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Very good, but not a great Price:Quality balance

Very good, but not a great Price:Quality balanceThe Upstairs

Reviewed by TruffleSalt on Nov 9th, 2009

Food is quite good. Some of the dishes are actually quite extraordinary (can you say sous vide...yum), but in general The Upstairs places a higher value on itself than I would. I think the selection of liquors is a good marketing piece and hard to match anywhere in town, but when it comes to the wine list, it is not well thought out. It is clear that whoever made the selections knows what names are recognizable and should sell well, but I'd rather have some selections that are off the beaten path. Not every great wine is
Is it a good restaurant? Absolutely. Is it worth breaking the bank? I can name a dozen local establishments I'd pick first. My rating is based on the balance, not just quality of food. And sorry, just because you offer a prime cut of beef for a VERY GOOD price, doesn't mean that everything else on the menu translates.

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