the presses
>>  The HooK: COVER- Water world: Plans for future water woes
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 7-13, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Cover-up: Muslim women don veils
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Firm foundations: No unique style at VMDO
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Grillin': Farmington blaze blamed on creosote
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Nat Howell: Ambassador in disaster
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get a real reviewer
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Harassment never 'works'
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Triangles aren't political
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- See-worthy: Crowe commanding on bounding main
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Poised to fly: Nothing "Small town" about new CD
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Secret dioramas: Casiotones specific, if not new
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Broken record: 2003 rainy days takes honors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Encroached: Land giveaway spurs debate
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Going, going: Hamner home place on the block
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Monster opens: Game-dayers can park in a park
>>  The HooK: NEWS SIDEBAR- No dollar: Grisham gives it away on Main
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slashed: $10 million WVIR verdict
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Top dollar: Library pays $75,000 for Grisham
>>  The HooK: NEWS - Tubular: Belmont film gets TV airing
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Shopping center update: 2 of 3 approved
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Palm of her hand: Rita Mae captivates B&N gathering
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How much would you pay for the Waltons' house?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Compound interest: History and commerce meet in Louisa
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Daddy? Twins have different pops
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Networking: Heaven-sent help for introverts
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Smoking! What messed up the engine?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER BOX- Clifton at a glance
>>  The HooK: COVER BOX- Firm of victims: Willkie Farr & Gallagher
>>  The HooK: COVER- Pre-dawn terror: Clifton fire kills two women
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Storied history: Clifton a gift from TJ
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Tragic trip: Recruiting junket turns deadly
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- My son: Adopting an orphan demands care
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Hands on: Scholars get Mallory treatment
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Cheered up: Magnolia to lift Scottsville's spirits
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Alice Handy: Mistress of the Universe(ity)
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bright Beginnings is the bully
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Stop Kluge's development now
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Two sides to preschool story
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Gothica: Flick goes from soap to nuts
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bring earplugs: Hardcore bands crank it up
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Clubby club club: New dance space gets 'em moving
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- No fun: Gamers take another hit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Firefighter down: Friends mourn 'good ole country boy'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jem: ATO's latest Welsh signee
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Just a trim: Attorney General recruits hairdressers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Learning curve: Boxer auctions stuff
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Reverse discrimination? Lawsuit accuses Progress parent
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sky's the limit: County estate sales could set record
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Who let the dogs out? Paws walk benefits the SPCA
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Where were you when JFK was shot?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Ramping up: Location makes house a fishbowl
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- UPDATE- Back on the block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Get it up: How levitation really works
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Claymation: Will sparks blaze or eyes glaze?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Want to advance? Clean up your cubicle
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- MSN billing: This issue is not resolved
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 13-20, 2003
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 20-27, 2003
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATIONS- What is Light House? Who is the publicist?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Male call: Where's the manly shopping?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Holiday commandments: A get-real guide to surviving
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Shop naked! On-line ordering can be fun
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Split up: Divide and conquer (the mall, that is)
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Want gifts? Stand by your man-- with hints, sizes
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 27-December 4, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- In the genes: Women hard-wired to shop
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Latest on GW: Author shows George as emancipator
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Spicing up Crozet: Cocina del Sol takes Mex west
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Jerry Kilgore: From Gate City to the Capital City
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get Farmcolony facts straight
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Stop degrading victims
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Missing: Dad comes back to save the day
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Gillian's return: Welch and Rawlings rock Center
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Happy haze: Three bands and surprises all around
>>  The HooK: NEWS- $400 to peddle: New rules, fees vex vendors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bikes and feet: New choices in 20-year 'road' plan
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Clifton fixed? Smoke detectors cited in '99 inspection
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Not guilty: Murder suspect beats assault charge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Paramount pains: Theater takes toll on neighbors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- UnJam, the song: Some rue Rue's tune
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Arty party: Museum gala honors Crosses
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the worst gift you've ever gotten from a man?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Passages: Long halls, but lots of light
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- UPDATE- Still on the block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- What a doll! Barbie rocks into her 40s
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Talk it up: Your holiday job: dinner conversation
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Dell spell: When backup is key
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- She goes to Goddard
>>  The HooK: COVER- Park Dietz: The killing expert who knows too much
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Mr. Controversy: How Dietz finds the flaws
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Sidelined: Why Dietz sits out the sniper trials
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, December 4-11, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- The watchers: They won't hear of prof's politics
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- People person: Tucker loves theater lovers
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- C'est si bon: New "French wave" rolls through town
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Jailbreak: Superintendent Isom counts the days
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ciderama needs follow-up
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Not quite fair, but a start
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Our apples are safe and tasty
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Story missed smaller outbreaks
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Plath-tered: Suicidal tendencies are catching
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- In perspective: Telling the apartheid story
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW - Locked out: Luck of the pop music draw
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Apple-bound: Amtrak offer more NYC rides
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Big whoop: Pertussis hacks local schools
>>  The HooK: NEWS BIZ- 7,200 cuts: Tyco in major restructuring
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Woof: Eat my (natural) biscuits
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Frozen asset: Enniscorthy not for sale
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mouth watch: N-word sparks UVA outcry
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Marching, shifting... 'Buy nothing' advocates act out
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the insanity defense?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Round house: Squares nicely with environs
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- Still available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Experimental: Kid + magnet = no TV
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Love on ice: Blind Date melts hearts
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Brazen move: Good managers are good firers
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Preferred provider: Who to call when a tree falls
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Boise's in Idaho
>>  The HooK: COVER- Art in face: Are they artsy or just plain fartsy?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Alien art: 'Just satire' on Park Street
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- City shopping: what the government bought
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Reaction: "Oooohs" and "Ewwws" for ArtInPlace
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- Best defense: Artists have federal law behind them
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, December 11-17, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- No apology: Japan deserved Enola Gay's visit
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Dew Droppers: First Jason, now Jackie
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- You say panini... Whatever it's called, fad here to stay
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Boyd's pattern: Will Ken hop again?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fearless won me a Dell
>>  The HooK: LETTER- The Stepford Hook?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Vaccine is the biggest whoop
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Ringworms, Rejoice! Third time's a charm
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Gushathon: No words good enough
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Too cool: BC strums, plucks, wows!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Big stink: Is it compost-- or garbage?
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Rich niche: New bird franchise makes two
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Charlottesville rocks: 4.5 strikes us
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Earl's 'stead: Waltons house sold for $126,500
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Louisa tradition: New police chief raises hackles
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Makeover on Main: Bus station gets new look
>>  The HooK: NEWS SIDEBAR- Charlottesville rocks! Where were you when it shook?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Thrillion: When the exam is a ball
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite/least-favorite piece of public art?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Dealer's choice: Home or office? Up to you
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Fried ants?: Hiding out saves a few
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Coping: When work and grief collide
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Shining light: But not through the roof!
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Extra-curricular: 'School' didn't keep Waldo home
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Home for the holidays: And every other day, too
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, December 18-25, 2003
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Better living through... Christmas feast full of chemicals
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Wild Heart woe: Sobel's journal needs a home
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Does size matter? New eateries say yes and no
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Uber dean: Ayers an academic of all trades
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Plath movie doesn't bore
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Union stands up to bigotry
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Big little man: Big little movie
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bigger fish: Clare Quilty should blow dodge
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Faulknerian: The Trouble isn't with Harry
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Air coli: New outbreak goes beyond food
>>  The HooK: NEWS CONTEST- Enough already? Enter the Hook's rainfall contest
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Final jug: Sheets cider mill bottles its last
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Girlyman deserved better
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Guinea pigs: New film needs test audience
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slumped over: Alleged rape followed party
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Solo entry: Gravedigger nominated for Grammy
>>  The HooK: NEWS - Wet view: Dell project unfinished... really
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Hooked: The art of the party
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Would you home-school your children and why?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Time travel: Classic mill and Crafty bungalow
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Still available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Evolution: Fish face to your face
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Don't bail: Go to your company's holiday gig
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- The year in review
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, December 31, 2003, to January 8, 2004
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Dancing queen: She teaches all the right moves
>>  The HooK: FOOD- Openings and closings in 2003
>>  The HooK: FOOD- Thank you: 10 reasons to thank the foodie gods
>>  The HooK: HOTSEATS- Didja know? Secrets of the HotSeat sitters
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Chief responds: It's all lies
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Credit where credit is due
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fair trade bypasses greed
>>  The HooK: MOVIES- In review: the great work ends in 2003
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Poetry virgin: But musical pros save the night
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Reinvention: New "rugged" Badu abandons poetics
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Balls of crystal: Hook makes bold 2004 predictions
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dave's label merges: Bronfmans back in music biz
>>  The HooK: NEWS- He made me do it: Driving breast-feeder sentenced
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Itsy bitsy scare: Black widow found in grapes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Quonset chic: New hut district in the works?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Skeleton cruise: House edges closer to demolition
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stop and go: Residents hope city sees light
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Worst headlines: Has the Onion bought the Progress?
>>  The HooK: NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS- Say what?: What's your resolution for 2004?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Station elation: Local premiere draws happy crowd
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What were the best and worst things about 2003?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Big sales, fast deals: Year in Review
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Seasonable: Winter adds to house appeal
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- How on Earth?: Santa's travel secrets revealed
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Gravitational pull: Do the math!
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Sound and fury: The 2003 Consumer 'awards'
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The two weeks in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Bad math on house
>>  The HooK: COVER- Linked up: Museum adds sparkle to Star City
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Bye-bye, Staunton: Daytrip quashed by NYC extension
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Hell-mates: Sad tale of Winston and Conchita
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Maybe someday: Amtrak disses Roanoke (for now)
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBOX- Winston himself: Portrait of the artist
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBOX- Station celebration: O. Winston Link Museum
>>  The HooK: cultural calendar January 7-15, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Black holes: Illusion of health melts
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Our daily franchise? Barracks Road loses two locals
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Frank McCue: Sports doc to the stars
>>  The HooK: LETTER- The bomb bombed morality
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Nice enough: No hooks in Big Fish
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- 2003's best: I'll take it on the Shins
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Getting lucky: Two locals scheme for fame
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Close enough: Logic leads to rainfall win
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jefferson Ward: From petty cons to rape charges
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No mad butchers: 'Let 'em eat steak'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Switch in the stocking? Health plan sickens some 'Hoos
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- First Night: Families ring in the New Year
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Who was O. Winston Link?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Charmed: Downtown bungalow offers cozy comforts
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Hounds' history: Has bow-wow bondage ended?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE-Match made, Hook-er style
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Negotiate: Get the salary you deserve
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Flavor country: Not here in Albemarle
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Tax me: 12 cents a pack in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Why? Weight, moods prompt women to puff
>>  The HooK: COVER- Tobacco town: Smokers, sellers defy Healthville docs
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, January 14-22, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Drugs of choice: Science tackles smoking addiction
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Adios, supergranny: Local author makes murder in townsville
>>  The HooK: FICTION CONTEST- Story zone: Big writing contest strikes again
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Newer, friendlier: Prince Michel uncorks new image
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- John McCutcheon: Making waves making music
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Christians don't claim exclusivity
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Homeschoolers diverse
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Risk assessment: Polly needs a wisecrack
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Courtly country : Local boys pack 'em in
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Don't skip it: Remix adds to original
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ashcroft coup: Developer ousts board-- or tries to
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Behind bars: High-living scammer pleads guilty
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Biker babes? Living Stones launch preschool
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Rising star: How a boutique biz went national
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Schilling's list: One is the loneliest number
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Thermo nuclear? Fired UVA scientist "targets" officials
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Doublecross: Snowy speed demons show off
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Why do you smoke?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Chilly blasts: Winds of change shake Fifeville
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- UPDATE- Still on the block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- New plant food: Good for indoor peas
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- New view: entrepreneurship for you
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Bean brouhaha: Drunk or mistreated?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Missed date missed
>>  The HooK: COVER- Extreme makeover: Ordinance offers city a new look
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Kuttner's conundrum: 'Bad boy' blasts the new law
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- In the zone: The new ordinance and you
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, January 22-29, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- The City moves to The Hook
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Republican pork: GOP funds bushmen and blueberries
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Design-build: Dynamic duo heat up Zocalo
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Clammed up: Awful Arthur's stows its shuckers
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Jan Cornell: The woman UVA can't ignore
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Enola Gay's polarizing effect
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Morrell's family are victims too
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Winston Link stopped near me
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW-Things fall apart: One flutter, lots of waves
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Jam: (ugh): Bending the Rule a little
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Travelin': From ecstasy to outer space
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Connected: Country folk get broadband
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Deanies in Iowa: Those crazy middle-agers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hate on holiday: Neo-Nazis mark MLK birthday
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Molester dies: Child kidnapper slain in prison
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mr. Iowa in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Preliminary hearing: Night of stabbing detailed
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Coming alive: Monroe and friends at Ash Lawn
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How should Charlottesville evolve?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Halycon days: Misspelled, but still true here
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- All that $$! What to do with it?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Parent trap: Single parents need fun too
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Don't brownnose: But do compliment thy boss
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Doubled bed: Springing the money took time
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATION- Kariel worked on Terraces, too
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Misspelled name
>>  The HooK: COVER- This boy's lawsuit: Alan Newsom's $150,000 t-shirt
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, January 29-February 5, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Ungodly politics: Dean bends to pressure
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Killer movie: Filmmaker turns disease into documentary
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Nip tuck: Capshaw's Light gets a lift
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Ron Hutchinson: From supe to nuts?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cremaster is not art
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Facelift deception?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Brush with Greitness: Nobody home at the Vermeers'
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Stiff competition: Tough town for new band
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Three for three: Local women in the round
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Arrivederci: Cox era on Council to end
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Real deal? Keller Williams moves in
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Sharp eyes: Laser surgery's all the rage
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Danielson's digs: Hotel to light up downtown
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dry rush: Carwash suit gets court date
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Put Conchita in the movies
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Vegas Baby! Gamblers go nuts at Omni
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Should schools restrict what students wear?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Crossbreed: A craftsman meets a barn
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Don't panic: The halo you see is yours
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Sports talk stinks: Learn to do it anyway
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Cubs fan calls: 'Attack dog' gets results
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Moving a mountain: How Monticello got Montalto back
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Repose here: Brown's mountain goes way back
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, February 5-12, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Baseball truth: You build it, they'll leave
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Roadkill Buddha: Meet a not-so holy roller
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Dip, sip, slurp-- C-ville Coffee goes East
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Wyant's score: Living fantasy on the board
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Others fear Keller Williams
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Mighty pucks: Pumping up America's morale
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Don't be scared: Outback acts worth the risk
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Strange and beautiful: Visiting bands leave mark
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bereaved: Funeral strands bus riders
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Humble pie: How Sheckler got NBC29 to apologize
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Out on Rugby: Gay fraternity faces vote
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Party line: Build Meadowcreek Parkway
>>  The HooK: PERFORMANCE REVIEW- Fun, fun, fun: Mamet brings on the laughs
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you know about Brown's Mountain?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Colorful corner: Pistachio house catches the eye
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- UPDATE- Still on the block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Heavy, man: Nothing new under the sun
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Man or myth? Do single guys over 45 exist?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Big idea: So what if it's yours?
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Pricey ride? Renter disputes mileage charges
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Bad captions everywhere!
>>  The HooK: COVER- Newlywed game: To do's for I do's
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Anniversary fever: Gifts for every year
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Are you ready? Top Ten signs you may be ready to tie the knot
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Doc talk: The psychology of a perfect union
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Quick and painless: A trip to City Hall could be the ticket!
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Then and now: Couples recall popped questions
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Wedding intro
>>  The HooK: COVER- Well groom-ed: How to keep your honey happy
>>  The HooK: COVER- Wild 'n' wacky: Wedding tales from the field
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, February 12-19, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fairy tales: How about a dose of reality?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Slab rehab: Meet the new maestro at Fellini's
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Food as foreplay: Local chefs heat things up
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- The adjuster: Brown wants a crack at Council
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Moving buses is best memorial
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Forget it: 50 first dates too many
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- CD REVIEW- Memo to The Darkness: Consider vocal downsizing
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- People's choice: Escape the everyday grind
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- New biz: Boxwood ladies don't do topiary
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Finger slammed: Court won't hear boy's case
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gutted: Student hurt in morning blaze
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hometown hottie: Local bartender seeks mate on Bachelorette
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ice, ice, baby: Is run-off ruining the waters?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Opportunity? Republicans find two candidates
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rice reprieve: Feds to drop Park murder charges
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Upset: 'Stop Meredith' move ousts Richards
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- 23s-33s: Chocolate night for grownups
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you remember most about your wedding?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Foreclosure auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Art/history: Ivy Depot embodies eclecticism
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- UPDATE- Still on the block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Sinking feeling: Quicksand can swallow cities
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Cyber-terrors: Five emails you should never send
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Whose phault?: When paving plan gets icy
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER- City on a hill: Is Staunton the next Charlottesville?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- The Price of Beauty
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY SIDEBAR- Know thy Queen: Fast facts and Stauntonalia
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Sox lid: A hat is not just a hat
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Hill historian: O'Shaughnessy's revolution
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Branching out: Five, six, another Sticks!
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Kenneth Jackson: Not your stereotypical Republican
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No Meredith conspiracy
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Photo did me wrong
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Maine event: Retiring president v. plumber
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Local showcase: Bucks, Gallants, and Folks...
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Mouse or Beatle?: Listen, then you decide
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Cheese reprieve: Delay good news for feisty farmers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DontGivetoUVA.com: Gay grads solicit UVA donors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ecoterrorism: ELF "targets" Hollymead Center
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Excommunicated: AOL blocks Pope mail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Free at last? Fridays future depends on Plaza
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sky's the limit: Castle Hill could set record
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slippery slope: Site work irks neighbors
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Miss March: Playmate visits cigar-buyers
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of Staunton?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Hill and grace: Ednam Forest is all that
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Just kidding!: Escaping the psych ward
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Tell a lie: Talk yourself into advancing
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Verdict: The engine was not defective
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- No credit lines on cover
>>  The HooK: COVER- Black widow? A native son's death rattles Somerset
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, February 26-March 4, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Mel's woes: No Holocaust denier-- but close
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- The ultimate: Steven Braden sells and sells
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Highs and lows: Southern Culture goes upscale
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Not Cox's: Hamilton dances to her own beat
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Abortion safety matters
>>  The HooK: LETTER- ELF never killed anyone
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Is Wood gonna shoot?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's define our terms
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Excruciating: The Gospel according to Mel
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Surprise! New Walkmen disc exceeds expectations
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Useless art: "Quack" disappoints in person
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fatally flawed: Lawyers ask end to Rice case
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gagged: T-shirt settlement kept quiet
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lost Labs: Missing dogs fan theft fears
>>  The HooK: NEWS- "Hotel Charlottesville"-- Capshaw to help Danielson?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sky plow: City goes high tech
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ticking clock: Decision on gay fraternity delayed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Town troubles: Louisa loses another chief
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What are you doing over spring break?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Magical: You can see for miles and miles
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Go get em!: Doggie rabbit dreams?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- All yours: The Oscar for career inspirations goes to...
