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Charlottesville native manages Ft. Myers

by Lisa Provence
Former local William “Billy” Mitchell has been hired as the first full-time city manager for Ft. Myers, Florida. Mitchell, who graduated from Burley High School in 1966, worked as assistant city manager in Charlottesville before taking municipal positions in Chesapeake and Newport News. He has a B.S. from Tennessee State, and a master’s in public administration from UVA. His wife, Camilla, is also a native who graduated from Lane High in 1968, according Mitchell’s classmate, Bonnie Johnson.

Halsey Minor buys Carter’s Grove

by Hawes Spencer
The historic Carter’s Grove plantation, recently listed for sale by the Colonial Williamsburg foundation, is getting purchased by Charlottesville native gazillionaire Halsey Minor. Now living mostly in California, Minor founded several companies including Cnet, in which he sold thousands of shares at the height of the late-1990s dot-com boom. Having recently rescued Lee Danielson’s long-planned Downtown Mall hotel from dormancy, Minor’s money won’t, however, tart up Carter’s Grove, he says in a Daily Press interview.

Worrell saves earth for $1,095 a night

by Hawes Spencer
Tom Worrell, former member of the UVA Board of Visitors and former owner of a newspaper chain featuring the Daily Progress, is now trying to save the globe with an upscale resort and spa in Taos, New Mexico. An article in Sunset magazine entitled “Green Retreat,” in which Worrell is described as a self-made millionaire, asks, “Can you really save the Earth at $1,095 a night?”

Holland refunds brother money to ECU

by Lindsay Barnes

Former UVA basketball coach and athletic director Terry Holland finds himself embroiled in a minor controversy at his current job as AD at East Carolina University. The Greenville, North Carolina, Daily Reflector reports that a November university audit found that, while he didn’t violate ECU policy, Holland made “inappropriate” use of athletic department funds by employing and providing financial aid to “a relative,” reportedly his younger brother Jonathan Gregg Holland, a 51-year-old business major at the school.

On December 5, the elder Holland sent a check for $25,000– roughly the amount he had paid his brother– to ECU chancellor Steve Ballard, along with a letter stating, “It is not my desire to defend my decision, but I do believe our Pirate faithful has always depended on me to be open and frank with them in good times and bad times, even though there are many who disagree with me on specific issues.”

Holland reportedly employed his brother as part of the athletic department’s facilities staff. From the fall of 2006 until September 30, 2007, the younger Holland (more)

Austin-Silva 911 tape released

by Courteney Stuart

Three weeks after Richard Silva and Blair Austin were acquitted of charges relating to their September 29 encounter with a Charlottesville police officer in a downtown crosswalk, a 911 call made by a witness has been released.

The call was initially withheld because it was part of both the ongoing case against Silva and Austin (pictured right with her attorney David Heilberg) and also the internal police investigation into Flaherty’s behavior that night. Silva and Austin were both cleared of public intoxication charges on November 29 in Charlottesville District Court. Austin was also cleared of a second charge for obstructing justice, though Judge Bob Downer suggested he believed Flaherty’s account.

Does the release of the tape mean the internal investigation has also concluded? Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo did not immediately return the Hook’s call.

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Locals back Mitchell, Longo speaks

by Dave McNair
Some local residents spoke on behalf of Gerry Mitchell at last night’s City Council meeting, including pedestrian activist Kevin Cox. And yesterday, Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo weighed in on the issue during Coy Barefoot’s radio program. Be sure to check the Hook’s news blog again today for more on the story from Courteney Stuart. Thanks to WINA for the audio clips. Oh, you can also view the council meeting on the City’s video archive.


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