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Kluge-Ruhe: “All Time Favorites” and “Gelam Nguzu Kazi (Dugong My Son)”

Kluge-Ruhe: “All Time Favorites” and “Gelam Nguzu Kazi (Dugong My Son)”

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Kluge-Ruhe: “All Time Favorites” and “Gelam Nguzu Kazi (Dugong My Son)”

Kluge-Ruhe: “All Time Favorites” and “Gelam Nguzu Kazi (Dugong My Son)”

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Kluge-Ruhe: “All Time Favorites” and “Gelam Nguzu Kazi (Dugong My Son)”

August 26, 2008 10:00 am to October 28, 2008 4:00 pm

David Bosun
Gelam Nguzu Kazi – Gelam My Son, 2001
© 2008 Kubin Community Council, Mua Island

The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection currently has two exhibitions on display: “All Time Favorites: Best Loved Works from the Kluge-Ruhe Collection,” on view through August 9, 2009; and “Gelam Nguzu Kazi (Dugong My Son),” a show of linocut prints by artists from the Torres Strait Islands, on view through October 28. Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm, and Sunday, 1-5pm. Free guided tours every Saturday at 10:30am. 400 Worrell Drive, off Route 250 East at Pantops. 244-0234.

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