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Let me go!: How many "final" bills?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Love lesson: Teachers hit the town
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- The Comeback Kidney: In the Vest family, organs come full circle
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, March 4-11, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Already there? Many married men already gay
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Judicial confusion: 'Show the judge your stuff'
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Cyclocrossers: Father, son take rivalry off-road
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Sound familiar? McClures take Virginian up the street
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Oracle unseen: Republican Reinicke plunges into politics
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Call it what it is
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Give the Fraziers credit
>>  The HooK: LETTER- It was Cage, not Kurtag
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No changes were made
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Mustang salvo: Horsing around with Frank of Arabia
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Rapturous: Jospé disc makes miles fly by
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Too many words? Darnielle has a lot to say
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DJ Twist: Jefferson Ward's days in court
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rub a dub dub: Who's having the best 2004?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Shocking: Consumers sign up for higher rates
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Starlight, star bright: New way to NYC
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Strip clip: City writes new mowing law
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Swingers: Baseball buds start new biz
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Todd Billet: Master of last-minute heroics
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Hill and swale: How green can this valley stay?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Big beats! Jae Sinnett, sticking around Garrett Hall
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Are you an organ donor?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Dig it! Reasons not to let it be
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Baby or career? Putting pregnancy on hold
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Pulled rug: Heirloom and $$ missing
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Nickel and dimed: Barbara Ehrenreich and tap-dancing on the edge
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, March 11-18, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- New HookLook
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Belief 101: Why Michael is innocent
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Finding the groove: Kathy Bollinger sings for kids
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Spilled milk: Creamery goes udder up
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Lynchian: Engineering that vision thing
>>  The HooK: LETTER- ELFs are terrorists
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Luke told ear story
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Staunton didn't self-destruct
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Back to the '70s: Along came polyester
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Branching out: Two bands, two worlds
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Brass jungle: Trumpets, saxes, tuba = loud!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Conchita's plea: Link's ex-wife admits guilt
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gaydar alert: Sharif plays it straight
>>  The HooK: NEWS- History's dustbin: Flyers fly at Monticello High
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New nukes: Dominion plans cause reaction
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Racy spot: Readers blast UVA "slut"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ungagged: County ready to tattle
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Boarder redux: Champs end season in style
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the lowest paying job you've ever had?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- New-age/hi-tech: Astec Center offers both
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Flirty: Famous smile was a come-on
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- For St. Pat: Make your own luck
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Front row: Landlord-tenant sparks fly
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- After Rice: New questions in Park murders
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, March 18-25, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Lynn's leaving
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Dear Ralph: Sorry, I'm dumping you
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Looks easy: New VQR editor has magic touch
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Fine dining: UVA tests its chefs
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Author-finder: Damon tells Festival secrets
>>  The HooK: LETTER- "Stuff" fuels poverty
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Share those kidneys!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Vests warm the heart
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- To err is human? Fog of War makes its case
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Break down: Students split, scene slows
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Listen hard! The message isn't spoken
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Back at it: Waldo brings Microsoft calling
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- No place like it: Biz helps families cope
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Collier's cortege: Goodbye to one of their own
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jazzed up: 107.5 change rocks Kidd fans
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rock the vote: Not in Williamsburg
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Poor and ignored? Schilling makes the case
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Writer's block? Naaw: Ten years for VABook
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Mrs. Veep: Lynne Cheney's Montpelier history lessons
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Did the Park murders influence your decision to go hiking?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Look behind: Reality lives up to façade
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Fingered: Sanded tips help crooks
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Déjà phew! Blind date not so blind
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Stressed out? Cut daily drive time
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- After Rice: New questions in Park murders
>>  The HooK: COVER BONUS- Playboys of Ireland: Tying Joyce to the Duke
>>  The HooK: COVER- Fiction 2004: Judges. Meet the judges
>>  The HooK: COVER- FICTION- Winners 2004: Slow and steady wins...
>>  The HooK: COVER- FICTION WINNER- Waltzing Cowboys
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, March 25-April 4, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Profile surprise: How I made CPD's hit list
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Alligators' author: No blues for this Cowgirl
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Blast off: Atomic Burrito takes on the night
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Clyde Edgerton: Pilot, professor, papa...
>>  The HooK: LETTER- 107.5 greed hurts listeners
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hooray for smooth jazz!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- The elderly stay home
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Turn off the lights!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Busting a cap: Coens shooting blanks
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Blues and green: Pinch a drink for St. Pat
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Utterly foreign: Adebimpe's other-world sound
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Action figure: Darden grad markets thrills
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Award-winning: Hook takes nine statewide prizes
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- IQ alert: Big brains head this way
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Capshaw-ville: Big complex dwarfs station
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Eye on news: CBS affiliate coming to town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fishing trip: 'Harassment' charges in rapist search
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fishing trip: 'harassment' charges in rapist search
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Swimming sibs: Olympics trump family feuds
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Resourceful: MRC moves into Zion
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What does the Book Festival mean to you?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- On the rock: Mill house built to last
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Where am I? The eyes have it
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Watch the clock: Tardiness sabotages success
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Lethal rules: Bring cash when arguing
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Email address, bad heading, and we don't know our own judge
>>  The HooK: COVER- Dischord: Prism Coffeehouse seeks harmony
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 1-8, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Coudenhove's leaving
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Bye-bye, Bob: AMs won't be the same
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- At Streetlight's helm: Poet steps into limelight
>>  The HooK: The Hook
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Oops!: Openings, re-openings, near openings
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- That's her!: Peppy dashes through Museum
>>  The HooK: LETTER- City's poor need help
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Staunton didn't self-destruct
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- The next Tango: Two men in a tub
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Foot-tappers: Thump rules on the Mall
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Wall of sound: How to sit up and listen
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Changing face: Coming and going on West Main
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Booked: Apres la fete
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Capshaw-ville II: DMB boss buys SNL building
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gay fraternity gets okay
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grisham's juror: Life imitates art in Tyco trial
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Park beech: Sidewalk threatens tree
>>  The HooK: NEWS- TJ's ghost: Students sneak into history
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Getting a buzz: A ripping good time in Batesville
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Why is Charlottesville the #1 city?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Truly Tuley: Let the light shine in
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Bird sense: Crows, pigeons good at math
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Dose of love? Writing your own future
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- No obstacle: Voice didn't stop her
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- In the zone: Shrink your phone bill
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Conversion: Turning interview into job
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- "Barbors" and big bucks
>>  The HooK: COVER- A long and winding road: City residents recall integration battles
>>  The HooK: COVER sidebar- When MLK came to town
>>  The HooK: COVER sidebar- Before Brown: Prince Edward and the 'lost generation'
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 8-15, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Race matters: The Garden of Eden
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Race matters: The Garden of Eden
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Study scoop: She helps Hoos leave
>>  The HooK: The Fearless Consumer- A, B, C, MS: Rx hard to transfer
>>  The HooK: FOOD- It's true: Verity blue now on W. Main
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Unmuzzled: Censors steer clear of O'Neil
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Sorry, it's not stucco
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Protesting too much
>>  The HooK: LETTER- McNamara and me
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Forget this Alamo: Viewers surrender to boredom
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Major music: Town comes alive with tunes
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Yearly ritual: Putting Charlottesville to shame
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Goodnight: 'Jim-Bob' Hamner dies at 67
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Very sad-ler: Fire chars student apartment
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Laughable: Funny shtick comes to life
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Hazing Kaine: Lt. Guv rips Assembly
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- War of wits
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Zelikowed: Miller Center chief irks widows
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Corner con: Bagel prank raises hopes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bye-son: Georgetown Farm closes shop
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New 'way: Vehicle raises eyebrows
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bumped! Where's Playing it Straight?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- 10-mile high: Running 'round the town
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of renaming the Performing Arts Center for MLK?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Help! Stuff snuffs great potential
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Help! Stuff snuffs great potential
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE-Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- No threat: Twins don't fight for love
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Picture-perfect? Belly dancing around the issues
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Power play: Build on your strengths
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- MLK's hotel, Lane's queen, ABC's coffee
>>  The HooK: COVER- Recent passed: Will groovy structures be landmarks?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Preservation Timeline
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Siler takes charge
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Space child: The future that never arrived
>>  The HooK: Back to school: Terry Holland takes on the NCAA
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Reform school: Holland takes on the NCAA
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Power play: Build on your strengths
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Dressing debacle: Spill at Northern drenches diners
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Sweet teeth: Gelato café ups sugar ante
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Banner year: Mulligan Thomas eyes prize
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Why not cooperate?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Correct the escalator misunderstanding
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Belmont wants sidewalks too
>>  The HooK: LETTER- MS-diss no news
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Where's the ACLU?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Median income below poverty
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Satisfying: Uma's the man!
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hangin' out: No shame makes for good sounds
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hideaways: New bands in strange places
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pave paradise? Greenbelt trail asphalted
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Swallowed whole: Closing Company bought by giant
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- No end in sight: House costs off the charts
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lethal dropped: Tow co. loses UVA deal
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Muzzled: Censorship award in TJ's backyard
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Prism schism 2: Parties seek resolution
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Segway segue: They're legal on sidewalks
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- BAR overturned: New door allowed here
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Resurrected rides: Group shows passion for bikes
>>  The HooK:

FACETIME- Reform school: Holland takes on the NCAA

>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Holy mackerel! Fishy business at Southern States
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite modern building?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- '70s redux: Relic could be trendsetter
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Fossil muscle: Old jocks get results
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Reform school: Holland takes on the NCAA
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Typecasting's good: Specialize for success
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Back home: DMB in the studio... here
>>  The HooK: COVER- Dig it! This Jem wants to shine
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Beyond Jem: ATO's a diverse family
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 15-22, 2004
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 22-29, 2004
>>  The HooK: ph333
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Bad gay: Should Hitler be outed?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Political Freud: Volkan on group aggression
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Missing rugs: Eways slips away
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Empty shelf: Creamery gone for good
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Vance High: Independent with poetic license
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hook bashed privacy
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Old feel is gone
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Tell it like it is
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Prism's privacy invaded
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Prism key to music
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Prism is friendly
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Prism an odd place
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Anachronism needs Fred
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Median income below poverty?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Aging: 13 to 30 gets old fast
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Grow up: Young rapper needs time
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Love boat: Shakin' the money-makers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Moyer spanked: FUMA fugitive hid in Mexico
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Sentencing set: Reid pleads for W-2s
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bottoms up: Foxfield braces for students
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Loopholes: Lead scare in Scottsville
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Paranormal success: CNN and CourtTV keep psychic busy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rape bill flap: Weed says Goode 'reckless'
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Hot wheels! Not just for kids anymore
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Who's your favorite chanteuse?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Looking closely: A condo for classy seniors
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Know your roe: Why flying fish really don't
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- BDC redux: Where are they now?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- The haunting: Resume lies can bite you
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Not a fine how-do-you-do
>>  The HooK: COVER- Time of the signs: How many is too many?
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 29-May 5, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Freelancers: Going after rogue killers
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Destined to deal: Liza Borches takes Volvo helm
>>  The HooK: The Fearless Consumer- Showdown: Judge satisfies both sides
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Back pedaling? Trager brothers opt for carts
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Lisa Collis: Not in anyone's shadow
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Escalating the damage
>>  The HooK: LETTER- LBJ helped earlier
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Churches not lily white
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Think outside the brick
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW Mean Girls: Teen-y meanies could be worse
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bach flock: Getting in tune with the classics
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Feel the spirit: Love saturates concert hall
>>  The HooK: NEWS- UVA rape case: Student accepts lesser charge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Prism Schism III: Meeting brings tears, cheers
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Basket wars: Cost Plus challenges Pier One
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Baby 101: Take sons to work-- everyday
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Coran's place: Rock 'n real estate
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Uncanned: Mickey makes its debut
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Post-budget: Schilling, Dems trade barbs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Planked: Sabato skewers at shad fest
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Loud, long, loopy- The people's parade
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How did you find your home?
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Log on: Pottery barn adds possibilities
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Polar protected: Why fish don't freeze
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Agenda's good: Make one to save time
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Tillman fell in Afghanistan
>>  The HooK: COVER- Brown's birthday: The road to equality in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 29-May 5, 2004
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 6-13, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- No mercy: What Alston can expect
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Wild-eyed: Nichols' photographic mission
>>  The HooK: The Fearless Consumer- Interest-ing: Eddie Bauer bill triples
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Winging it: Eating contest turns stomachs
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Al Weed: Green Beret in farmer's clothing
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Where's the ACLU?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Caterham facts
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Goode's out of touch
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Coran's trees and weeds
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Transylvania Jones: Drac, Frank swing into action
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Stormy weather: Music to mope by
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Making a case: What's happened to Wilco?
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Week market: Boarding house offers option
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Behind bars: Morrell sentenced in N.C.
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Shabby chic? Lawsuit: dirty cars are good
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Conchita's term: Link's ex draws three years
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Drug wars: Fluvanna students in crossfire?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- FUMA spanker: Indicted but not extradited
>>  The HooK: NEWS- May day: Monticello trail reopening set
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Tanked up: CSX line hauling hazmat?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Flying high: Wine, kites, horses brave the rain
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What should happen to the Jefferson School?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Twofer: Small units with potential
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Pit ball: Psychics know the tricks
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Singular, not plural
>>  The HooK: COVER- Shorting the C&O: Is this any way to run a railroad?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Northeast business groups get behind Amtrak
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 13-20, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Muzzle me: Artists support censorship
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Lens crafter: Tod Cohen chronicles families
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Krisp departure? Doughnuts roll out of town
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Rockin' racket: Tinsley's tennis nets big names
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Alcohol is no excuse
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Rape coverage disappoints
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Wilco can morph
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW (EXTRA)- Balled up: Hard to tell good from bad
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Troy-mendous: Make movies, not war
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- It is a girl! But what's her purpose?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- No waste: A titillating taste of big talent
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Signs, signs: Trucks squeeze past sign rules
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Too young? YMS Clothiers steps in
>>  The HooK: NEWSBOX- Fade to black: So goodbye yellow bike racks
>>  The HooK: NEWS- CityLink: Is $6.6 million too much?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Four years: Ivy Industries chief sentenced
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Guilty! Monticello marauders cop a plea
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Post election: Morning-after quarterbacking
>>  The HooK: NEWS- White Gables: New condos under way
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Little Ivy: Out of chaos, wholeness
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Splashdance! Flamingos do more than wade in
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Where would you like to take a train?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Balls of fire: Rolling lightning misunderstood
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Horsin' around: Equestrian meets contractor
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Ideas matter: Set aside time to think
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Net misery: AOL 'services' not free
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Festive and fun: From wine to steers to Dave and Rossini
>>  The HooK: COVER- SUMMER 2004- 21 Hot things to do
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 20-27, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Snuff film: Zarqawi's suicide note?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Sex repeal: Steve Rhoads draws gender lines
>>  The HooK: FICTION- A Day Without Weather
>>  The HooK: FICTION- Immediate Needs
>>  The HooK: FICTION- The Trouble with Angels
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Hummus heaven: Pita Inn comes home
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Barber of C'ville: Tiki comes to town
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ditch Soering's whine
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Searls: I got along
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Shoulda elected me
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Trail is better now
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Happily ever... Follow-up is Shrektacular
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Blues cure: Get rhythm... and the Lord
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Magic number: For band and Lakers, it's 4
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Cannes do: Local producer goes to France
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Disney & Dave: Red Fern gets a distributor
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hair-raising: Carden's Segway saves the day
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No trial: Parker settles Guaranty suit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Shaky: Judge questions City secrecy
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Boyd's day: Tourney wraps on 40th
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tumbling down: DuPont wings ripped from Montpelier
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What are you doing this summer?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Fooled ya! All the fun's out back
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Hang over: Drive a librarian crazy
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Talk the talk: Lessons from the Exchange
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Bridal despair: Has she really lost $500?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong byline
>>  The HooK: COVER- Bible schools: How Waynesboro students get religion
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 27- June 3, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Billions to buddies: Why the U.N. can't run Iraq
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- The gleaners: Hunter's students produce Jewels
>>  The HooK: FILMBOX- Station master: Agent's backer speaks at Jefferson
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- General stores: Alive and well here and there
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Directing Mickey: Wilson eyes summer crowds
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Brown needs more
>>  The HooK: LETTER- What's the point?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Kiddin' with Kate: Raising Helen raises laughs
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Life lessons: Being schooled by the Bums
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Trading up: Things keep getting better
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 12 seats under: Mall to get more benches
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Take a seat: It's a chair, it's a season
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No vote: Prism pulls bylaws, keeps Boyce
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rail fan: Guv wants more trains
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Secretsville D.O.A: City loses F.O.I.A. appeal
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Squash the spiders: Consultants want new Mall lamps
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Traffic wars: Resident claims city harassment
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Walter Perkins: Conservative conservationist
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- No fluff: Understated Avalon mimics town
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite Bible story?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- No lie! Trust heart, not detector
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Curiouser and... Cal Tony, take two
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Sugar-coated: Good review, but no raise
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- River of shame
>>  The HooK: COVER- Demo days: UVA remakes West Main
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Learn more: UVA lays out plans June 15
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Remakers abound: UVA's got company
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 3-10, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Regime change in 'Performance
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Gay marriage: A fight the Right can't win
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Pamela's barkery: Snacks go big time
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Thai-Mex switch: Cuisines swap locations
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Vox populi: Lloyd Snook pleads his case
>>  The HooK: LETTER- My fam fixed the house
>>  The HooK: LETTER- UN better than Bush
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- HP3: Darker, more Sirius
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW Feminine mystique: Gravity missing at Gravity
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Murder house: Notoriously expensive real estate
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No Progress: Gay wedding picks nixed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Off Montalto: "It's all downhill from here"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Phish farewell: Dead's heir band to quit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Shalom: Community welcomes new J-school
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Steel phoenix: Paramount Theater gets a stage
>>  The HooK: NEWS- This gold house: Tax hike hits homebuyers
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Quite quaint: Charm makes up for distance
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Clear skies: But sadness at final Kite Day
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you do on West Main?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Hang tight: Tiny Velcro patch does the trick
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Branding U: Find your wider base
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Not buddies: AOL reneges on payback pledge
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Patton's date, Kite Day's date, Sprinkle's trail
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Bonnaroo bound: Riding high on the Dirty Bird
>>  The HooK: COVER- Tripping hillbillies: Hackensaws take on the world
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 10-17, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Act II in 'Performance'
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- My guys: The other men in my life
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- No gloss: Mommy mag lives to sell
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Chow main: Denise Yetzer produces results
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Lucky O'Connor: Big 'small ball' season
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Correction: NRAO's HQ not at ITT
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No Jesus in Constitution
>>  The HooK: LETTER- This is no Klanboro
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We love you, spiders
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- McMovie: Bulking up with Ronald
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Blended genres: Hip-hop, soul join electronica
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Studied sound: Paying attention pays off
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Change of heart? Gay wedding ads allowed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dumped: The reservoir's trashy visitors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Milk meltdown: Nursing mom gets Burrito boot
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New charges: Rice blamed for highway abduction
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Razor's edge: City takes trail blocker to court
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Released: City drops computer cost fight
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Repose reprieve: Bonus days at Brown's Mountain
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Olde towne: Strawberry yields forever
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How do you feel about breastfeeding in public?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Foxchase: Enjoying the perks of wealth
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Think about it: Plan how, not what
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Good sports: athletic types hit the town
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Skills connection: Athletics and business alike
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Mystery mulch: Gardening amid debris
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Sorry, Aaron and Lila!
>>  The HooK: COVER- Busted stuff: Some broken things in town
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 14-24, 2004
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 17-24, 2004
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Mountain man: Holden leads store to new heights
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Belmont: The "Key West" of Charlottesville?
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Oliver's twist: Developer or activist?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Gay ban earns cancellation
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Phish great, says Fowler
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Scott and Compton not folkies
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Time warp: Keeping mama in the dark
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Schizo prowl: From corn to cool
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Vega-esque: Something in the way she grooves...
