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The Niche: Video installation by Adriane Little

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Speak! Language Center: Richard Robinson’s “Hadrian’s Coffee: Ancient IMages of Contemporary Italy”

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UVA Art and Anthropology: “Trash And Treasures of Charlottesville II”
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Snap o’ the day: Et tu, Putin?

by Lisa Provence

snap-putin2Critics often deride the city as the People’s Republic of Charlottesville. Still, we were a little taken aback to see the mug of Russian President [now Prime Minister] Vladimir Putin hanging in the Downtown Transit Center across from City Hall– until we remembered it was the Festival of the Photograph. The exhibit is called “Big Shots,” by Platon, and it includes the crotch-centric photo of Bill Clinton that was on the cover of Esquire in 2000.

  • diagoliv June 11th, 2009 | 9:21 am

    considering the efficiency of the Charlottesville mass transit system I say Putin is fair comment indeed.

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos June 11th, 2009 | 12:26 pm

    Gary O’Connell’s picture should be hung beside it as the

    Deputy Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Charlottesville.

  • getreal June 11th, 2009 | 2:27 pm

    The People”s Republic website is hilarious. Is that Mr. Schilling’s doing?

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