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NEWS- Farewell, Phil: Music scene mourns Slate Hill Boy

published January 4, 2007

The Charlottesville music scene is mourning one of its own, a young man who died two days before Christmas after helping shape the local country blues and bluegrass scenes: Phillip Allen Gianniny, aka "Slate Hill Phil."

Gianniny, a former member of both the Hogwaller Ramblers and the Hackensaw Boys, was found dead in his grandmother's home on the morning of December 23. The family says that Gianniny, 31, died "peacefully" but that they won't know the cause until they receive the results of an autopsy.

A self-taught musician, Gianniny could often be found playing solo banjo in front of the Paramount Theater on the Downtown Mall. In a world of goth and grunge, Gianniny was a natty dresser whose crisp white shirts, dark suits, and suspenders stood out almost as much as his deep voice.

"Tears won't fill the hole he leaves, so we'll keep throwing songs into it," says friend and former Hogwaller Ramblers bandmate Jamie Dyer, who performed at the funeral with bass player Ben Jacobs and Slate Hill Boys Charlie Bell and Andy Thacker.

"We played all Phil originals," says Thacker, who noted that while Gianniny struggled with intense temperament issues, "the people who knew him best were able to get over that."

Born into the Italian family that Thomas Jefferson launched into Albemarle history around 1784 when the eventual president needed some master stonemasons, Phillip grew up in the Slate Hill area near Scottsville and in the early 1990s performed with his hero, the late John Jackson, at Jefferson's masterpiece, the UVA Rotunda.

"It was supposed to be just a 15-minute introduction," recalls his father, Roger Gianniny. "But John Jackson wouldn't let him leave the stage, and I think they played for 45 minutes. That was one of the highlights of his life."

He needed some highlights. 

Many of his mourners recall a man struggling with substance abuse issues and occasionally getting tossed out of bars, but unwilling to break certain rules.

"He did it his own way," his mother recalls, even to the point of turning himself in for smoking off-campus at Murray High School.

"Phillip had a set of ethics," recalls his mother, Brenda Steve Sampson Gianniny, "He would not rat on anyone else, and he wouldn't lie to save himself."

Besides his parents, he is survived by his 12-year-old daughter, Julia, a sister, and two brothers. The memorial service took place Friday, December 29, at Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church.

The previous day, Gianniny's grandmother, at whose home he died and who will turn 100 years old in June, was taken to the emergency room of Martha Jefferson Hospital.

"All the tests came back fine," says her daughter-in-law, Phillip's mother. "But she's broken-hearted, and that doesn't show up on tests."

"Sure will be a hollow spot down on the mall without him," says fellow musician Will Rourk of "Slate Hill Phil"

Phillip Allen Gianniny performed with his daughter, Julia, in this 2004 concert video for his band, the Slate Hill Boys



Though I hadn't played any tunes with him recently, I'll cherish the memories I have of sitting on the warm bricks in front of the Paramount on summer evenings. We'd trade lines back and forth; I'd play some bass on the bari, he'd play lead, etc. I felt like I understood where he was coming from most of the time. I'll miss him.

posted by Nate Hawkes at 1/7/2007 12:48:30 AM

This is such a sad story. How did he die?

posted by Hugo Highcroft at 1/9/2007 10:51:36 AM

Well, it has been a little more than a year since he passed away, and it had been at least 2 years since I had seen him or talked to him, unfortunetly. I miss him terribly and think about him every day. I dated him for 4 years, so i have countless memories of him. He was one of the most genuine people I have ever met, and a phenomenally talented musician on just about every instrument! He just had a gift. He sang to me and he wrote songs for me, one of my favorites was "Rosemary Soda Pop." He heavily influenced my taste in music and introduced me to country blues and bluegrass. When I listen to Jim and Jesse or the Lewis Family, it just reminds me of driving down country roads with one rolled up singing with him, Slate Hill Phil.

We talked about marriage alot and I still think about it. He used to tell me that I wouldn't find anyone who loved me as much as he did. I never knew how to take it before, but now i believe that he was my soulmate and I wish so much that he was still here and we could be together. I know that i'll see him in heaven one day, and that's what makes me feel better about him not being here. He is in a better place.

I love you Phillip Gianniny and i hope you are guiding Julia from up there. xxxooo

Rosemary Abbitt

posted by Rosemary Abbitt at 1/19/2008 3:27:35 PM

For inclusion in a article about Phillip Gianniny, I invite people to send their memories of him to this site. Thank you.

posted by phoebe frosch at 1/23/2008 1:44:54 AM


This is jason, karin's (phil's sister) fiancee...That was a wonderful story... hope you are doing well -

posted by Jason Fitch at 4/12/2008 5:00:38 PM
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