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Backhoed: Vandals trash Monticello graduation
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Big top Coran: Councilors vote yes on Capshaw pavilion
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bonnaroo found: Hackensaws heading home
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Quash game: How many subpoenas does a code violation need?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Reagan: On the right side of history
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Whistle pop: C&O will compete 'fiercely'
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Just cause: Goin' Farmville to fight MS
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's broken in Charlottesville?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Jungle fever: Greenery creates an Eden
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Height right: To stand under your man
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Betrayal: E-mail can do you wrong
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Dog days: When Max went under the knife
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong spell, wrong head, wrong church
>>  The HooK: COVER- Interviewed: A tale of two bookers
>>  The HooK: COVER- The masters: Seven local CDs
>>  The HooK: COVER- The masters: Six local bands
>>  The HooK: COVER- You from here? The Hole in the wall venue crawl
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 24-July 1, 2004
>>  The HooK: DISH- Last stop: Metro ends its run
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Sellers' paradise: House hunters get the blues
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Consumers' union: Gallik's not on his own
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Julie Myers: Walk softly, carry a big (lacrosse) stick
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Church + state= culture shock
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Comment was Klannish
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let UVA develop it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Presley's been harassed
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Cryin' time: Notebook brings out the hankies
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- June 21: Music for the shortest night
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- What luck!: Tempted by the fruit of another
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Calm down: Fridays After 5 survives
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Healthy delivery: New bike biz arrives
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Milestone sale: Belmont house tops $400K
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Quash quashed: Officials must talk in razor wire case
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Dell done: Meadow Creek breathes again
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Finally registered: Monroe Hill makes national list
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Testing, testing: HIV check easy as 1, 2, 3
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unplanned: Legault pleads guilty
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Strange bedfellows: Birds and a bomb shelter
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- It's Showtime! Montel meets the Candidates at Old Cabell
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What was your last rock concert?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Eyes have it: Follow the stare to...?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Different 'cultures': Mix n' match dating
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Career change: Poor spouse, poor me
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Gouge-athon: Lethal's pricing illegal
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- His title
>>  The HooK: COVER- Hujavision: The 'urban turban' plans... his escape
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 1-8, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Goodbye Kiem; hello Hitchcock
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- American-American: I could call him 'Al'
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Good sport: Svetz puts it in Parks
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Au revoir: Metro goes out in style
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Ray Caddell: The (fireworks) show must go on
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Give Presley privacy
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Off with your car!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Off with your heads!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Presley's greedy
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Hot stuff: Moore's screed should be seen
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Andy's problem: Too good for his own good
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Curreri the Younger: Playing His Own Way
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Barrick back: Local boy takes news director job
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Corner blues: Merchants say there's a slump
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Electric change: Nelson makes 'Net history
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Charged: Two grads alleged vandals
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fantasy drivers: AMA rewards local campaigns
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Missing kids: SOL bragging rights challenged
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Razor's edge: Presley trail trial postponed
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Midas men: Sisson starts digging for gold
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Besides the DT Mall, what's cool about Charlottesville's infrastructure?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- One man's paint: Could be another's pain
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Space bugs: Clouds of insects zap planes
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Engage them: Acting skills make a manager
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Uneasy rider: Watch your loan papers
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Back to the drawing board for the Hook
>>  The HooK: COVER- River bluff: How to save a park-- sort of
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 8-15, 2004
>>  The HooK: DISH- Birds of a feather: Flock to Pantops
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Two cartoonists win
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Ramblers man: Jamie Dyer goes way back
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- George Bailey: It's a wonderful life
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's borrow Johnsen's stuff
>>  The HooK: LETTER- People make mistakes
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Soft history: Square knights of the Round Table
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- River grass: Rhythms rock the James
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Transfixed: Old stand-bys set standard
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ancient Chinese secret: Mountain Lumber hauls it in
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Market makeover: Belmont store has new lease on life
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dead rights: Funeral signs not backed by law
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Ron ran: Lebanon sullied Reagan and us
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Seniority out: First-termer David Brown is mayor
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Steep, deep, sticky': One slide, several injured kids
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- By-pass backup: Slippery roads wreak havoc
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your dream neighborhood in Charlottesville?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Sandwiched retreat: Split personality on Winston
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Return to sender: Your boomerang will come back
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Make new friends: Can silver turn to gold?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Family business: Go elsewhere, take risks
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- $3,200 surprise: Couple get fired by architect
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Smorgasbord
>>  The HooK: COVER- Comin' at ya: The new laws and U
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Not gay: Marriage affirmation sparks protests
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Nude teen camp: Not on Virginia's watch
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- State of sodomy
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Taxing: City residents get hit first
>>  The HooK: COVER- Survivors 2004: Legislators tell all
>>  The HooK: COVER- Tough: Virginia's new DUI laws
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 15-22, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Coarse debate: 'Defense' of marriage wrecks contracts
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Power ranger: Parker looks to alternatives
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Fish tales: How Charlottesville tops Florence
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Peterson's pride: Leaving behind Ten, not 10
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Flags must stay down 30 days
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Huja didn't do trolley
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Huja promoted neighborhoods
>>  The HooK: LETTER- It's all about me
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No need for Johnsen's Bland ideas
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Bionic cop: More sci-fi for summer fun
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- One of the 'Boys': Mystery deepens on the Corner
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Oogling: Skimpy threads, hot doings
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Amphitheatrical: Architects pummel Mall design
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Page turner: Yellow Book takes on Sprint
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Flashy: Paramount gets a new marquee
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jeannette Caines: Author and bookseller dies
>>  The HooK: NEWS- More leases: CSX wants to offload routes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Torched again: Fire on Afton mountain
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tragic files: Three lawsuits target Clifton
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Ride 'em, cowboy: Bike Rodeo keeps kids safe
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How do you feel about the new drunk driving laws?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- On the fence? Outdoor "rooms" tip the scale
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Wait time: How you cut it matters
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- To win: Hire a personal assistant
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Snap happy: Want a refund? Take a picture
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- New law and spelling
>>  The HooK: COVER- Dino-might: 'Professor' Cline revives the roadside
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar July 22-29, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Big Mac attack: What's wrong with Super Size Me
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- High places: Monticello Road's busy summer
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Bread ABCs: Pane power here and there
>>  The HooK: LETTER- He wasn't near the river
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Make funeral home pay
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Nordin didn't listen
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Questionable behavior
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Captive-ating Redford: Wait to see it on video
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bluesy jazz: Frigid art with heart
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Work it! Drummers, dancers evoke Africa
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Alien: The unbearable paperwork of being
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Car trouble: Parker can't park without parts
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mooner's: Bottoms up at upscale eatery
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mysterious scare: No leads in alleged abduction
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stigmatized: Clark Elementary's failing grade
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- A rarity: Simple affordable city living
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Clash of titans: Sea Horses v. Dolphins at Fairview
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite roadside attraction?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Frantic fetus: Erratic events in utero
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Under 30: BDC returns to its roots
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- You're fired! Learn from the magic words
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Lethal tale: Jetta owner takes lumps
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Colridge was Kenridge: And Rinehart's gold left a mixed legacy
>>  The HooK: COVER- Housing Kappa Sig: Headquarters for controversy
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, July 29-August 12, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Thumbs up: Don't deny kids this comfort
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Must-seed TV: Frischkorn + Rainey = flower power
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Shiny dancer: Gals choose pole power
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Gelato-espresso: Cafes bring Italy to town
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Capshaw's dome looks fine
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Dome could block walkers
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Tatum got a free road
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Tatum tepee was sister's
>>  The HooK: LETTER- What planet is Bell on?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- New 'Candidate': The sorcerer's a Prentiss
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Never-ending: Funk jams to disco and back
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Up to here: Roots have had their fill
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Mergerama: Provident grabs Southern Financial
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Cool data: It's not as rainy as it seems
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Happy Trails: City lengthens trail... wire looms
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Overzealous? Rapist dragnet yields $15K lawsuit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Uncensored: Chalkboard survives east end plans
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wake-up call: Inns eye safety after Clifton tragedy
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Meet madness: the City Market rocks
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How's the weather this summer?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Belmont Phoenix: Fancy feathers on old frame
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Let it fly: Spiders cast web to the wind
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Mom's example: What I learned about age
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Fleaced? Renters itchy for deposit return
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, Friday, July 20 - Thursday, August 12, 2004
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 29-August 12, 2004
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Bobbled blurb, dates, and numbers
>>  The HooK: COVER- Sullivan's pave: Whose road is it anyway?
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 12-19, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Attention, sports fans...
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Horsey set... To win some in Athens?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- No whimpers: Rubin orchestrates Phish exit
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- W by SW: New venues heat up Crozet
>>  The HooK: LETTER- A time to be naked
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Help available for immigrants
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Parents are to blame
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thank the trail-builders
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Can't stop the pop: Marky likes it
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Step closer: Local idols look to win
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Horder & Goliath: Local shop fights Staples
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bruce Rasmussen: Lawyer won big awards, high regard
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- JibJab: This song is Arlo's manifesto
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jilted paper: Left at altar, Observer folds
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lockdown: ER plays it safe
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New digs: Kappa Sigma moves on
>>  The HooK: NEWS- RU ready? Abortion options widen with Jones
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Polo loco: A fun Friday alternative
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Do you think country roads should be paved?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Boating buddy: Home shares wall and water
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Oil and water: Ben discovers the secret
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Never too late: Watch out, or love may find you...
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- New mantra: "Bad boss" is your fault
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- No photo credit
>>  The HooK: COVER- Boomtown flats: Downtown's building frenzy
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Construction debris: C&O braces for 'war zone'
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 19-26, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Trash TV: Vicariously making the Clean Sweep
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Election nay: Anti-Bush vendor shirts the issue
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Ivy arrival: A big fat Greek... grill
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Barbara Shifflett: My (county) fair lady
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Juicy broadband faces hurdles
>>  The HooK: LETTER- McDonald's manipulates us
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Steal! = bad advice
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Threeway: Man, woman-- and a shark
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dancin' fools: Harris wows 'em after 5
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hateful! CD crop (bar one) raises the bile
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Backwoods brouhaha: Undoing the Roadless Rule
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Everybody trembles: CarMax eyes Pantops
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Lots of supply: But where's apartment demand?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Evonitz revealed: Serial killer story reveals tale of terrors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Feeling blue: Venerable diner to close
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Valley kids: Teens charged in Afton arson
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Ferry man: Working on the weekends
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the building boom?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- High marks: Nelson house has Addy-ed appeal
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Fried fish: Lightning cooks the crappies
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- The $40K limit: You don't need any more
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Getting a fix: Circuit City, meet Covey's
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Ages, sources-- getting them straight
>>  The HooK: COVER- Riding waves: 3 new stations take on NBC29
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Changing channels: Will locals ditch cable?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Rabbit ears: Free TV in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 26-September 2, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- The communist: Questioning embodies patriotism
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Reston bound: Little Miss angles for state crown
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Fellini's No. 9: The latest life of a sexy landmark
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Magic shop: Bookstore beckoned, Sandy came
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Annual Manual rocks!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Clark story could hurt
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Dinah's cool, not cold
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Excellence, not affluence, the benchmark
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get real Clark story
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Like asphalt? Stay in town
>>  The HooK: LETTERS/EDITOR'S NOTE- Annual Manual errata, omitta
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Socialists in our midst
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We choose Clark
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We love Lethal!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Who's in charge?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Here at last: Hero channels Crouching Tiger
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Ginger ale: Almost as fizz-ful as Brie
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- What's in a name? Oldsters get into the dream
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Red Light stops: Capshaw's own ISP bids adieu
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Shoe-lottesville: Über footwear options explode
>>  The HooK: NEWSBRIEFS- Consolation: Turned-away Phish fans due $$
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kim and Dan: Locals take silver in Athens
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Smith's band: Marching Cavs debut at UNC game
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Still peppy: UVA's contra-band lives on
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Orange overload: Fans mob 'Hoo happening
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of all the new TV stations?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- "Proffit" Road? Fix the garden, head to the bank
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Curvy: It's a catenary, not an arch
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Heart transplants: Newcomers look for love
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Olympic lesson: Flexible goals mimic reality
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Renter beware: Devilish details lurk in leases
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Speed queens: Local women go the distance
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, Septembre 2-9, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Behind the movement- Dave has long purged... um, demons
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Confronting taboos: The low-down on the down low
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Down at Dave's: Drink the water, eat the eggs
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Full circle: Conover an activist indoors and out
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Affluence does affect performance
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Do locals always rule?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Not funny, witty, or cute
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Our mall will be botched
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thanks for abortion coverage
>>  The HooK: LETTER- This broadband doesn't interfere
>>  The HooK: LETTER- You'd credit your own
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Un-Fair! Reese-- not dull, but not Sharp
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Make it good: Food for thought x 3
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Road range: Friday fun on all sides
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Asphalted: Police collar paving protestor
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Big deed: Downtown house sets price record
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Concertina coda? Presley, city eye trail settlement
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crusted stuff: Under the bridge and screaming
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Farewell, Frontbutt: Local band sits down
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fried: À la carte no more in Albemarle
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New turf: Serial rapist attacks again
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Razing Main: Capshaw fells Peyton's place
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE ­ Fridays!: Free again, fun always
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your view of the alleged DMB sewage dump?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Moderation: Some things better left alone
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- What's that? A backyard surprise from heaven
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Barnyard leçons: Learn from dead critters
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Majeur hassle? Stuff takes long way home
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- She helps folks heal
>>  The HooK: COVER- Roadless area: Confessions of a drunk driver
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- No mercy: New DUI laws even tougher
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar September 9-16, 2004
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Welcome to Janis Jaquith
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fast forward: Pushing 'send' instead of thinking
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Dr. near-death: Greyson's heart-stopping study
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Winging it: Elliewood channels Buffalo delights
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Buckeye Howell: Show him the patience
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Locals know it's 'chello'
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Morris missed the boat
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Wolfe said it best
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Mule train: Maria more slick than gritty
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dangerous skies: Picnics and harmony below
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- What's it like? Depends on who you ask
>>  The HooK: NEWS- A time for DVD: Grisham's Mickey to hit the shelves
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dry diff: Furniture store avoids a hit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- From 9 to 80: Nearly 2,000 women just did it
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kerry's kid: Vanessa stumps at UVA, JMU
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No problem? Moldering Galerie site gets new owners
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Roadless ruckus: When loggers, greenies unite
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ruffled feathers: Condon protests NY tower plans
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Twin Oaks terror: Mysterious chopper buzzes commune
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Puffed up: Lessons balloon at Clark School
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Have you ever driven drunk?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Vaulted feeling: Storage aplenty in Fry's Spring
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Back to life? Shelley's tale pure fiction
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- All dressaged up: With places to go
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Bang-up jobs: Good letters get them
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Faulty fabric: From Foxfield to Fabricare
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Let's look back: Save Dexys from oblivion!
>>  The HooK: COVER- Dave, fame, and Haines: Celebrity, suicide, and the etiquette of envy
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Haines Fullerton: Pulling it together and falling apart
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, September 16-24, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- American slendor: Don't legislate our waistlines
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Caplin's corner: He's making Venable affordable
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Cheesy trivia: Festival tempts the palate
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Sheri Iachetta: Registrar with a cause
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Broadband does interfere
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I wouldn't insult locals
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Ay, robots!: Sky Captain flies but doesn't soar
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Snzzzz...: Buy NoDoz before listening
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Access denied: Stadium parking irks handicapped fan
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ-Run for $: Shoos, Ragged Mountain face off
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dish wars: Satellite offers local channels
>>  The HooK: NEWS- For rent: WCVL studio not signed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Insult to injury: Cops charge robbery victim $10
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Medical marvel: Varsity Hall packs up to move
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Steel interstate': I-81 needs rails, says group
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Ever heard of the band called The Deal?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Quirky: Ivy farmhouse full of surprises
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Mars mons: Try space mountaineering
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Grouchy nights: Reluctant networker confesses
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Draft dodging: When the Progress grabs...
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- In the (wrong) kitchen; Feast! first
>>  The HooK: COVER sidebar2- The registrars' view
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- How to: Register, vote, go absent(ee)
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- What is VERM and why is it here?
>>  The HooK: COVER- They want you: activists pound the streets for voters
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Listen up, John! Before it's too late
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Foodzone: Connor serves meals, not politics
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Growing gains: Scottsville's new eastern accent
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Terry Holland: Go East (Carolina), young man
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Alcohol-- even wine-- harms
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't blow the Breathalyzer
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Note correction!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Apt name: The Forgotten probably will be
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- In your head: Sounds like old friends
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Just a Bob: NGNM make faces hurt
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Changing change: TJ gets a five-cent makeover
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Cocked: Locals react to lifted gun ban
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Disasterless: A County Fair first
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grave matter: Faux flower ban riles
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hisses and cheers: Tension marks School Board meeting
>>  The HooK: NEWS- In the line of duty: I-64 site honors VDOT workers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Paramount act: Tony Bennett headlines opening
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Skin deep: UVA coeds strip for Playboy
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Master & apprentice: Folk art for the MTV crowd
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the new nickel?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Up to speed: '70s colonial gets a makeover
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- What happened to on the blocks of the past?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Creepy kitties: Cats appeal to the dark side
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Computer blues: First Wendy, then Lisa
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Not Jewish? Take a day to think anyway
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Trans-Atlantic fight: The container wouldn't move
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATION- Repubs dropped out
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Fire power; banjo power
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Killing children: Who would do such a thing?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Why they kill: Male bonding + religion = disaster
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Apple smash: Stinging good times in the holler
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Do the right coast: Ross scripts a local life
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX Karl & George: Bush's Brain explores Rove's power
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH For here, or to go? New spot beefs up Barracks Road
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Guitar zone: Terri Allard and her evolving band
>>  The HooK: LETTER- ECU, not EZU
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get gun facts straight
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Haines deserved better
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Haines was sane
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Raising the bar
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Burnout: Firefighters without fire
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- No sips: Jazz? Funk-grass? Beats me
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Two, not one: A welcome Texas surprise
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Back to drawing board: BAR defers amphitheater plan
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Clean sweep: Another Eways bids adieu
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Valley view: Under the Roof expands west
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Capshaw's turf: CDF seeks new Fridays venue
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Don't shop: Durkee's message to NYC
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lofty plans: Condos offer in-town option
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Polished Jem: ATO's new star takes off
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Montalto: New uses for old mountain
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Why the beheadings?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- New frontier: Buckingham slated to shine
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- What happened to on the blocks of the past?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Fries with that? Venus likes food alive
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Plum steer: Avoid the glass ceiling
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Moldy hold: Unit no match for wetness
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATION- to candidates
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- He said; Coran said
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Airborne: wardrivers find free internet
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 7-14, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Your bong: Basis of 'narco-terrorism'?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Miss America? Burps can't stop her victory
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Mamma mia: Italian chow controls the compass
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- King's ransom: Denny's television vision
>>  The HooK: LETTER- AK-47s go auto quickly
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Give Evie credit
>>  The HooK: LETTER- TJ flipped early
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Was that necessary?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Wine has good points
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Flaky film: What a Load of #$*!
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Fridays farewell: End of an era of Mall rockin'
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Meditative tunes: Breathe, lean back, drift away
>>  The HooK: NEWS- As suits loom: Clifton Inn sets winter rebirth
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Buddha in paper: Not-so holy roller still rolling
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTION- End of Fridays? Slim crowd says goodbye to season
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Deal's off: Razor wire charges still stand
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Indicted, hiding: Local company in Texas scandal
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Multiple choice: Tracking trails takes work
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Nigeria's latest: Scam targets classified ad users
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Orange, not red: City workers paint the town
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- A jog in the park: Guv helps Dems run
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of Wi-Fi?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Rent-to-own: Little ticket to financial freedom
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- What happened to on the blocks of the past?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Doggerel: Pups' yips say it all
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Fleshed out: Adventures in veggie dating
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- KISS writing: Keep it short, silly
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Drained in Nelson: Motel dip grabs a VW Golf
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Banjo dudes; contest Miss
>>  The HooK: COVER- No way out: How the state helped kill a convict
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Save your tears: Ausley was no victim
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Tragic tale: From Echols Scholar to two life sentences
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 14-21, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Gun's safety: Drawing a gun can save your life
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Mosby's mom: Dog's slaying inspires a crusade
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX - Erin go bragh: Film captures Irish conference
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Dairy doings: What's ahead for Preston Ave.?
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Curious George: Editor ludorum and the widening gyre
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fake flower story troubled us
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's separate church, state
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We're also to blame
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Why we're #1
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- On the road: Travels with Che and Alberto
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Big hair lives! Morphing from cover to cover
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Virtuoso: Look, Ma, both hands!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Again and again: CHS attacker back in court
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Belated: Goode, Weed hold free forum
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Young TV: The WB wants your local dollars
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTION- Court Square: Brick bonanza
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Reeve, remembered: Super man left mark on Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Virginia-centric: Sandra Bullock yes, Ebert no
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Ode to Garlic: The real October surprise
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What did you think when you heard Christopher Reeve died?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Close the door: Big barn makes high-class house
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- What happened to on the blocks of the past?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Bulging bellies: Myotis makes meal of meanies
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Read the writing: Loops and squiggles tell a lot
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Brushed off: Color this tenant angry
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- That's not them
>>  The HooK: COVER- Road to Wellville: Many a bump along the way
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 21-28, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Letter from Kabul: Ex-Albemarle registrar watches elections
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Blade runners: Williamsons and icy synchronicity
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Get in line: 'Hometown hero' snubs Applebee's?
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Hurricane Pat: Michaels offers alternate doomsday
>>  The HooK: LETTER- alSadr no religious wacko
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't throw religion out
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Where's positive follow-up?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- 'Bye, Thunderbirds: Bigger, longer, and cut
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hip-hop split: Two groups, two (wild) views
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Like old times: In the black at the Rose
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Another blow: Robinson house burns to ground
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Revving up: Starlight Express shoots for NYC
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Cedar doomed: Election keeps 7th Street open
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fini: Museum on Emmet to close
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Making waves: Saga buys Eure stations
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Scary business: Students support demoted TA
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Seeking security? Plant defensively
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Tune in! Listening to the people
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Do you have health insurance?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Green-light district: Summit's condos ready by January
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- What happened to on the blocks of the past?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Beneficial bolts: Lightning can do some good
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Cue violins: Bridges of Albemarle County?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Putting it off: Too much, too little-- it's the same
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Not just teenyboppers
>>  The HooK: COVER- Frenetic: The Hook's Film Fest Guide-O-Rama
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Six film festival stories
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 28-November 4, 2004
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Dems everywhere: Or so she thought...
