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REAL ESTATE- WHAT'S GOING DOWN- Mount Calvary Baptist Church

Published September 21, 2006 in issue 0538 of the Hook

ADDRESS: 3045 Morgantown Road, Ivy

NEIGHBORHOOD:  Historic Ivy Depot

ASSESSMENT: $152,600 (1/1/2005)

YEAR BUILT: 1890 (congregation since 1869) 

SIZE: 30' x 70'

LAND: 1.46 acres 

OWNER: Mount Calvary Church

DEMO PERMIT DATE: Special use permit for demolition of entire structure approved by Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on 7/12/2006. Demo date undecided.

CONTRACTOR: undecided

NOTES: Congregation sought special use permit for demolition to build new building. Preservation Piedmont approached congregation in an attempt to encourage preserving the historic structure, but the congregation wants more space; the structure is also apparently unsafe for the elderly. Cemetery behind building will be preserved. 



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