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A Cosmonaut’s Ruin

Outback Lodge
December 5, 10:00pm

A Cosmonaut’s Ruin plays crunchy hard rock. Also featuring local punk rockers Worn In Red, crackling alt-rockers City Of Ships, and garage metal duo Kiste.

Worn In Red - Vital Joys
A Cosmonaut’s Ruin - Sanctum
A Cosmonaut’s Ruin - Sinking Of Elders

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  • MzFitz November 28th, 2008 | 11:52pm

    This show is not scheduled for this night. It is scheduled for December 5 @ 10:00, same place.

  • Vijith Assar November 29th, 2008 | 4:35pm

    Moved…. thanks for the correction

  • MzFitz December 3rd, 2008 | 11:37am

    Will you be changing it in the print version as well?

  • Vijith Assar December 3rd, 2008 | 2:20pm

    It was changed in time, so it should be correct.

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