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fraud-busters: 3,140 polls better than one
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- On the fly: Ad man jumps into filming
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Unseparated Woodsman: Will Bacon sizzle as pedophile?
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- BazCones: Cool addition to sweets scene
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Wanted in Tibet: But will Angels play in Peoria?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Faith did some healing
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Religion's not the only divider
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thomson has absolutist logic
>>  The HooK: LETTER- What the Bleep does reviewer know?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Light Ray: Gentleman sings the blues
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- An improvement: Nowhere to go but up
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- King Wilkie: Bow when you say that
>>  The HooK: NEWS- '100% preventable': Reeve didn't have to die
>>  The HooK: NEWS- An 'abomination': Mystery ad shocks Progress readers
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ballot cloggers: Couric's bill leads amendments
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DNA details: Why the racial analysis?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Goode Weed: Dems see wide thievery
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Nelson County: Off the (weather) map
>>  The HooK: NEWS SNAPSHOT- Mysterious bus cruises town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Valley wrangle: Museum wins mill squabble
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Keeling over: Launching history the hard way
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Does the film festival still excite you?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Easy as ABC: One-room school transformed
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- What happened to on the blocks of the past?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Free ride: Tailgaters in line for speed
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Uncovered: Insurance shapes job hunt
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- No walk-thru: Around the apt. in 80 days
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Dodgeball: A true (real estate) story: and a tax break for the rich and famous
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Flu shots: Roll sleeves up... if you're elderly
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Welcome to Dr. Hook-- er, Dr. Hong
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Jumbo lumps: Why Geico fears Googling
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Swanson's song: Sports fiction eases grief
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- World-class cuisine: Fuel Co. lures Chicago chef
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Hey, Simpson: C&O's Dave's still at it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- County defenses indefensible
>>  The HooK: LETTER - Don't blame Nigeria
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Keep dogs at home
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Soering's seeking publicity
>>  The HooK: LETTER - Tax and regulate weed
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Alfie's back: Laying down with Law
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- All covers eve: Getting them just right
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Seeing double: Del, Zion 1, Opio mix it up
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Butterfly ballot? Absentee form instructions murky
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Deceleration: Backward glances at the Speed fest
>>  The HooK: NEWS- De-Valued: Value America bosses settle claims
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slowed down: City puts brakes on moped freedom
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wash out: Pieces of a dream (house)
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Widow's peak: City's Rivanna Trail case crumbles
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Poll vaulting: Early turnout heralds a record
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Who did you vote for?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Green tile: Four Seasons a colorful option
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- What happened to on the blocks of the past?
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Type A canine: Dogs have personalities too
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Minority report: Hokies in Hoo'ville
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Answer woman: Questions you really asked
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Suing Lethal: Judge OKs wrecker slap
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Dorchak's departure
>>  The HooK: COVER- How UVA turns its back on rape
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 11-18, 2004
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Take it off: Let Olivia be your guide
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Grieving 11/2: Where are the casseroles?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Breaking up ...Without breaking kids' hearts
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Eco-morphing: Café sprouts at Veggie spot
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Tornado's life: Graham rules Valley e-news
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Doc's confused logic
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Gun essay inspiring
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Roanoke TV covers Nelson
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Polar opposition: End of the line for the magic
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Price of freedom: Rock for a reason
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Rat-a-tat: Drummer makes the show
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Alston trial: New theories about tragic night
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Another George: Boot-wearin' Allen in '08?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Big summer: Only Prince tops Tour de Dave
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTION- Three months: CHS attacker goes to jail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- If I did it: DMB dumps $$ into Chicago
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Finally here: Jem plays Starr Hill
>>  The HooK: NEWS- In the zone: Pros (life & choice) turn out
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Any given Saturday: Fun with feasts and first downs
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What should be the punishment for sexual assault?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Late bloomers: Belmont garden still glowing
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Eye vibe: Stretch the pics by humming
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Cut back: Smart ways to cut back
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Double trouble: Reporter's call irks landlord
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Small town: Second time's the charm
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Good housekeeping
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Truth in consequences: Virginia felons do the time
>>  The HooK: COVER- The verdict: Sisk's family speaks out
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 18-25, 2004
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Gobble, hobble: Health perils of the holidays
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- College girls: Why they outnumber boys
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Tyler Boles: Outstanding in his fields
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish Ain't no drag: Papa John's heads to Ivy Square
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- No more Mr. Neutral: Collins ready to blow the whistle
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Democrats harass Presley
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No WMDs behind the razor-wire
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thank goodness for Payne
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Walk somewhere else
>>  The HooK: LETTER- What about Presley's privacy?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Declaration code: Founding Fathers left a riddle
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Loopy: Jazzy noodling casts a spell
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Shed show: Amy, Mongrel leave audience panting
>>  The HooK: NEWSBIZ- Sofa, so good: Bassett comes to town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Giving tree: Downtown's grandest tree felled
>>  The HooK: NEWS- KFC protest: PETA says chix battered then fried
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Night show: Aurora Borealis lights up sky
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rapist absent: Unsealed file says cops knew
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Staunton's Omni? Can Stonewall Jackson pay its bills?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stonewalled: Hotel opening set for fall 2005
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Holly jolly jammies: Santa arrives-- just a tad early
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What did you think of the Alston verdict?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- House of vinyl: And we don't mean music
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Stumped: Cro-Magnons had mam-mouth aches
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Blame yourself: Accept what can't be changed
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Sound familiar?: Lethal greets new arrivals
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- McCormick's watching; no plastic at Lethal
>>  The HooK: COVER- Seven society: The Fighting Cason brothers and WWII
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, November 25-December 2, 2004
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Eyes heavy? If not, get TV out of bedroom
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Making the leap: From writing to being a writer
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Happy horse: Teaching les etudiants with photos
>>  The HooK: FOOD- The Dish- Kitchen reprieve: Let Hot Stuff do the cooking
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Every Wednesday: Elizabeth Breeden and the art of living
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Public defender coulda done it
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Razor wire's risky
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We stand for choice
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Misnamed: 'Alexander' the not-so-hot
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Empty Fields: Working on a weekday-- yawn
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Sparkly: 30 million fans can't be wrong
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bambi threat: How to avoid free venison
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Film flap: Local shutterbug 'exposed' in D.C.
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gags off: Students speak out on rape
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ingo's end: Fallen dog gets official burial
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Making it big: Hackensaws lean left abroad
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Trash plan: Dumpsters due Downtown?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Olde tyme fun: Thanksgiving re-enactments at new Court Square
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Were World War II-era folks the 'greatest generation'?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- North star: Old Lafayette Hotel beckons
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Tiny charmers: Babies symbols of peace
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Five tips: Overlooked rules of management
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Taking the heat: The dark side of moonlighting
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATION- Outcomes for the students, annual statistics
>>  The HooK: COVER- Grisham Kranks: Socko opening weekend defies critics
>>  The HooK: COVER- Puppy love: Matthews' film career finally takes off
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, December 2-9, 2004
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Regular gal: How often should you 'go'?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- 'Parahumans': Do chimp/human hybrids cross the line?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Return of the lyric: Leiter's path back to poetry
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- All in the family: Willow Coffee joins Magnolia
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Mr. Smiles: Paramount boss heads for the stars
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Doc's a winner!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Limit suffering to one day
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Pricey Presley detour
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- String-puller: Four of an unkind get Closer
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- The little things: Impromptu jams unleash magic
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Timeless tunes: Just one big good time
>>  The HooK: NEWS- $250 man: Slave auction stirs passions
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crawford case: Victim pleaded for protection
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lines drawn: Farmington freaks over change
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Martians coming? Spielberg scouting Shenandoah
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No more Moore's: SPCA sale site sold
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Poker face: How Hutter wins millions
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Healthy Virginia: Gov. Warner's plan to fight fat
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What holiday movies do you plan to see?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Pleasing mix: Cruise this old/new cabin
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Pucker up: Just how hot is hot?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Yes, you can! Love may be around the corner...
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Go to bed: Sleep your way to success
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Not Lethal: Another tower tests fee max
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Slashed: Presley's razor wire claims collateral damage
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar December 9-16, 2004
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Pill power: Keflex not quick cold fix
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- They hunt, we chase: Why American foxhunting survives
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Noteworthy: New school makes lessons hip
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- 'Rag Mountain' rations: Chefs show off for Beard
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Grin and Barrick: News boss tackles learning curve
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Exposing the holocaust
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Keep rudeness out of Court Square
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Shock is necessary
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Worst 4Better choices
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- The clean dozen: Everyone's trying to be greatest thief
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- King of the Corner?: A room right for rockin'
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Such a deal: Six bands rock on Ridge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 1% solution: Pay to play with VA
>>  The HooK: NEWS- And the Toyota rumor is ... outta there
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Leafleting: Looking for a few white separatists
>>  The HooK: NEWS- On the block: JFK's gee-gaws up for bid
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Teen mom murder: Alleged killer heads to court
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Times Squared: Shawn of the living
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Welsh pride: Coach turns Hall-of-Famer
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- HIVigil: Candlelight march brings awareness
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the next twist in the razor-wire case?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Dream big: Old manor house can morph
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: SPORTS WRAP- The Week in Review
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- All heart: Old anatomy a no-brainer
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Skipping Christmas: Erase holiday from the office
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Card trick: Paying for nothing at all
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- They're Nice, dad moved, Eades painted, and only drivers get the deer
>>  The HooK: COVER- Blenheim brouhaha: She Sherwood like her name back
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, December 16-22, 2004
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Thoughtless: The plague of second-hand smoke
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Get it over with: Abolish our rights sooner, not later
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Robot parade: Rat to cat to elephant size
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Corks poppin': Fellini's #9 reinvents history
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Siren call: Julian Taliaferro fired up by job
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Brazen's right to X xmas
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fearless omitted facts
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Sobel deserves riches
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Trunk's idea extreme
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Delightful: 'Lemony' keeps its pledge
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Ain't gonna fall: A low-key sort of evening
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Worldly: Zap Mama does it right
>>  The HooK: NEWSBOX- Capshaw's makeover: Old SNL building gets facelift
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Cross our heart: New Mall route raises concerns
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fashion police: Robb now mum on new uniforms
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gay bashing? Hedge fund manager to appeal
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kid fun: New biz offers indoor options
>>  The HooK: NEWS- One-stop shop: Paramount to sell others' tickets
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Cool moves: Blades flash at Winterfest on Ice
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Do you plan to attend The Paramount this season?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Easy riders: Convenient condos curb commute
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- Still Available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Sleep on it: Watery messages come at night
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Summer internships: Start your search now
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Sacrificial jam: Heater trapped under stairs
>>  The HooK: 2005 Resolutions
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- It's Cle, not Che
>>  The HooK: COVER- Passion and fear: 2004 review of the year
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, December 23, 2004 - January 6, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Vitamin V: Rising to the varsity squad
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Meeting a need: Lessons are just the beginning
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Metro's end: Closure wrapped up a surprising year
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Flouting the rule of law
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fox not into the 'spirit'
>>  The HooK: LETTER- 'Genteel' says it all
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hook needs to let it go
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Injury requires stupidity
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Leaflets came from CIA
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Razor case going federal
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- 2004 in REVIEW- Reality takes a big bite
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Pure grandeur: Spellbinding sound-scapes
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Seasonal mix: Ho-ho-ho'ing around the town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- C&O takeover: Tracking changes on December 20
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fervent: Stauntonians talk religion in schools
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Growing pains: Developer sues Albemarle
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Predictions: Balls of Crystal 2005: What does next year hold?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rail to fail? Bristol senator blamed for impending doom
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Venueless: Amphitheater won't be ready for Fridays
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Flashback: A year in the life of a fun town
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Predictions for 2005?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Breathtaking: Greenleaf Terrace-- a Belmont wannabe?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Round Up
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- Finally Off the Block!
>>  The HooK: SPORTS WRAP- 2004: the highs and lows
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Foggy bottle: That little cloud is just gas
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Messed up: Tidy workspace earns respect
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Towing the line: Tenants and naughty parkers fill year
>>  The HooK: YEAR IN REVIEW- Hot Seat Secrets: We asked, they told...
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Wrong artist; Free venison... with strings, wrong municipality
>>  The HooK: COVER- Extreme makeover-- Paramount edition: Tarting up a tattered theater
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Faves in high places: What part of the Paramount looks best?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Room for all: A vestibule by any other name
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Top billing: What show are you looking forward to?
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Cut off: How much booze is too much?
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Changing of the Photophile guard
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Embracing 'J': UVA debuts two-week term
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Grave situation: Don't landfill the Tsunami bodies
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Ski seen: Wintergreener has sights on Olympics
>>  The HooK: FICTION CONTEST- Story zone: Big writing contest strikes again
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Gods-to-go: Ambrosia comes to Nellysford
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Breaking barriers: Stevie Jay comes home
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Land not worth the horrors
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Wings not worth the horrors
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- To the dogs: The Dave nods through Fern
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Family Affair: A Hunter gathering
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Slim pickings: Rasta la vista, baby
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Free range: Bambi vandalizes Whole Foods
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Larger than life': Double loss leaves community grieving
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lavishing: Progress employees get $8 gift
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unsavory gag: Hat at Spencer's spurs boycott
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Formula 5K: Local runners pour sweat
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Who'd win a fight between the Paramount and Live Arts?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- The circle: Doesn't stay unbroken for long
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Catching rays: Conditioning works underwater too
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Graphic details: Artsy types hit the town
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- The Apprentice: This show shows women their place
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Early admission: Dietz revealed his slip nearly three years ago
>>  The HooK: COVER- Yates evidence: Former UVA psych slip voids murder conviction
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Take it easy: No Type-A's behind the wheel
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Button, button: Kilgore's pushing our fears
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Diabetes doc: Can Nadler nix the needle?
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- New Bird: New owners find happiness in decor
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- The Broker: Grisham's bestsellin' machine
>>  The HooK: LETTER- City trash reeks
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Deer deserved better
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- The Weitz Stuff: Company could be cult hit
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dynamic duo: Sweet infection from northern twins
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Ghetto Jamiroquai: Cooling tea, smokin' tunes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bared: Seatless in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- CDF R.I.P.: Fridays After 5 founder founders
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Deja' flu? Immunizations come and go again
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Littering: Dead deer carnage
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No HB1677: Delegate withdraws controversial fetus bill
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sour notes: Bell ringers allege short checks
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Whose values? Lefty PAC fights for families
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Wave of compassion: 'Mission Tsunami' brings community together
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Was Andrea Yates Insane?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Eaves chopping: And other creative ideas needed here
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Mirror, mirror: What do you see?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Personal life: Don't have one? Get one.
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Brass action: City joins fight against Lethal
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- They're just shareholders, H.B. 1054, Gillen rings
>>  The HooK: COVER- A call for health care intervention from an unlikely source: Charlottesville's top libertarian
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar January 13-20, 2005
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, January 6-13, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Hot stuff: Menopause could shake up fashions
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fornication 86ed: Virginia enters the Twentieth Century
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Radio head: Tucker is Charlottesville's ticket master
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- Capshaw goes Loco: Another eatery joins the dynasty
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Supremo's court: Lucky rules the 216 stage
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Sports column needs help
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thanks for exposing Spencer's
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thanks for exposing Stevie Jay
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We tried to help Albo
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- True grit: Hotel Rwanda shows horror, heroics
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Bluesy introduction: Only one #9
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Deep purple: Station goes 'members' only
>>  The HooK: NEWS- A rescuer laid to rest
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hook tightening: Assembly targets LLC tax dodge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- July bullseye: Despite mud, 'Target' date set
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Serial specter: Belmont attack renews rapist fears
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Two Unions? VRE could serve Charlottesville-D.C. by 2007
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Fit for a King: Celebrating MLK
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's been your highest medical bill?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Hooville duplex: Live like a landlord-- or not
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Legendary labor: How many babies is too many?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Revealed: What happened after the date?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Learn Excel: and other on-the-job math essentials
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Dogfight: Boarding bill raises tempers
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong bill, wrong title, wrong Supes, wrong map, wrong everything
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- Been there, done that: Brides' parents offer tips
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- Dream team: It's not always easy for the experts...
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- Get published: Websites and mags publish pics
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- Honeymoon's over: Is the first year the hardest?
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- INTRO- Getting hitched: The Hook's guide to conjugal conundrums, nuptial nostalgia, and that utter rarity: the blissful bride
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- Then and now: How'd they meet, how'd they marry?
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- What a day... Newlyweds reflect on the good, the bad, and the funny
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, January 27-February 3, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Clogging: Curb cholesterol to live longer
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- All for Dave: Behind the pack-n-ship scenes
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Wrestle maniac: Seay sees excellence in our future
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- Stars of Starr: New crew brews treats
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Fair trial: Hingeley gets defensive
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Be wary of "mandatory"
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't pine for Parkway
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Girlfighter: Eastwood earns respect, not love
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- DJ Duo: Spinners banish the cold
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Singular sermon: Looking both back and ahead
>>  The HooK: NEWS- COB 2: Filling it softly
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Decade o' BRO: Outdoor mag returns to its roots
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Donations down: Tsunami hurts local charities
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Duping Link: Photo fans swarm Waynesboro
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fecal fall-out: Driver charged in DMB dumping
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rape debate: Getting tough on on-Grounds attacks?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Revolting: Crozet group nixes master plan
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unlisted: New TV stations off the grid
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Got Contra? Folk dancing warms up cold winter nights
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your dream wedding?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Deco-rated: Condo sports high-style design
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Supersize: Modern Goliath in Ireland
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Be creative: Look to the bad times
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Sponsorship, listingship
>>  The HooK: COVER- No more Mr. Bad Boy: Kuttner bows out of downtown development
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, February 3-10, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Phone-a-pill: Get your prescriptions in person
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Trash talkin': How Virginia gets dumped by New York
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Gravity's rainmaker: Baldwin 'books' eclectic events
>>  The HooK: FOOD-THE DISH- Dueling burgers: Flat-out competition at Forest Lakes
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Assess this: Woodzell takes heat for housing hikes
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Earning his keep (a photo to the editor)
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Eureka! They're everywhere!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Find TV listings online
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Quasi thrilling: Bad Education nods to Hitchcock
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Good vibrations: Music to soothe miseries
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Island boys: Guano happens softly, easily
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bagels! Bagels! Corner Bodo's to open (promise)
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Distressed: Murray mobilizes on school lines
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Medium rare: Psychic offers help in rapist hunt
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slum busters: UVA funds city inspector
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Valley loss: Native son killed in Iraq
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- White out! Snowboarders defy the elements
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Did you get reassessed?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- In Commons: Burnet saves best for last
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Over the cliff: How to come back from failure
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- No ringy-dingy: Sprint tries to right wrongs
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATION- Kariel's in charge
>>  The HooK: COVER- Break-up blues: Talking makes the pain worse
>>  The HooK: COVER- Dot-com dumped: Website makes it easy
>>  The HooK: COVER INTRO- Love stinks-- yeah, yeah-- love stinks
>>  The HooK: COVER- Literary therapy: Poems have power to soothe
>>  The HooK: COVER - Love hurts: Breaking up is hard to do
>>  The HooK: COVER - Six local ways... to leave your lover
>>  The HooK: COVER- Star-crossed lovers? Tales from the trenches of treachery
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, February 10-17, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Dryers: To clean or itch, that's the question
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Know-nothing party: First Amendment a mystery to students
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Larry's largesse: Should we call him $abato?
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- 'Berry' cordial: Cassis opens on Water Street
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Wake up! Rick Moore: He's waiting for your call!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Add TV listings to Hook
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't forget Sal's
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thanks for psychic scrutiny
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Happy Willentine's Day! Hitch worth hooking up with
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Non-native soul: Plainly audience favorites
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Sounds familiar: Blue Merle's not hiding influences
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bichon freeze: One sick puppy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Chinn up: SNL president touts Apple deal
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fili-Bustered: Stations skip two-mommy show
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mourned: 4th year snowboarder dies
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Orchard fall-out: Fears of arsenic and old lead surface
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Richmond shut-out: Budgets shred local rail plan
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Summer plans: Expo highlights camp fun
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Whatcha doin' for Valentine's Day?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Not half-baked: Old mill has huge potential
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Number nuts: 'Arithmomaniacs' live to count
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Apple polishing: No seeds of love for NYC'ers
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- My deal: Trumpet success everywhere
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Norcrossed: Feud erupts at hip urban flat
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Station identification, Waldo's graduation
>>  The HooK: COVER- Saturday night drive: Keeping the peace with CP99
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, February 17-24, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Bad news, grandpa: Turn in your license!
