Hunters wanted

Read more on: deer hunting


insult deleted


i dont get it


That makes three

Y'know, it should be possible for The Hook to find an in-house cartoonist with talent and something worthwhile to convey, but this dog just can't hunt...
Never funny and rarely connects with anything that isn't totally tangential.

I think this is a lame attempt to invite hunters to somehow join bucks during their rutting season by strapping on antlers and running across highways; therefore risking being hit by a car, much like a buck does, when he's chasing a doe. Whatever, it's a really stupid anti-hunting cartoon.
This is weak, Linda.....Real weak.

Cartoonist wanted.
Srsly !

I'll draw up some cartoons if there could be a real position. The key to good cartooning is to draw many cartoons, and then pick the funniest. borrow good ideas from friends. Throw the other ones away.

Oh, not to replace Linda, but there could be more than one cartoon in the newspaper. There used to be one called "the city".