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Doping athletes: Unlocking the gene-ie advantage
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Tsunami relief: Man tosses chainsaws-- aside for a while
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Bye, Bye Bocce: New Scottsville spots evoke Ms and mmms
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Branching out: Devon moves from the shadows
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cancer least of lead woes
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't enshrine a bad system
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hang up on phone-ins
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thanks for covering Brown's Mill
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Webcam-watchers get scoops
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Dave's latest dog: Lots of saccharine at this grocery
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Crowded house: A good first impression
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Touching: Emotions go deep with bluesmen
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Clifton-hanger: Inn reopens as lawyers press claims
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Loaded: Paramount asks to co-opt spaces
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New view: UVA revs up North Grounds Connector
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Survivor? The deal with the rock house
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Town down: Roadside motel to bite the dust
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- 45 years young: The Senior Center celebrates
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the worst trouble you've been in with the law?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Do-nut overlook! Belmont cottage offers spudnuts and mas
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Sickly sweet: Driven crazy by honey
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Dolt rules: Lessons learned from idiots
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Lappa's pic, Fenton's pic, Senior's size
>>  The HooK: COVER- She's dying: His drug could save her
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, February 24-March 3, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Endless abuse: No cure for a personality disorder
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Siler moves on: Jameson returns
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- All about you: It could already be on file
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- High standards: Simmons coaxes Band's best
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Taking flight: Wings and curry flee the Corner
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- More than music: Rodi's quest for meaning
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Clifton coverage tawdry
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Dr. Hook's right about oldsters
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Drunks are expensive
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Homeless are human
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Social studies' sinister omission
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Flying high: Aviator looks sweep-ish
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Beating the odds: Stumbling into enjoyment
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Where it's at: Ukranian Band brings house down
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Acquitted: It's Schaub, not Schwab
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTION- Transposed: New park?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dark horse: Non-politico eyes UVA election sweep
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Expensive attrition: $500K for zero job gains
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fridays After 5: Taking it to the street
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Record this: General Assembly closes tax dodge
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Wine and Cheese 101- Area vineyard teaches with treats
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Should dying patients get risky drugs?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- The plot thickens: Lexington tales make good reading
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- On edge: Kiddies know where danger is
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- On air: Tune out, turn off, drop out...
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- New job: Don't blow it in 90 days
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Lethal brew: The beer went down the mountain
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Missing photo credit, Bryan with a Y
>>  The HooK: COVER- Buried treasure: UVA's Special Collections get a new home
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBARS- Barrett, travel, Borges, Declarations
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- Hit me! UVA's E-texts lead the field
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, March 3-10, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Glove love: Take care to slide home safe
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Forget birds: We could all die from this flu
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Scene spirit: Kelly's quest to unite the arts
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- More than mangos: New Maharaja goes Goan
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Mid-list crisis: Tilghman's rough road to success
>>  The HooK: LETTER- ALS families thank you
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Grandpa won't like the column
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Schaub assault story unfair
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We need more Dr. Bennetts
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Writers rally 'round DNA
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Bad fit: Watching The Jacket requires restraints
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Golden pipes: Working on a weekday
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Take two: Talented locals keep scene lively
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bye-bye, Tox-eol: Condo tower exterminates sign
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dave's too late: Winn-Dixie stores announce bankruptcy
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Going south: UVA expansion gears up
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Shad-well: Woolen Mills dam breach OK'd
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stinky: Sewer leak closes Bizou
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Winn Dixie: Matthews' tale fetches $$
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Extreme fun: Hitting the slopes at Washington Park
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What did you do in the snow?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Goldilocks gem: Everything is just right
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- True spit: Are you awake or not?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Complaining: Don't sweat the small stuff
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Towed to court: Lethal's busy... with the judge
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BOOK FESTIVAL PREVIEW- Panel-mania: choose from over 230 events
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Camera bravura: Carpenter defends digital
>>  The HooK: COVER- The F-stops her: Digital kills Barracks biz, but threatens magic moments
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, March 10-17, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Empty? Full? World offers more options
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- When we marched for Selma-- and freedom
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Out of the 'box': Doc's extra test saves life
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Mono Loco's new twist
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Not over: Horwitz can't escape Confederates
>>  The HooK: LETTER- ALS sufferers have rights
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't blame 'No Child'
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Chop shop: Robots revisit the makeover
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dynamic duo: Collaborators create magic
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Wide range: Turbine continues the streak
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Farmania: Scott's estate sells for...?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Leaf-ing office: Mitch says goodbye
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lit up: Neighbors angry over Pen Park lights
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mall double-cross: Merchants want easier access
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New hope: 'Conditional approval' for ALS study
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Our year: Hook awash in VPA awards
>>  The HooK: NEWS- WAHU: Fox TV station takes PAX spot
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Dinner duos: Families cook up a storm
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Do you like digital cameras?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Spacey: Inside and out, plenty to spare
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Happy cat?: Pain can prompt purring too
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Simmering: Fun spices up Crozet date
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Bounce back: Learn from Martha Stewart
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Sooty snafu: Opting for quick over careful
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BOOKS- Knee jerk: Four questions for Malcolm Gladwell
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- FICTION 2005- TJ must be proud
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar March 17-24, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Bottoms up!: 'Screaming' procedure saves lives
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- The Whine: Calls from readers who need to get a life
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Scratch the stork: Teaching kids the facts of life
>>  The HooK: FICTION CONTEST- Rich rewards: Judges had tough job
>>  The HooK: FICTION WINNER- What Can't Be Cured
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Home cookin': 12 minutes to pizza paradise
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Entombed: Linda Fairstein proves not
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Crossing not the answer
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Do blame Mr. Sutz
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Flu won't annihilate us
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Money compromises lives
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Photos key to mental health
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Unbelievable: But fun and inspiring anyway
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cookin': Catch a prodigy while you can
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Moody Monday: Kicking back at South Street
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Breeden's Eden: 1,000 acres to sell near town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dark park: Pen Park lights extinguished
>>  The HooK: NEWS- He did it: Driver pleads guilty in Chicago dump
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Panic button: Finding the 'morning after' pill
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pouring in: Donations for ALS drug
>>  The HooK: NEWS- School splits: Redistricting, new school--poof!
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Curran's count: Not enough for 1st place (or 2nd)
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Space invaders: Pesky plant gets the boot
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite novel?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block!- SOLD
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Wide open: Nelson the last frontier?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Spurts: Baby Jack sprouts up
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Waiting game: Learn to play it right
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Spilt grease: Customer lathered over oil change
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- WWJD? The importance of being Tom
>>  The HooK: COVER- Tally no! Matthews bans the hunt
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, March 24-31, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Say what? Patients and doc should talk same talk
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Rejection reflection: Who wants to watch a loser?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Winner's full circle: Do as I say, not as I did
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Pollo Abuelitas: Gourmet station new Latin mecca
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Focused: Photographer of the rich, famous...and everyone else
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Curran wasn't trounced
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hook went tabloid on ALS
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Work for that bounty
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Uncongenial: Bullock needs to grow up
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Butchers rule: Could Burrito be new Rose?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- The worst: Even cover bands need zip
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Face on: UVA tackles rape with new guidelines
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grants galore: But will Afton tunnel re-open?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Legal time: Schools slate special confabs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Speed trap: Don't say you weren't warned
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stalled: Hanger wants potties prettied
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Trail of smears: Oily leak mars tracks
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Why read? Why go to book fests?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Will wishes: Don't be Terri Schiavo
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Bibliomaniacs in the attic: Writers party down at Carr's Hill
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Should fox hunting be banned?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Good advice: Highland house made over right
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Sock it to me: Picking the right number
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Praise the Lord! Christians hit the town
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Home atone: House husband, where are you?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Lawyer's last name, Schiavo's first name, photog's progress, story byline, tunnel's cost
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- This mold house: Family devasted by spore war
>>  The HooK: COVER- This mold house: Family devastated by spore war
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, March 31-April 7, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Achoo, baby! Treating problem pollen
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Fox hunting foe hides name
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Bad rap: What if TV's good for you?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- No snob: This criticism welcome at UVA
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Tranquil Thai: Art spices up Rio Hill offerings
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Civil disobedient: Gaston's history lesson
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cleaning Crozet's soil
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't change Albemarle
>>  The HooK: LETTER- EC should unite sides
>>  The HooK: LETTER- EC untested for safety
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fox hunting in UK
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Unstylish: Stereotypes way out of date
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Now I'm 64: Jam band's riffs grow on you
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Twofer: A weekend of heady rock
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Curtain time? Carmike zooms in on Waynesboro
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gas tax: Why Virginians pay less at the pump
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Get your 'goat': Solar house needs home
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hard choices: Local author lived the Schiavo story
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No deal: Embattled Griffin stays the course
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tonsler turn-off: Neighbors want lights out
>>  The HooK: NEWS UPDATE- Big house bound? Why Alston's still in town
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Paying the piper: Inside the 'NRN fundraiser
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the moldiest place you've ever lived?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Trade offs: What's city cachet worth?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Mama Mona: Baby loves La Gioconda
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Things I hate: It's that time again
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Off key: Paying to haul a U-Haul
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Toys, not magic; too young; wrong U; EC prescriptions; land-holding; Blackacre's name
>>  The HooK: COVER- Cooperation: Church offers Jewish school a home
>>  The HooK: COVER- Different strokes: How do they do it?
>>  The HooK: COVER FAMILY- Just for kicks: Soccer star storms world
>>  The HooK: COVER- Generation Hg? Is Autism puzzle solved?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Mom music: New CD targets autism
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 7-14, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Boy, girl, or...? Leave intersex babies alone
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Trojan train: Keep D.C. a car commute away
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Sabre.sleuth: Ingalls' Hoosports site tells all
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Guys can cook: Website, fundraiser prove it!
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Activist art: McLeod's life of balance
>>  The HooK: LETTER- EC won't stop rape report
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fox hunting silly, fun
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I thought Ayn Rand died
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Light endangers health
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Sabato's self-serving
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Fever Pitch: Farrellys deliver a softball
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Chameleons: Green changes to mellow
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Unexpected: Love that minimalism!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bluestone rocks: Quarry restarts Valley gray
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gore flex: Averting aneurysms early
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New growth: Video novice sells garden series
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stalled: Hanger wants prettier potties
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Staunton-bound: Zirkle Mill move still on
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Storm team: NBC29 sweeps new Nielsens
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Trim trimmed: Pavilion overruns nix bricks
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- One for three: Film teaser whets appetites
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK-What's your favorite family activity?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Beyond unique: Nelson house has bed in bath
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Eeeek! It's the old hag again!
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Squatters: Athletic types parry and thrust
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Radar love: Get noticed by recruiters
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Fluid exchange: What happened when the cap was off?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Speedie didn't appeal to ASAP
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Bubble-proof?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- House poor: Are prices about to plunge?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Sales jumps: One place where Albemarle lags
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Sky high: Is county government to blame?
>>  The HooK: COVER- This new house
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 14-21, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Med monikers: What's in a drug's name?
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Helter shelter: A whole-house checkup checklist
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Supreme choice: Albemarle grad gets plum post
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Local Polo: Spice trader offers fragrant wares
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Networking: How Burchett got those TV stations
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Buddy's no bastion of segregation
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Sabato money's for kids
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Sacrifice is voluntary
>>  The HooK: MOVIE BOX- McElwee's march: Through Carolina, tobacco still rules
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Sahara: Testosteroni and cheese
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Fair weather: But Bums keep fans inside
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Rockin' soul: Pure and simple southern sounds
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 70 units: Big plans for KappaSig spot
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Book her! Outback goes up stairs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gagged: Clifton says 'pipe down!'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Gilmore & Warner: Two guvs talk relief
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Puritans' passion: Band riffs off Prince Charles' wedding
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rock and roll: Southern moves earth
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Up with people: But On Our Own dollars down
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wine roots: Lost history gets marker
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Go fly a kite: Give peace a flying start
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How big is your dream house?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Zen den: Living the Zoloft life
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Milk shake: Too bad cow can't squat
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Not happy?: Maybe you're the problem
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Wrong byline
>>  The HooK: COVER sidebar- How they stack up
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Ratings game: WMRA claims non-com supremacy
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Friend or foe?: WNRN battles the word of God
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, April 21-28, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Sore subject: Herpes isn't a Greek god
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Wheelie expensive: The high cost of 'free' parking
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Festival bound: Williamson's okay with Muskogee
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX- Fifeville headlines Film Festival
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Start the music! Baker's Palette ready for Fridays
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Comic relief: Voice of Cavs keeps 'em laughing
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Contact Congress on mercury
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Kirby's an autism indie
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Trains multiply choices
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Train will save, not pave
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Look and listen The Interpreter's muffled message
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Clipse eclipsed: Blaze spins as Malice walks
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hotel Virginian: When Don Henley meets G. Love
>>  The HooK: NEWS- $1.5 million: Razor wire widow sues City, RTF
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Checkered past: Embattled Griffin knows controversy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Guru's past: Yogaville visit opens old wounds
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Katie and Caroline
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mold update: Samaritans tackle gutted house
>>  The HooK: NEWS- New vaccine: Life-saving bill could die
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Spring bloom: 25 years of beautiful Irises
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK-What do you think of WNRN?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Think big: Do-it-yourselfer did it
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Think about it! Your brain does it all
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Liver shiver: Drug study's side effects scary
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- The cost of living...well: La dolce vita in Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, April 28-May 5, 2005
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hook should be ashamed
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Just say no to vaccines
>>  The HooK: LETTER- My brother's autism
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No UVA docs at meeting
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Thanks for truth about Buddy
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Thumbthing missing: Don't pick up
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Cornucopia: Full weekend of tip-top tunes
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- No recess! You're in high school again
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crossing over: Fridays moves south, spotlights locals
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tour de town: French students explore la difference
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ouster ousted: Court dismisses Peatross case
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Reel estate: Catch more buys with Vinegar?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sue 'em? Post-Griffin, board takes the heat
>>  The HooK: NEWS- The Jump: Thrill-seeking teens terrorize mom
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Wink, wink: Not everybody can do it
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Free agency: Love those job options
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- $500 lesson: Damager must see damage
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Missing letters, wrong photog
>>  The HooK: COVER- Don't stand so close to me: When does a popular professor's friendliness become inappropriate?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Sofka siege: Chronicle of an embattled professor
>>  The HooK: COVER- Sofka's support: Students stand by their man
>>  The HooK: COVER- Would you say that to your mother?
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 5-12, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Grease up: That tan's not worth dying for
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- For lovers? In Virginia, some exceptions apply
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Medicine man: Saunier doles out direct justice
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Plus ca change: Ciboulette still French at heart
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Primary dare: Kim hopes voters get all Tingley
>>  The HooK: LETTER- A flippin' neat solution
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ayn Rand wasn't mad
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Citizenship is voluntary
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Drop-In Center no "flophouse"
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ethics of intersex surgery
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Kilgore's out for himself
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Prepare to squirm: Race trouble in snowy LA
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Faded memory: The lady and the tramp
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Noir night: Drifting and dreaming at Gravity
>>  The HooK: NEWS - Best in show: VPA honors Hook advertising
>>  The HooK: NEWS- City Sherlock: Victim says he found suspect
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dogs gone: Hauling hounds to new homes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grant's charge: Schools vet wants supe seat
>>  The HooK: NEWS- In thin air: Paintings stolen from airport"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Omni confab: Autism researchers share insights
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Porsche to patio: Pow!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Seeking help: School board asks for input
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- There she goes: Grace (and beauty) under pressure
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the song 'Don't Stand So Close to Me' about?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Basic brick: Rancher ready for re-do
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Supersmarts: How high can IQs go?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Brush off: Dog lovers bark up wrong trees
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- No monster: Flatter coworkers with cookies
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Towing angst? Then don't steal parking space
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Missing letters, wrong photog
>>  The HooK: COVER- Don't stand so close to me: When does a popular professor's friendliness become inappropriate?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Sofka siege: Chronicle of an embattled professor
>>  The HooK: COVER- Sofka's support: Students stand by their man
>>  The HooK: COVER- Would you say that to your mother?
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 5-12, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Grease up: That tan's not worth dying for
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- For lovers? In Virginia, some exceptions apply
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Medicine man: Saunier doles out direct justice
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Plus ca change: Ciboulette still French at heart
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Primary dare: Kim hopes voters get all Tingley
>>  The HooK: LETTER- A flippin' neat solution
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ayn Rand wasn't mad
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Citizenship is voluntary
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Drop-In Center no "flophouse"
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ethics of intersex surgery
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Kilgore's out for himself
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Prepare to squirm: Race trouble in snowy LA
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Faded memory: The lady and the tramp
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Noir night: Drifting and dreaming at Gravity
>>  The HooK: NEWS - Best in show: VPA honors Hook advertising
>>  The HooK: NEWS- City Sherlock: Victim says he found suspect
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dogs gone: Hauling hounds to new homes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grant's charge: Schools vet wants supe seat
>>  The HooK: NEWS- In thin air: Paintings stolen from airport
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Omni confab: Autism researchers share insights
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Porsche to patio: Pow!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Seeking help: School board asks for input
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- There she goes: Grace (and beauty) under pressure
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the song 'Don't Stand So Close to Me' about?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Basic brick: Rancher ready for re-do
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Supersmarts: How high can IQs go?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Brush off: Dog lovers bark up wrong trees
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- No monster: Flatter coworkers with cookies
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Towing angst? Then don't steal parking space
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Paper's prizes; geisha's greeting
>>  The HooK: COVER- Solar coaster: The ups and downs of sun energy
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 12-19, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Just do it! Your medicine prescribed for a reason
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- God and Lucas: The Force is with us
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Zeiglar's zag: Seeking green lanes amid the asphalt
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Elliewood update: PJ's coming to old Wing spot?
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Andy to earth: Mr. metal has acoustic sides
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Can the cruelty
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Come see what we do
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't blame Dede Smith
>>  The HooK: LETTER- End one-sided reports
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Peer support crucial
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Septic system is alive
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We have cheapies too
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Meet the Fonda: They shoot mothers, don't they?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Holy rollin': Taking the masters to church
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Parting remarks: This town is a jam band (sometimes)
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Loose lips: Rolling Stones bring their love to town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Marina' still missing
>>  The HooK: NEWS- MLK stayed here: Motel makeover
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mold gone: But family still faces bankruptcy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Paladin's progress: Local film lands awards
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sweeps weeks: Fifeville resident feels targeted
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Four-love of the game: Tennis champs charm Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of solar houses?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Out there: Hawkshill Lane hides nest
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- What'd I say? Invisible ink leaves traces
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Google 'em: Networking the easy way
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER-- Web of defeat: Five times is not a charm
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Paper's prizes; geisha's greeting
>>  The HooK: COVER- Solar coaster: The ups and downs of sun energy
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 12-19, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Just do it! Your medicine prescribed for a reason
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- God and Lucas: The Force is with us
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Zeiglar's zag: Seeking green lanes amid the asphalt
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Elliewood update: PJ's coming to old Wing spot?
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Andy to earth: Mr. metal has acoustic sides
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Can the cruelty
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Come see what we do
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't blame Dede Smith
>>  The HooK: LETTER- End one-sided reports
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Peer support crucial
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Septic system is alive
>>  The HooK: LETTER- We have cheapies too
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Meet the Fonda: They shoot mothers, don't they?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Holy rollin': Taking the masters to church
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Parting remarks: This town is a jam band (sometimes)
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Loose lips: Rolling Stones bring their love to town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Marina' still missing
>>  The HooK: NEWS- MLK stayed here: Motel makeover
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mold gone: But family still faces bankruptcy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Paladin's progress: Local film lands awards
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sweeps weeks: Fifeville resident feels targeted
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Four-love of the game: Tennis champs charm Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of solar houses?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Out there: Hawkshill Lane hides nest
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- What'd I say? Invisible ink leaves traces
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Google 'em: Networking the easy way
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER-- Web of defeat: Five times is not a charm
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong date, wrong name, bad grammar
>>  The HooK: COVER- DMB in NYC: Everything's coming up Roseland (a roadtrip exclusive)//The Rolling Who: Will DMB surpass the masters?
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 19-26, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Itchy, scratchy: Leave yeast for bread baking
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Staff shift-o-rama
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Looking back: 61 years later, Pvt. Hatcher's last day
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Wynn's win? Success surprises city songstress
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Found! Tucked-away Aromas worth the hunt
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Teen beat: 'Annoying' is not a disorder
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cover house really green
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Desai did something right
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Gary Grant pulled me over
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hey, I wrote the score
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Profs must be careful
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- No whimpers: Lucas goes out with a bang
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Two sides: For every fan, there's a nay-sayer
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Cross to bear: Heated debate over Mall access
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Net losses: Gov, critics talk Internet taxes
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No gag: Judge denies Clifton's request
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Publicity bunt: Collins first arrestee in House race
>>  The HooK: NEWS- That's the ticket! Get some Stones satisfaction
>>  The HooK: NEWS- White Elephant: Massive house squeezes neighbor
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Charlottesville by Night: When the lights go down in the city
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK-Are you gonna buy the new DMB CD?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Classy dame: Old farmhouse outshines rivals
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Baby dreams: What will little bundle be?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Just hive fun! A few bumps don't ruin a date
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Gal pals: Network everywhere you go
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Hang tag blues: How mom and dad got towed
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in revie
>>  The HooK: CARTOON
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong Kevin, Wrong PUD, Wrong quotation marks, Wrong clothin
>>  The HooK: COVER-FICTION- Felonious Mon
>>  The HooK: COVER- FICTION- The Inarticulate Speech of the Hear
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Fairs and balanced: Local fests offer summer fu
>>  The HooK: COVER SUMMER GUIDE- Total turn off: 25 hot ways to get off your duf
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 26-June 2, 200
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Bulked up: Swollen prostate has to shrin
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Summer: Feeling fine being fre
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Out of 'XS: Scott skips reality for Bonnaro
>>  The HooK: FOOD- DISH- Odell's exit: Unfortunate events to the nort
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Second act: Sisson's fun-filled part
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get history straigh
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Shine more light on sola
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Purple prose: Grande dames save weak scrip
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Mall musings: Music a bonus Downtow
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Adieu Adelphia: Comcast buys our cable gu
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dropped appeal: Financier going to jai
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grief aired: CBS features UVA studen
>>  The HooK: NEWS- More spies? NGIC woes-- and maybe grow
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Royal Paynes: Susans crowned in 'Emmas
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slick oil: Veg-oil bus headed to Alask
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stone crazy! Scott show creates local frenzy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Virginia accents: Kilgore, Kaine talk about tal
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Raisin plan: PBS station sponsors Live Art
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Whacha doin' this summer
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE Commercial construction permit
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $ol
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Don't dally: Clock ticking on Locus
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auction
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD
>>  The HooK: SPORTS WRA
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Man bites dog: Dog gets worst of i
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Plan now: Change career without pai
>>  The Hook: Post a Story
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong Kevin, Wrong PUD, Wrong quotation marks, Wrong clothing
>>  The HooK: COVER-FICTION- Felonious Monk
>>  The HooK: COVER- FICTION- The Inarticulate Speech of the Heart
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Fairs and balanced: Local fests offer summer fun
>>  The HooK: COVER SUMMER GUIDE- Total turn off: 25 hot ways to get off your duf
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, May 26-June 2, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Bulked up: Swollen prostate has to shrink
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Summer: Feeling fine being free
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Out of 'XS: Scott skips reality for Bonnaroo
>>  The HooK: FOOD- DISH- Odell's exit: Unfortunate events to the north
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Second act: Sisson's fun-filled party
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get history straight
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Shine more light on solar
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Purple prose: Grande dames save weak script
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Mall musings: Music a bonus Downtown
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Adieu Adelphia: Comcast buys our cable guy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dropped appeal: Financier going to jail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grief aired: CBS features UVA student
>>  The HooK: NEWS- More spies? NGIC woes-- and maybe grows
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Royal Paynes: Susans crowned in 'Emmas'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slick oil: Veg-oil bus headed to Alaska
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stone crazy! Scott show creates local frenzy
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Virginia accents: Kilgore, Kaine talk about talk
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Raisin plan: PBS station sponsors Live Arts
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Whacha doin' this summer?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Don't dally: Clock ticking on Locust
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Man bites dog: Dog gets worst of it
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Plan now: Change career without pain
>>  The Hook: Post a Story
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Island girl and two owners
>>  The HooK: COVER- 57th varieties: Who will get Mitch's seat?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Elephants' man: McCrystal carries GOP banner
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- St. Mitch: Casting a long shadow
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE BOX- Pick your primary: One man, one vote
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, June 2-9, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Life saver: How to spot the roots of elder abuse
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- House shopping? Better polish your résumé
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Everlast-ing love: Fighting for the family
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Alive and well: Hip-hop contest brings 'em out
>>  The HooK: NEWS- At peace: Gentry succumbs to ALS
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Beyond 'Bubba': Locals lead C-store surge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Drumroll, please! Bodo's set to open... really
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dude can dance: Teen tries for new Fox show
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Skunk park'? RTF users irked by stripe
>>  The HooK: NEWS- The Shen: Augusta gets homegrown coin
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Where's Ric? New weatherman off the radar
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wynn won: Next stop: regional NewSong finals
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- For the record: StoryCorps hits the bricks
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What will you miss about Mitch Van Yahres?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Twofer: Cottage, terraces double the fun
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Island girl and two owners
>>  The HooK: COVER- 57th varieties: Who will get Mitch's seat?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Elephants' man: McCrystal carries GOP banner
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- St. Mitch: Casting a long shadow
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE BOX- Pick your primary: One man, one vote
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, June 2-9, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Life saver: How to spot the roots of elder abuse
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- House shopping? Better polish your résumé
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Everlast-ing love: Fighting for the family
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Alive and well: Hip-hop contest brings 'em out
>>  The HooK: NEWS- At peace: Gentry succumbs to ALS
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Beyond 'Bubba': Locals lead C-store surge
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Drumroll, please! Bodo's set to open... really
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dude can dance: Teen tries for new Fox show
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Skunk park'? RTF users irked by stripe
>>  The HooK: NEWS- The Shen: Augusta gets homegrown coin
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Where's Ric? New weatherman off the radar
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wynn won: Next stop: regional NewSong finals
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- For the record: StoryCorps hits the bricks
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What will you miss about Mitch Van Yahres?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Twofer: Cottage, terraces double the fun
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER- Interview: Boyd Tinsley
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Break time: Hacks get a record deal
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 9-16, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Shove boat: Patching together a cure
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Farewell, Roberto
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Retribution: Death penalty argument redux
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Visual literacy: Needham's evolution of thought
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Avon calling: Pig Daddy's moves BBQ indoors
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Enough Supervision: David Bowerman bows out
>>  The HooK: LETTER- ALS patients deserve better
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fat is beautiful
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Go with common sense
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Toscano loves developers
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Wedded blast: Is murder best aphrodisiac?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Elusive tunz: Gorillaz sing, but don't exist
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 149 skiddoo: Tree topples for Bodopening
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Firing back: Axed exec a whistleblower?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pizza-ville: Service back in off-limit zones
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Recuse yourself! Public Defender asks Peatross to go
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Scoopage: Valley's Deep Throat tie
>>  The HooK: NEWS- South Lawn setback: Modernist architects off the job
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Westerly win: Barrick gone to Portland biggie
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Rammed earth campaign: Waldorf School goes green
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite local band?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Experimental: Taking a chance on solar
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Say what? Polyglots talk all the talk
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Poncho mia: Plan career before baby
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Mail call: Cingular's singular pricing plan
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Burn baby burn: fire sparks dump controversy
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Weighty matters: Ice cream's soft, and so am I
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Spy guy: Snooping stoppage allowed 9/11, says Naftali
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Belmont boom: First of three cafés opens
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Seven-year hitch: Duffy's an anchor in a storm
>>  The HooK: LETTER- A hound by any other name
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Great doc; great pix
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Skunk stripe appalling
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Trojan train indeed
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Dark roots: New Batman leaves fun behind
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Lovin' it: Horn delivers, Hacks do too
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Debut: Queen of Country to open amphitheater
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grave matter: South Lawn "remains" to be seen
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Not Meriwether: The neighborhood that didn't want to go
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Recuse yourself! Public Defender asks Peatross to go
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Revamped: SNL building gets the Coran touch-- and tenants
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Seeing stars: Local psychic Renier on NBC
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Spore-atic: Mold-house family faces 'camping'
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Bridge builders: City honors Drewary Brown's legacy
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the pavilion going up at the east end of the Downtown Mall?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block Nothing mousy: Restoring a relic on Ridge
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- $old!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Stab in the dark: Murderous dreams come true
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Sip away: They toasted, then were toasted
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Worst mistakes: Avoid errors of new managers
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Casey's jonesin': For an easy 911 escape
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Burn baby burn: fire sparks dump controversy
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Weighty matters: Ice cream's soft, and so am I
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Spy guy: Snooping stoppage allowed 9/11, says Naftali
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Belmont boom: First of three cafés opens
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Seven-year hitch: Duffy's an anchor in a storm
>>  The HooK: LETTER- A hound by any other name
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Great doc; great pix
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Skunk stripe appalling
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Trojan train indeed
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Dark roots: New Batman leaves fun behind
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Lovin' it: Horn delivers, Hacks do too
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Debut: Queen of Country to open amphitheater
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grave matter: South Lawn "remains" to be seen
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Not Meriwether: The neighborhood that didn't want to go
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Recuse yourself! Public Defender asks Peatross to go
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Revamped: SNL building gets the Coran touch-- and tenants
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Seeing stars: Local psychic Renier on NBC
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Spore-atic: Mold-house family faces 'camping'
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Bridge builders: City honors Drewary Brown's legacy
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the pavilion going up at the east end of the Downtown Mall?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block Nothing mousy: Restoring a relic on Ridge
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- $old!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Stab in the dark: Murderous dreams come true
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Sip away: They toasted, then were toasted
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Worst mistakes: Avoid errors of new managers
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Casey's jonesin': For an easy 911 escape
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- No coffins, no given name
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Talk tablet takes shape
>>  The HooK: COVER- Writing on the wall: What the chalkboard will really do
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 23-30., 2005
>>  The HooK: DR.HOOK- Summer Running: See a movie, save a life
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Fun new columns!
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Kudos, kiddos: Walk, for mom's sake
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Mactavish's mile: Filming a cure for cancer
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Petite Fleurie: New bistro pois'd to open
>>  The HooK: GIMMESHELTER- Human waste: How the grass gets greener
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Econ 101: Mystery novelist polishes his Spearman
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cops should try psychic
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No finding food on 250 West
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Stick with staples
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Where was Fountainhead?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Parrot trap: The birdman of Telegraph Hill
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Pillar to post: All over the music map
>>  The HooK: MYRIDE- Matthew Farrell: 1971 Triumph Trophy Trail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- All things come...: Ten years later, a Corner Bodo's
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blast wall: Rolling roadblock stops traffic
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Boulder redux? Robb v. terrorists at jail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pavilion-ville: State of the art-- with portalets
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rollin' rollin? Pro-rail group gathers steam
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Supe whoop: Griffin's ouster cost city $291,000
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Swartz stole: Enniscorthy plutocrat guilty
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- James gang: Madison kin meet at Montpelier
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the new First Amendment Monument?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Best of both: Old and new in Batesville
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Flutterby: Morphing for a mate
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Hey, there: This column's for you
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Morris settles: Lethal to pay back towees
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- No coffins, no given name
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Talk tablet takes shape
>>  The HooK: COVER- Writing on the wall: What the chalkboard will really do
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, June 23-30., 2005
>>  The HooK: DR.HOOK- Summer Running: See a movie, save a life
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Fun new columns!
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Kudos, kiddos: Walk, for mom's sake
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Mactavish's mile: Filming a cure for cancer
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Petite Fleurie: New bistro pois'd to open
>>  The HooK: GIMMESHELTER- Human waste: How the grass gets greener
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Econ 101: Mystery novelist polishes his Spearman
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cops should try psychic
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No finding food on 250 West
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Stick with staples
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Where was Fountainhead?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Parrot trap: The birdman of Telegraph Hill
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Pillar to post: All over the music map
>>  The HooK: MYRIDE- Matthew Farrell: 1971 Triumph Trophy Trail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- All things come...: Ten years later, a Corner Bodo's
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blast wall: Rolling roadblock stops traffic
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Boulder redux? Robb v. terrorists at jail
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pavilion-ville: State of the art-- with portalets
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Rollin' rollin? Pro-rail group gathers steam
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Supe whoop: Griffin's ouster cost city $291,000
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Swartz stole: Enniscorthy plutocrat guilty
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- James gang: Madison kin meet at Montpelier
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the new First Amendment Monument?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Best of both: Old and new in Batesville
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Flutterby: Morphing for a mate
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Hey, there: This column's for you
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Morris settles: Lethal to pay back towees
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- To work, to excellence. Doing your job
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Sweetpee? Leave sugar on the table
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- 'On Architecture'
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Koran abuse: Who really trashed that book?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Mrs. Virginia? That's Dr. Virginia to you!
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Eggs-travagant: Caviar gets green light
>>  The HooK: GIMMESHELTER- Spider man: Beasts in the basement
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- O, lucky man: Phillips and the rockets' red glare
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Chalkboard soon forgotten
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Gimme that body part
>>  The HooK: LETTER- He's no GOP boss
>>  The HooK: LETTER- It's not so simple
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Money wasted on psychic
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Smell smoke? Cry 'fire!'
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Wells, well: Sure, it's stupid, but...
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- In-box follies: The postman brings a winner
>>  The HooK: MYRIDE- Maurie Sutton: 2005 Saturn Vue
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Autism activism: Parent at war with mercury
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Best place...: For white supremacists?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No jolt?: Anastasio's 70VP to open for Stones
>>  The HooK: NEWS- The defendant: Grisham's courtroom drama
>>  The HooK: NEWS- What's in a name? Falwell contests website use
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Tender subject: Would TJ order brick?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Bank shots: New local bank celebrates
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the toughest job you've ever hed?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Got stuff? Don't bring it with you
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Lethal larder: Eating yourself to death
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Snappy patter: Photog and local mom click!
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Babywise: Lessons from the delivery room
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Moldering claim: New roof comes too late
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER INTRO- POP vitiCulture: Albemarle is wine country
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Shipping news: Supremes weigh in on wine
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Sour grapes: Jefferson's vines withered
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- VAVino: New Mall mantra: Go wine!
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Vini, vidi, vino: Faber vintner makes wine
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR - Wineries list
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- Pick of the liter: Experts name favorites
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 7-14, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Too darn hot: Heed heatstroke's warnings
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Parting 'Words'
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Bright idea: A brain spa near you
>>  The HooK: FEARLESS CONSUMER- Left behind: When the dumpster is the trash
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Dayside oasis: Carving Board Café opens near 29
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Defeat the heat: Maintain unit to chill out
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- French connection: Shaps shapes local grapes' taste
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Rosé-colored glasses: Robert Harllee's wine-tinted world
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Apply waste carefully
>>  The HooK: NEWS- $24 million: Castle Hill bursts 'bubble' theory
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dump dust-up: Citizens gather; Lynch denies role
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Looking Demward: Gay group risks optimism
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Reprieve: Appeals court to hear Robinsons
>>  The HooK: NEWS SIDEBAR- Loop whole: No escape try in this sale
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Utilitarian: City launches CityLink
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Suburban incursion: Close, but no neighborhood
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Open sky: Pavilion workers scramble
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite Virginia wine?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK Wee-ville: Tiny cottage just right for one
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Itchy kissy: Bad breath worse than smelly
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Dump photos, worker photos, wine vintages
>>  The HooK: COVER- Gas by the glass: North Garden's contaminated water
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Bad water: Avoiding a home nightmare
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Rusted stuff: Tank farm landmark doomed
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 14-21, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Rabid response: One bite, five shots
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Killer instincts: Why suicide bombers do it
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- More Moore: Sundance channel signs Trevor
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Double Spot: Corner dining choices multiply
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Pipe dreamer: Frederick wants millions (of gallons)
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Gay realtors were dissed
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Give Phil the credit
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No brown recluses here
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Sweet! Can Willie unseat Dorothy?
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Rusty Parrott: 2000 Jeep Wrangler
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DMB on Stones stage? All signs point to maybe
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jumbo pad: Student building eyed for 15th Street
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lot of money: Parking place could be linchpin development
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stretched: Pavilion covered, hiring staff
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Train pain: Under the covers and fuming
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wash out: New developments raise mud and ire
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Pei's position: 'Naturalizer' champions change
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Fireworks, fireworks: July 5 microburst and all that
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK Hunt country: Old cabin lurking under roof
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: SPORTS WRAP- Sparklers: Nats light up the 4th
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- No deductible: Operating on yourself
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Flashback: Where are they now?
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Chaos theory: Customers boil over appliance mix-ups
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Chopped story, wrong name, wrong credit
>>  The HooK: COVER- Home shopping network: These companies come to you
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar, July 21-28, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Ticked off: Bloodsuckers are bad news
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- 25 to Life: Do violent video games incite riots?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Rush Ours: The eclectic 'saint' of Barboursville
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Northern lure: Diners head to Gordonsville
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Wet threat: Out, out, damp spots!
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Age defying: JABA's hippie CEO
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Dan's a decent man
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Going with Flow: Howard's ticket to stardom
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Mélange: Afro-pop's lovely loose vibe
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Lauren Howard: 1991 Trek 7000 mountain bike
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Apple dart: Computer company disses SNL
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Autism down: Some credit mercury removal
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dismissed: Judge tosses Grisham suit
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Scott free: Bundoran could take LLC loophole
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Prone to please: Habitat picks green affordability
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Dog days: Pups beat heat with commerce
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What chore would you like someone else to do for you?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Getaway: Escape the world in Nelson
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update- SOLD!
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Itchy kissy: Bad breath can kill
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Cruise, Tom: Depressed folks need help
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- A real downer: Case of the missing pillows
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong credits and number
>>  The HooK: COVER- No malice: Alston juror cites drunkenness
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Minimum security: Alston shipped to Botetourt
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, July 28-August 11, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK ­ Heart attack: Denial can be deadly
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Fried clams: A recipe for a better city
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Dancing by Hart: Ballet pro offers expertise
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Recommended: Five local spots make the cut
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Paint it black: Just not with china bristles
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Mr. Casual: Smiling through the big tent flap
>>  The HooK: LETTER- City won't enforce law
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Lynch missed the bloat
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Puppy love: Pooch ploy pays off
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Worth the wait: CD excitement contagious
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Don Lepsch- 1973 Dodge van
>>  The HooK: NEWS- First ladies: Lynn, Spacek reunite Saturday
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Her, too: Play depicts Faulkner relationship
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hot seats: Ticket-seekers sweating for the Paramount
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Im-paws-ible? Vet sees 'cougar' on Parkway
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Lethal' year: Ex-mayor Cox back in town
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Pavilion patrimony: World's largest lobster trap
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Chancy: Fans hope to ice visit with Hilary
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the heat wave?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE - $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Enchanted: Bears have left the cottage
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Frogfall: It's raining fish and fowl
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Smashing taboos: Professor meets student
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- The secret: Organize your sloppy day
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Treat or retreat: Tackling termites every year
>>  The HooK: ANNUAL MANUAL- Boosterism: We got it goin' on!
>>  The HooK: ANNUAL MANUAL- Dogs
>>  The HooK: ANNUAL MANUAL- Government
>>  The HooK: ANNUAL MANUAL- Our Town- Newcomer's info
>>  The HooK: ANNUAL MANUAL- THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Get real: You can't avoid office politics
>>  The HooK: ANNUAL MANUAL- Transportation
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Dropped letter
>>  The HooK: COVER- Runner down: The life and death of Kelly Watt
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 11-18, 2005
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- What's enough? Let the rich keep $3 million
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Log-rolling: Fame a stone's throw away
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Way to Yuga: Eastern star in York Place
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Thick 'n thin: Prune trees for best growth
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Marshall's plan: Filling Parkway's $27 million Rx
>>  The HooK: LETTER- New law good
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Four frères: Unforgettable but uneven
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Giant universe: Pavilion's inaugural awesome
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Jim Rice- 1965 Chevrolet Corvair
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Biography: Life of Earl Hamner revealed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Un-heavenly: Blue ice smashes windshield
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Divine secrets of the y'all-y'all sisterhood
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Get a life: Make work take back seat
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- All wet: Rec class refund swamped
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Dropped letter
>>  The HooK: COVER- Runner down: The life and death of Kelly Watt
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 11-18, 2005
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- What's enough? Let the rich keep $3 million
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Log-rolling: Fame a stone's throw away
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Way to Yuga: Eastern star in York Place
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Thick 'n thin: Prune trees for best growth
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Marshall's plan: Filling Parkway's $27 million Rx
>>  The HooK: LETTER- New law good
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Four frères: Unforgettable but uneven
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Giant universe: Pavilion's inaugural awesome
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Jim Rice- 1965 Chevrolet Corvair
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Biography: Life of Earl Hamner revealed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Un-heavenly: Blue ice smashes windshield
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Divine secrets of the y'all-y'all sisterhood
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Get a life: Make work take back seat
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- All wet: Rec class refund swamped
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: COVER- Boy wonder: Smith for prez?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Just say no-no: Little known school gaffes
>>  The HooK: COVER- Must-haves: Pinch-pennies need not apply
>>  The HooK: COVER- We are family: Fostering fills a need
>>  The HooK: COVER- Working woe: Sick kids, few options
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 18-25, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Ante up: Co-payments not so bad
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Irish sting: Learn lessons from I.R.A.
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Ka-blam: Storyboarding the comix
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- Uncorked: Gals mob VAVino opening
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- The buzz on bees: Let someone else handle 'em
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- The fixer: Leitao to Cavs: UConn
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I saw a Parkway cougar
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I tawt I taw... a cougar cat
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Plane scary: Red Eye, white knuckles
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW Crop circles: Glimpsing recent local CDs
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bus stopped: Greyhound ends nearby service
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Mysterious: Learning with Supergranny
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tuned in: Podcasting has town by the ears
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Vendorville: City mulls upping Mall rents
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Pergola pandemic: Sticking foolishness to the wall
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Whistle-stopping: Citizens meet Kaine
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the best thing about your family?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Snuggery: Joining the current condo craze
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Choice words: When to put a lid on it
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CONTEST- Strike a pose- Look like Mick, win concert tix!
>>  The HooK: COVER- Her day in court: UVA rape case goes to trial
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, August 25-September 1, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- What's shakin'?: Essential tremors wreak havoc
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Rainbow warrior: James writes of skin and sin
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Tiny flat: Downtown crèperie takes shaperie
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Oh, baby: How to keep that infant safe
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Unknown: Schoenewald takes on Rooker
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Bowls banish bees
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I've heard many tails
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Ralph Kramden no more
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Grimm story: Dark tale not for kids
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Zen jam: Neither good nor bad, just....
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Michael Wegner- 1979 Pontiac Firebird
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Being Julia: DMB snags 'Dreamgirl'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Blow off: Trains horns drone on
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Coghill's con: 'Silver-tongued devil' cops fraud plea
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pro-Potts: Sabato's the one who held out
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Student service: Wahoos eyed as rail users
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Earth craft: The greening of 10th & Page
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Champion ship: Third store's the charm
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Would you take the proposed new train to Washington?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Hybrid house: Trying to mesh old and new
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Sounding off: Elephants ape surroundings
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Framed: Talking bedroom set-up blues
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- House that roared: Crystalphonic digitized, not downsized
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- On track: Q & A with O.A.R.-men
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, September 1-8, 2005
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, September 15-22, 2005
>>  The HooK: DISPATCH- Boxing match: Couch-less kid takes on FedEx
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Aura-ble: Migraines cost millions yearly
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Not welcome: Neighborhood should have aired
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- The aftermath: Beslan tragedy still hurts
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Comebacks: Blue Moon rises, Tokyo Rose blooms
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Up on the roof: Sweat the small stuff yourself
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Rookersville: Welcome to the neighborhood... model
>>  The HooK: LETTERS- On Kelly Watt's story
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Compromised: Gardner less than thrilling
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Two simple: All-star cast can't save disc
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Emre Arisoy- 1988 Buick Century
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Flaming mad: Firefighters eye county funds
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Mickey Finn?' Date rape stories conflict
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Thumbs down: Traffic calming irks church
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Wrong side: Track crossers' pleas denied
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Dense debate: Rugby-Venable balks at controls
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Blue moon bash: Winery hosts happenin' hoedown
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Which are better, live or studio albums?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Wanted: Happy trees seek warm owner
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Gorge on passion: Scare your sweetie into love
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Fat lessons: Learn from pregnancy plan
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATIONS- Not a Coghill shell
>>  The HooK: COVER- Home front: Charlottesville steps up to help Katrina victims
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- A little help from some friends
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, September 8-15, 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Aftermath: Katrina survivors face health horrors
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Delta blues: Hook writer reports from the flood
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Early word: Locals bring water and hope
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Nola contender: Musician flees flood for roots
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Paris transplant: White Orchid blooms on Main
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Tanked: Septic system can tell tales
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Keep baby in bed
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Love the new look!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Where are the RR laws?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- No rosy ending: Whatever possessed her?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Hither and yon: Music from Corner to tea room
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Brian Roberts- 1968 Volkswagen Beetle
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTION- Copper pop: Caspari readied for opening
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Grease swath: Spill makes sidewalk slippery
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hylton prevails: But jury says "no rape"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Veggie-heaven: Gliding oil the way to Alaska
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Cruz control: How Katrina will reshape borders
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- All Allard: Women line the walls for Bill
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Know anyone in Katrina's wake?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Mixed message: Greenbrier rancher raises questions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Second chance: Neither wild nor green
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Biz classes?: Read a novel, join the gym
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Court report: Tales of two wrecker companies
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION/OMISSION-Katrina site; story credit
>>  The HooK: COVER- No Child? Who will be left behind?
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Opting illusion: Fewer Clark students opt out
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Mono Lisa: Tell Epstein-Barr to kiss off
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Stones contest deadline extended
>>  The HooK: FILM BOX- Short and sweet at Vinegar Hill
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Veg out: Festival, bistro have it all
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Wood you help? Butcher-block imperfections
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Fast track: Hoffman's third time out
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Cougars all over
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Scrutinize headlines
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Silence is deadly
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Two bad supe choices
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Great guns: War 'lord' the ultimate antihero
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Satellite: Let's hear it for big venues
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Mike Richardson- 1983 Cadillac Seville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bor-ing: Architects blast UVA vision
>>  The HooK: NEWS- ExtraCouricular: Wadlow film on 1,600 screens
>>  The HooK: NEWS- False ID: Innocent man jailed in rape case
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No float, no boat: Kayaking Farrell learns a lesson
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Paige's pages: Cav is Playboy's Miss October
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Welcome deluge: Help floods Katrina relief efforts
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How much would you take to pose naked?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Cabin fever: Woods, wood define homestead
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- For U? Think twice about MBA
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Straight flush: The septic system that wasn't
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BOOK REVIEW- White collar woe: Ehrenreich book goes corporate
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- She's a girl!
>>  The HooK: COVER- Road warriors: Keene read between the lines
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Hurts so bad: Pain drugs create quandary
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Lancing the boil: New Orleans' guilt is ours
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- French fan: Group's founder tres occupée
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- North stars: Forest Lakes awash in eateries
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- A few bricks shy-- Repointing pointers
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT-Site clean-up: Slutzky vies for Rio seat
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Condon was cruel
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Paige's breasts too clear
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Paige too topless
>>  The HooK: 'MOVIE REVIEW- It adds up: Praise for 'Proof': not boring
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Really big show: Blackalicious plays to full house
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Tom Jakubowski - 1989 Cadillac El Dorado
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Despair city: Mold house family moves in
>>  The HooK: NEWS- NeW not NOW: Lady Hoo takes on the Left
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No crying: Wadlow not sheepish about success
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Red crescent: Dust-up over Flight 93 memorial
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Valley vistas: New excursion in Staunton
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE -Architecture Matters
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Stylish 'Address': Beta Bridge goes Gettysburg
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Right directions: Townhouse downtown and upscale
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Sonicsaurus? Dino's tail made big bang
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Violations: Avoid these résumé mistakes
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Mishandled: Suitcase skips Sorrento
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Unfair to Schepps
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Prime time: Fall colds nothing to sneeze at
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTES- The Stones, the architecture
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Meat's retreat: Veggies star at Maruthi
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Winter's coming: Get your windows ready
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Courts don't define truth
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Please locals first
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Bow no Wow: Some Roll but no bounce
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Roundup: New discs all over the map
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Rachel Smith ­ 1995 Honda Odyssey
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fox Ridge? Breedenville plans afoot
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hallowed 'Ween': DMV plucks precious plates
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sale mail: New biz helps boutiques
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tanked: Ivy Road landmark scrapped
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Urge to merge: Bank deal hits bump
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Mead dinner: 'Boots' was made for talkin'
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Are the Rolling Stones the greatest band of all time?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE - $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STONED- All access: Each generation claims the Stones
>>  The HooK: STONED- TOWN- Another Capshaw production-- not!
>>  The HooK: STONED-BAND- A Stones glossary: Or... how to smarm your way backstage
>>  The HooK: STONED- BAND- Banged up: New album bangs
>>  The HooK: STONED-BAND- Please allow me to introduce myself...' Meet the Rolling Stones
>>  The HooK: STONED-CONTEST- Testing, testing: UVA's wild rockin' history
>>  The HooK: STONED- FANS- Question: Are you gonna get Stoned?
>>  The HooK: STONED-FANS- Stone crazy! Scott show creates local frenzy
>>  The HooK: STONED- HOTSEAT- TOWN- Tour director: It's more than rock 'n roll
>>  The HooK: STONED-SHOW- 70 jolt?: Anastasio opens for the Stones
>>  The HooK: STONED- SHOW- A bigger lot: Concert parking tips for U
>>  The HooK: STONED-SHOW- Bigger bang: How Stones brought their love to town
>>  The HooK: STONED-SHOW- Boxed in: Scott's boxes snapped up
>>  The HooK: STONED- SHOW- Concert factoids for October 6, 2005
>>  The HooK: STONED-SHOW- Dave joins Mick? All signs point to maybe
>>  The HooK: STONED- SHOW- Heartbreak motel: Ticket fraud could ruin your day
>>  The HooK: STONED- Strike a pose- Look like Mick, win concert tix!
>>  The HooK: STONED-TOUR- Stone groovy: Dish from a 'Bang'-up summer
>>  The HooK: STONED-TOUR- The tour: Bang just gets bigger
>>  The HooK: STONED-TOWN- A bigger bang: This is not Spinal Tap
>>  The HooK: STONED- TOWN- Rolling in: Hotels booked and business booming
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Chick list: Forget old status symbols
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Burned up: Wolf can't work sans caps
>>  The HooK: STONED- BAND- How many licks? A discography
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: Community calendar, September 29-October 5, 2005
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong house depicted, wrong time, wrong site, cardboard fry-holder
>>  The HooK: COVER- School of rock: Tripping down UVA's memory lane
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Notable UVA rock shows
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Eastern standard: Tai Chi works wonders
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Brass tax: Reasons to bring back Pep Band
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Island vibes: South o' border on 29 north
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Up on the roof: Chimney issues can be tricky
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Course work: Glickman comes out swinging
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Stick it: Howard pulls right strings
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fall on the knife, R.S.
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Fantasy women sow discord
>>  The HooK: LETTER- He's gettin' plenty
>>  The HooK: LETTER- I'm realistic, not cruel
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Nipples rock
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Sole sisters: 'In Her Shoes' toes the line
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Christy Gillmore-1996 Mustang
>>  The HooK: NEWS- DeLayed: Questerra charges dropped
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Going once...: Stones tickets on eBay
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Judge says neigh: Horse can't be 'Sally Hemings'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Literally: Not in my backyard
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 'Our only hope': ALS patients get drug
>>  The HooK: NEWS- What if? Film explores Confederate nation
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Whitman's sample
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Bor-ing: Architects blast UVA vision
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Good times: When architects go wild
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the best rock concert you ever attended?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Pay per view: Breath-taking ridge-top vistas
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Right directions: Townhouse downtown and upscale
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Which road? House could go either way
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Ringers: Tree's age easy to gauge
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Different worlds: How do you define 'chemistry'?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Nola libre: Lessons from Katrina
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Finger foods: Wilted service at White Orchid
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BUILDING- 'Mcmansionization': Buying places to tear down
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Editing errors and so much more
>>  The HooK: COVER- Bath County: Creigh Deeds' sense of place
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Sprue- whew!: Celiac sufferers pooped
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Special edition coming!
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Risky business: Get married, tempt fate
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- FEMA dispatcher: Inspector heads into Katrina's wake
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Get it all: The world comes to town
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- What lies beneath: Restoring wood floors
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Pottsie Potts: Underdog with a cause
>>  The HooK: LETTER- County shortchanges teachers
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Is 'tent' a Coran copy?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No Child militarizes kids
>>  The HooK: LETTER- No Child narrows kids
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Will leaders speak out?
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Red scare: Murrow story sounds familiar
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Time travel: Outback to the '80s
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you know about Creigh Deeds?
>>  The HooK: STONED- Da bomb: Promoter sez Stones dug us
>>  The HooK: STONED- How was it? Tiny reviews from the floor and tailgates
>>  The HooK: STONED- The setlist
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Shattering: Don't sit so close to me
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Pink slip: Be ready for bad news
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Gutter snipes: What if the helmet leaks?
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Anastasia Benson- Mazda Protégé
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Jumpin' JPA: New Lawn architects signed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Potts' boiler: Why indie candidate, Sabato faced off
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Razor[base ']s end? Presley[base ']s suit shot down
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Redistricting: Critics decry "segregation"
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Have a ball: Serenity, location score high
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STONED- Bomb buzz: Threat doesn't slow Stones
>>  The HooK: STONED- Concert FAQs: Questions and conundra
>>  The HooK: STONED- Concert pix
>>  The HooK: STONED- Getting through: Stones confront traffic, lingerie
>>  The HooK: STONED- Setting up: Big crew for a big task
>>  The HooK: STONED- Stone groove: Fanfare for the uncommon fan
>>  The HooK: STONED- Town sugar: Stones smite Charlottesville
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 13-20, 2005
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BUILDING- Q of L: Breathe easier with house plants
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Spellings, schools, and getting punct!
>>  The HooK: COVER- Drive-by shooting: 'Swedish Auto' drives into town
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK ­ Call 911: Worry about insurance later
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Outdoing LBJ: Lame duck; big spender
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- B3 backer: Melvin loves his Hammond
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Grant's charge: BOS with no BS
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Double-take: AJ's opens two Elliewood doors
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Cracked up: Repair old plaster carefully
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Selling T.J.: Third time the charm?
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Correction: Group wrote letter
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't dot my backyard
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Women owe feminism
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Women owe feminism a lot
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Women's studies welcoming
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- 'North Country': Norma Rae meets Erin B.
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- California dreamin: Lyrics Born's sunny vibe
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Justin Earley- Chevy S10
>>  The HooK: NEWS- All electric: GEM of a ride hits town
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Baffled: Pavilion sound improves
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Board ballot: Election option up for vote
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Greek epic: UVA legend 'Phi Kap' folds
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Texasville: Bye-bye Boxerjam
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Roll bounce: Cardinals celebrate 25 years
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite indie film?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Do drop in: Venerable taproom can be yours
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Pet-icillin? Plying your pup with pills
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Moo'd music: Country kids hit the town
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- First born?: Birth order tells a lot
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- That sucks: No warranty on vac crack
>>  The HooK: Cultural calendar, October 20-27, 2005
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- 20 flicks: Film Fest hot picks
>>  The HooK: COVER- Director's cut: Kathy Baker's nine lives
>>  The HooK: COVER- In deep: Local writer goes big-time
>>  The HooK: COVER- Not his type: Robinson fought maniac image
>>  The HooK: COVER- Slap happy: Lawsuits bloom in Dogwood Valley
>>  The HooK: COVER- Spicy: Everson goes drag (racing)
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK - Gown up! Fight cooties...er, MRSA
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Drenan's Katrina dispatches
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Horrors! Grounded on Halloween night
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Longest race: Citizen Toscano's run for Richmond
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Major Mojo: Starr Hill lager wins big
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Scary stuff: Watch wires, candles at Halloween
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- McCrystal ball: Long shot eyes election surprise
>>  The HooK: KATRINA RELIEF- St. Bernard: Everything must go
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Don't attack marchers
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Ricky Schumaker- 1996 Honda Accord
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Brick delay: Brick path reaches Corner
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fear and football: Stampede taints UVA victory
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Lethal buy: Wrecker ad offers refunds
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pet policies: Protecting Fido in a crisis
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Verdict stands: UVA rape verdict motion denied
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Whole conviction: Collins not forgiven his trespass
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- A time to cut: Grishamplan gets salon aid
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your favorite movie about law and justice?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial Construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE Trash talk: Be careful what you toss
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Career change: How to make it happen
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- No love above: Barclay Place works it out
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- Ink-fection: Tattoo safety is serious stuff
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDE- It's forever: Think before you ink
>>  The HooK: COVER- Tattoo you: Locals show their ink
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Avian anxiety: If bird flu comes, fly!
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- The Beatles: How they started a revolution
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- The Sanborn Identity: Award-winning filmmaker
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Get your Kiki's: Cool café near hot yoga
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Just do it: Fall's the time for planting success
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Reluctant: Koleszar vs. Goliath Bell
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Phi Kap imploded
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Semper feisty: Jarheads ain't Rambos
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Listen up! Williams sure plays a mean guitar
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Nikki Buxhoeveden- 1991 Acura Integra
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crafaik's woe: Bistro owner faces charges
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hell froze over: Harold Ramis on The Ice Harvest
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sniff 'n strip: Dog blamed in Buckingham stops
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tipping the scales: Weighing in on the Film Fest
>>  The HooK: NEWS- TJ's everywhere: St. Louis Arch, 40, honors him
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Playing a-ground: When architects tackle a park
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Sugar shock: No traffic for Lawn tricksters
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Got any tattoos?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Fondue paradise: The '60s are just across town
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE UPDATE - Off the Block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Night trippers: Did witches turn on?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Bulldog blues: Joking Mad' grads will be friends
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Cold calls: Ticket to a good job
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Cold shoulder: Sears fridge heads south
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATION- Keep it clean
>>  The HooK: COVER- Après le déluge: The relief goes on
>>  The HooK: COVER- A time to cut: Grisham plan gets salon aid
>>  The HooK: COVER- DMB relief: Show raises over $1.25 million
>>  The HooK: COVER- Evacuee city: They live among us
>>  The HooK: COVER- First responders: Chapel sent its Calvary
>>  The HooK: COVER- Katrina to Katrina: AHS grad fights disease in N.O.
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK: Hack, hack: What's with that awful cough?
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Songs about buildings and food
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Kicker uplifts: Star Cavalier helps local fan
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Arrivederci: Christina Ball bids farewell
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Roof cleaning: Don't 'leaf' it undone
>>  The HooK: KATRINA BEAT- Dornicia's challenge: Reopening New Orleans
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Peace requires responsibility
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Cold blooded: Capote captures its man
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Teeny bop: The Wave comes on strong
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Rhoda Hernandez- 2001 Toyota 4runner
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Clean-up: Big trucks, lotsa dirt
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Down, not out: Band fights to "stay alive"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fun-raising: The Stones signed our bike!
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Money to burn? Natural gas prices heat up
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Pet policies: Protecting Fido in a crisis
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Stilled life: Remembering Spudnuts' owner
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Visit over?: Tulane beckons, students balk
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Rising Sun: Solar makes a comeback!
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How should New Orleans be rebuilt?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- All-in-one: Making the most of minimal
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Bee healthy: Honey's a natural healer
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Glass ceiling: It's about to self-destruct
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- No cheers: Slow refund leaves sour taste
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar: 11/3/2005 - 11/9/2005
>>  The HooK: THURSDAY,
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Not an Election Day nightmare
>>  The HooK: COVER- 357-vote gorilla: Deeds won't concede AG
>>  The HooK: COVER-ELECTION- QUIZ- Election 2005: How much do you know?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Grant's broom: Theories thick on Slutzky sweep
>>  The HooK: COVER- Lowe-down: Planning chief loses supe race
>>  The HooK: COVER- 'Resounding' victory: Does elected school board knock Dems?
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar: 11/10/2005-11/17/2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOO- Byetta: A new weapon, but not a gun
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- President Warner? Kaine victory adds to his clout
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Peet's sake: Seeing peace in the Mideast
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Killer classics: Duner's, Rev Soup get new blood
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Frozen pipes?: Torch the pipe, not the house
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- New spin: The evolution of Maurice Jones
>>  The HooK: KATRINA BEAT- Rhythm and blurs: Every day in NO is different
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Last day had great film
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Cashing in: Too much walk, not enough fire
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Dance much: Flailing to Bostonites: 'grooving' to MMW?
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Lyndsay Wilson- 1998 Plymouth Voyager
>>  The HooK: NEWS- ARB outrage: Tree angst at White Gables
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kelly's memory lives in race
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No Kidd-ing! Kraddick, Mix return
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Quick sliver: Hair snips reveal mercury
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tuned up: New AM station beams in
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Court flair: Is it worth $2.7 million?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Pop start: Why iris eyes are smiling
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the elections?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Rising tide: Nearby renovations float this boat
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Still Available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Mummy dearest: Images tell child's history
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Liberal love: Greenies go wild
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Ask yourself: Do people like me?
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Seared: Customer bolts after appliance snafu
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Wrong tree, mangled quote, wrong headlime
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- School daze: Charter school stumped by regs
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar: 11/17/2005-11/24/2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Let it bleed: Seeing red over blood woes
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Say what? What we mean when we talk
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Optimist's club: Bailey tackles touchy subjects
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Straight story: Keswick goes the tapas route
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Black lungs: Easy to check for radon
>>  The HooK: HOLIDAY-Let there be light! Norford's vision realized
>>  The HooK: HOLIDAY- Light your way safely
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Designing woman: Katie Swenson's big ideas
>>  The HooK: KATRINA BEAT- Hard times: Family stories tell the tale
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Transit not needed for funds
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Writer ignored facts
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Harry's back: But magic's getting old
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW - Pick of the stack: Music lovers' stocking stuffers
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Amanda Montgomery- 2004 BMW 325i
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bitter fruit: Contaminated soil removed
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fallujah: One year later, uneasy calm
>>  The HooK: NEWS- FOIA: Richmond bloggers score award
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Short tort: One less lawsuit in Greene
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Childless city: Seeing N'awlins as a phoenix
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Watt's passage: Attitude was everything
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Where are you going for the holidays?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Look inside: Dull exterior hides gem
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- UPDATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Up and down: Plankton check out the surface
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Bad advice: Don't let it stop you
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Lethal cleaning: Towee balks at $700 fee
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- High spirits: Wahoos tackle fourth-year fifth
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar: 11/24/2005 - 12/01/2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK ­ PAD-ed arteries: Leg pain comes from clogs
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Katrina's lesson: If you don't own it, let it go
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Shopper, beware: The eBay profiteer is lurking
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Amen, Elvis: Grissom explores King fixation
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Gimme five! Five Guys and a table for two
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Neat heat: How to avoid the poorhouse
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Crying children: Johnson hears 'em everywhere
>>  The HooK: KATRINA BEAT- Ninth ward: The hardest Nola story yet
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Caravati's confused
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Crozet's choking out here
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's hear answers, Dygert
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Iceman cometh: Cusack's every guy's idol
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Mainey-act: Cerberus Shoal raises goosebumps
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Laura Aller 1990 Volvo sedan
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Tragic reunion: Web unites Collier's friends
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crumby news: Museum may be toast
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Edifice complex? Councilor questions Region Ten
>>  The HooK: NEWS- No fun: 'Planet' sold for-- bummer!-- offices
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unplanned?: Parenthood board members resign
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Streetcar desire: Road rail our next big thing?
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the fourth-year fifth?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Done up: Total restoration wins prize
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Still Available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Eyes wide shut: Tripping in the dark
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Lost list: What were we thinking?
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Pay freeze? Ask for other rewards
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar 12/08/2005 - 12/15/2005
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- For God and country, sir! While they fought for our freedom, who was fighting for theirs?
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar: 12/1/2005-12/08/2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Fruitcakes: You who think diet pills work
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Think again: Kaine should revise tax stand
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Funny girl: Horne brings improv to town
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Meat and sweets: Main St. butcher, Water St. crêpes
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Batten down: Winterize pools carefully
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Brown's law: The art of the 'necessary no'
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Conservatives aren't bizarre
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Hook dishonors community
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Open up, PPBR!
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Narnia 1: The passion of the lion
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Lil Bro: Emcees bring the show to life
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Seth Lozano 1998 Chevy 3500 Pickup
>>  The HooK: NEWS- NEWS- Goode times: Ewert joins 5th District race
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Fast track: ALS drug moves forward
>>  The HooK: NEWS- He's back: Greenleaf attacker strikes again
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Staying firm: Bowers' backers won't give up
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Unflinching: Dramatic rescue at Moorman's
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Talking the walk: Is Antiquer's Mall salvageable?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Perryville: Bunnies, fairies, artists at Les Yeux
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think of the snow?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- The Arnold: Know what you're getting into
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Backlash: Dino tails lethal weapons
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Bad answers: How interviews go astray
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Rug redux: Purcell blames customer's recall
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- 'Coming home': Judaism provides healing
>>  The HooK: COVER- INTRO- Choosing their religion: That's them in the corner: two converts find new faith
>>  The HooK: COVER- Kosher to communion: Winner's path to Christ
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar: 12/15/2005 - 12/22/2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Feeling sad? Maybe you have SAD
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Office party dilemma: Have fun or have a job
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Putty in my hands: Most precious gift goes awry
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- First knight: Levine leads New Year's charge
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Risen Rose: Sushi with karaoke on the side
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- One good turn: Keep mattresses healthy
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Jive talk: Principal by day, Professor Bebop by night
>>  The HooK: LETTER- An insult to honor
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Free market is the problem
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Good writing, Jocelyn
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Let's let Keller dictate
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Priceless history welcome
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Purcells a treasure
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Story honors community
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Simian sizzler: King Kong apes earlier versions
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- AGT: Shut up and listen
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Brad Murray: GMC 3500 Diesel Savannah Van
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Complex man: Carl Smith loved UVA
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dateline: date rape: UVA gets national coverage
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Dump slump: County cleanup called misguided
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hair's breadth: McDonnell certified AG winner
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Slow crossing: City delay irks merchants
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Subsidy? Critics decry Breeden tax break
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Mod squad: Designers, PHA go modular
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Read, white, black: Hooked up on Rugby Road
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the zestiest holiday event you'll attend?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Deja-view: "Wynnewood" seems familiar
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Optical profusion: Convex mirrors play a trick
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Sweater feathers?: Not so much to say
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Learn from Liz: Have the courage to change
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Year of living disastrously: The best and worst of 2005
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Not forgot: Toast to health in '06
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- I will: New Year's Resolutions
>>  The HooK: FOOD- SIDEBAR- 2005: The swinging kitchen door...
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Ahoy! Bonefish coming ashore
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Toasty tootsies: Heat creeps up from below
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Keller chimes back
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Shout out to Prof. Bebop
>>  The HooK: Movies: 2005 in review - Call it 2004, version 2.0
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crafaik acquitted: Lawyer calls biting self-defense
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Ice whack: The rig is up at the Pavilion
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Miller time: Baliles to head Miller Center
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Purloined pies: Prank or delivery threat?
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Secret weapon: Madame Hook and her 2006 predictions
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Train speeds up: Get to D.C. 10 minutes faster
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Eye eye, mates! A selection from our picture pages
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- ecoMOD lands: Modular model makes waves
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's your prediction for 2006?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Pristine: No taint at isolated cabin
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Round Up
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE UPDATE Still Available
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Spinning Santa: North Pole gyrations
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- New in 2006: End of work as we know it
>>  The HooK: YEAR IN REVIEW- Hot Seat secrets: We asked, they told...
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Lexis Nexis spelling and Target's opening
>>  The HooK: COVER SIDEBAR- Between jobs: Is unemployment Warner's ace?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Virginia squeeze: 'Mother of Presidents' with child?
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Sticking point: Insurance backs off vaccinations
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Space patrol: Keeping the Beloved at arm's length
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Scene masters: Perry, Beattie book it back to town
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- Madison's Main Street: Inn hopes to be more
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Solvents solved: From frat house to your house
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Binge story is sickening
>>  The HooK: LETTER- If the Breedens had ACE...
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Webcam rocks Iraq
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Not sheepish: Ledger, Gyllenhaal rise to roles
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- What a year: Preachers, funksters, Dumpsters
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Kevin Cox- New Balance Walking Shoes and Polar Cleats
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Eyes open: Local man takes technology to ER
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Little children: Let them revitalize the city
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Nutty killer: Peanut policy perplexes parents
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Retro infection: Toxic shock makes a return
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sad end: Harvey rocked East Coast
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Eye candy: Staunton cures visual blues
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Who'll be on the 2008 presidential ticket?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- IMBY: What difference will 11 condos make?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE UPDATE Still Available
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTAT- $old
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Wheelies: Why no rolling rhinos?
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Biker and babe: Revving up Main Street
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- A brazen 2006: How to get ahead of the pack
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CONTEST FOR FICTION- Story zone: $1,000 contest strikes again
>>  The HooK: CONTEST FOR PERSONALS- 'Brand X': Name the new Hook personals
>>  The HooK: COVER- 'I harmed you': 21 years, 12 steps later, rape apology backfires
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK ­ No snickers: Arsenic natural, but deadly
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Average American: Charitable or chintzy?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Music man: King anchors Grammy 'Poole'
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- New Year's transitions: Fusion, Kokopelli's hand over the keys"
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Kitchen impossible: Search and destroy meal moths
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- PAC woman: Jorgensen's high road back
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Pizza drivers deserve safety
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Pizza theft no 'prank'
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Obi-wan Latifah: Film snobs stay away
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Glassy-eyed: Bad bands better beware
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Adios A&N: Clothing store leaves Mall
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Albemarle recycling: Let the consumer beware
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Secure design: Court House gets makeover
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Staunton's loss: Zirkle Mill gains new owner
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Pricey tickets: Stones, U2, Sir Paul set records
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Two-termers: Council 'custom' surprises some
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Uncivil: Sisks sue son's killer
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Wall of shame or honor?: Locals test-drive the free speech wall
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What should happen in the Seccuro-Beebe case?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE-On the Block- Triple play: Take it as is or go wild
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update - Sold
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Mismatch: Pity the poor puppy mom
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- CSI: Mydeski: You leave key clues at work
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Collect call: Kick credit complaints 'upstairs'
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER STORY- Wrong haul? Group wants I-81 truckway derailed
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK-Believe it: All pain 'down there' isn't a UTI
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Death marches: Warner leaves healthy legacy
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Eager reader: Gallagher picks Caldecott winner
>>  The HooK: FOOD- THE DISH- The Sultan's deli: Zandi's Lebanese-style dinners
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Heat it up: Solar panels make more sense
>>  The HooK: HOT SEAT- Bern-ed up: Ewert eyes Capitol Hill
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Avoid TSS another way
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Grief was my subject
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Mafia will play on
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- 'Match Point': Is Woody Allen's magic back?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Two Red Shoes: Inspired by All-Stars
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Phillip Banks: 1999 Freightliner FL 70
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Beebe's back: Accused rapist surrenders
>>  The HooK: NEWS CAPTIONS- Shortcuts: New roads thrill locals
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Denied: Planners nix mall crossing
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Happy again: Albemarle First finds taker
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Movie buzz: Evan Almighty blesses Crozet
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Silver bullet speeds up
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Parking pleasure: New Street garage wows Staunton
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Waddaya think of I-81?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Flipper: New gold rush: buy, fix, sell
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Update - SOLD
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- One down: Quarterback needs schooling
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Real thing: Dress (and be) authentic
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Young 'uns: They need different strokes"
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTIONS- Wrong byline, wrong numbah, etc.
>>  The HooK: COVER- All in a day's work: Wedding pros reminisce
>>  The HooK: COVER- We did: Secrets of saying "I do"
>>  The HooK: COVER- WEDDINGS- INTRO- Getting hitched: The Hook's guide to conjugal conundrums, nuptial nostalgia, and that utter rarity: the NAKED bride"
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Pappy days: The test all women need
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Back to school: Support state sales tax break
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- First comes Love: Wedding celebrant aptly named
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Check the check: Learn to scam scammers
>>  The HooK: FOOD THE DISH- Dave's farm: Get the 'best' in town
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Holy moly: Pests or pest killers?
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Cruise control: Secrets of a TV news anchor
>>  The HooK: LETTER- City should explain costs
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Sign language: War of 'The New World'
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Friendly fire: Travis Elliott
>>  The HooK: MYRIDE- Willow Gale: 2006 Ford E-450, ELF
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bulbed-out: Traffic calming riles neighbors
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Casualty: Digitals close Camera Center
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Office space: Capshaw's Red Light now on Mall
>>  The HooK: NEWS-Stonewalling: Scrambling to save Lime Kiln"
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Jefferson's jail: Lovingston's new discovery
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Going mobile: Jugglers offer novel welcome"
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- Ever witness a wedding disaster?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE Commercial Construction Permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Appreciation: Watch the price skyrocket!
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Dial 'B' for...: 007's phone can be yours
>>  The HooK: COVER- Nuptial gifts: Nude twist on old tradition
>>  The HooK: COVER-Then and now: How'd they meet, how'd they mate?
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Friendly persuasion: Being pushed into the Challenge
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST-- Jobspeak: Keep jargon off your plate
>>  The HooK: Cultural Calendar 02/02/06
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Wrong wedding date
>>  The HooK: COVER- Was Queen Charlotte black?
>>  The HooK: COVER- Saving Sambo: Targeting racism and reclaiming an icon
>>  The HooK: DISH- Supper clubbing: Chefs show off on night out
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Me, me, me: Only themselves to blame
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Act two: Mom starts over at 87
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Hall pass: Musicians unite behind her
>>  The HooK: FEARLESS CONSUMER- Buyers' remorse: Fine print has important info
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER-Toppers: Tile over vinyl problematic
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Visible D'earth: Blasting jazz since day one
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Anti-bulbsters, listen up!
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Get a gay perspective
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- 'Something New': Is Mr. White Mr. Right?
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- 'John Henry' Rose: Battling percussion ends in draw
>>  The HooK: MYRIDE- Sheela Narayanan: 1985 Ford Taurus
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Out-lobbied: Wholesalers hogtie wineries
>>  The HooK: NEWS- PO'd: University station loses lease
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Prism schism: Venue heads to Gordonsville
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Schilling's challenge: Can he hold GOP seat?
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Historic treatment: Staunton commits to Western State
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK -Should artists reclaim racist images like Little Black Sambo?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Rest in peace: And walk to the Mall
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Still on the block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Up, up, and... : Nobody flies over the swing-set
>>  The HooK: FACETIME-Family plan: Revolutionizing pop culture
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Zzz rated: Date starts huggish, goes sluggish
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Boss cog: Take time to love the boss
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- Horror in the hallway: Masked assailant faces sentencing
>>  The HooK: DISH- Italy on Main: Torino comes to town
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Silent killer: Get screened... and live a little
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Blog begins now
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Shea's stadium: Meet Satellite Ballroom's booker
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Post the policy: Facts make returns easy
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER-Smart house: Technology lets home run itself
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Share the world: Condon's continuing crusade
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Leaflets missed us
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Blacks aren't Sambos
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Moore is less: Burn but no 'Crash'
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Musical marvel: Falsies bring Hedwig to life
>>  The HooK: MYRIDE- John Travers: 2005 Mini Cooper
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Crackdown: Not your father's Foxfield
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 1% solution: Sullivan's selling eight square miles
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Star crossed: Delegates attack I-81 plans
>>  The HooK: NEWS- State song: 'Shenandoah' tide rolls on
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Typecast: Seeking "upper middle class" extras
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Name recognition: Using TJ as a marketing tool
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Satin cushions: Undies Valentine show not undercover
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's the most memorable local crime?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- On the Block- Belmont Olympus: Live over your hip store
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Filthy fomites: Mom was right about money
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BLIND DATE CHALLENGE- Chemical reaction: It takes more than molecules
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Seek angels: One might help you wing it
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: COVER- The young & the restless: Local youths share their world
>>  The HooK: CULTURE ART FEATURE- Multiplier effect: Meditations on the Buddha
>>  The HooK: CULTURE BUZZ BOX- Sock it to 'em: Fingering Uncle Monsterface
>>  The HooK: DISH- Bistro maestro: Uncork the Boar's Head's best-kept secret
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Yawner: Tired people have issues
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE: Warm your [heart] online
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Lost connection: Why no one visits anymore
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Everson's rolling: Filmmaker is in demand
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Open-door policy: High tech gizmo traps pup
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER-Radiator rust: Preparation is the key
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Daily planner: Tucker watching county growth
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Deal with the threats-- now
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Kluge should buy own lobbyist
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Kroboth driven crazy
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Water ordinance a washout
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW-Going the distance: '16 Blocks' is a long way
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- CD roundup: From hilarious to forgettable
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Liz Antus: 2001 Ford Focus
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Bomb plotters?: Suspects to be tried as juveniles
>>  The HooK: NEWS- News... on the move
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Extra, extra: Film lures 'background' hopefuls
>>  The HooK: NEWS- King's Dominion: County fights late school start
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Kinkade loses: Fraud found in gallery's demise
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Glory days? Staunton bets its future on the past
>>  The HooK: ON THE BLOCK- Grove-y spot: Modernism packaged just so
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What's best and worst about being a kid?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Swallowed up: Hanging around for lunch
>>  The HooK: 4 BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: BOOK STOP- Rita's repose: Getting catty with fiction
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Caffeine nap: Try new energy booster
>>  The HooK: BUZZBOX- Silver Jews: David Berman clears things up
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CORRECTION- Wrong name
>>  The HooK: COVER- Schoolhouse rocked: Debate rumbles on Montessori's mountain
>>  The HooK: CULTURE- ART FEATURE- Local Looks: C2D is flat-out fun
>>  The HooK: DISH- Cops who cook: Fundraiser puts chief in the kitchen
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Salt water helps: Colds can lead to sinusitis
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Yeatts evidence: "Shelf Life" begins
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Heart attack: All's well that ends well
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Fischer's price: Hired by Keswick, he rocked
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER-Off the hook: FCC complaint gets fast response
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Flappers and floats: How to fix the flush
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Cox on Council: Keeping the part-timers in line
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Biofuels tops in efficiency
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Courts should ease up on fathers
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Hedon seek: Depp's 'Libertine' a pompous bore
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- CD round-up II: Folk, pop, and a Carnival of Oddities
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Anna Kavalauskas: 1995 Toyota Corolla
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Budget time: The cost of being "world class"
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Deep-sixed: Don't bother to learn 'Shenandoah'
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Hollymedium: There grows the neighborhood
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Last ball: 'Clam' actually aided recruiting
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Miller's time: Can he work Warner's magic?
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Urban hustle: Ready for two more Malls?
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Café catch: Locals throng to Eichorst art
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you know about Montessori schools?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Commercial construction permits
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Rock house: A river runs through it
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Off the Block
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Go fetch! Brainy dog finds toys
>>  The HooK: 4BETTER OR WORSE- The week in review
>>  The HooK: THE BRAZEN CAREERIST- Online dating: What it reveals about your job
>>  The HooK: CARTOONS
>>  The HooK: CLARIFICATION- Missing frequency
>>  The HooK: COVER- Blowin in the wind: Tilting with windmills in Highland County
>>  The HooK: CULTURE- ART FEATURE- Conglomerations: Eichorst's excessive visions
>>  The HooK: DR. HOOK- Restless legs: Tingle and twitch the night away
>>  The HooK: EDITOR'S NOTE- Hook Café open for business
>>  The HooK: ESSAY- Far from home: Where's our wizard when we need him?
>>  The HooK: FACETIME- Inspector Gadget: Talking justice with Hague
>>  The HooK: THE FEARLESS CONSUMER- Mulch madness: Trashy debris sparks suit
>>  The HooK: FOOD: DISH-Full of surprises: Lee's good fortune and singing chefs
>>  The HooK: GIMME SHELTER- Anchors away! Make shelf bracket secure
>>  The HooK: HOTSEAT- Knight shift: WVAW brands its news
>>  The HooK: LETTER- Malkmus still Jewin'
>>  The HooK: MOVIE REVIEW- Fawkes you: One part 'Phantom,' two parts Moore
>>  The HooK: MUSIC REVIEW- Tortured souls: Putting it out there takes nerve
>>  The HooK: MY RIDE- Carol Mumsey- 1994 Blue Bird International TC 2000
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Back on-track: I-81 rail applauded
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Channel change: Duffy lands at the other station
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Megatrendsetter: Aburdene boosts local publishing house
>>  The HooK: NEWS- 20 years later: Rape apologist faces court hearing
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Sizzling evidence: Parent says guns, firecrackers his
>>  The HooK: NEWS- Staff's choice: Fourth Street likely for car crossing
>>  The HooK: ON ARCHITECTURE- Giant symbols: Belmont manor plays its part
>>  The HooK: PHOTOPHILE- Changeable: Wounds move to aid learning
>>  The HooK: QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What do you think about wind energy?
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- ON THE BLOCK- Untypical rancher : a real steal, despite the Bypass
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Property Auctions
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- $old
>>  The HooK: REAL ESTATE- Still available
>>  The HooK: SHELF LIFE- Morphing: Classical lit into modern theater
>>  The HooK: STRANGE BUT TRUE- Water cycle: Where has that ice cube been?
>>  Lincoln Michel