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Baaba Seth

Gravity Lounge
December 31, 9:00pm

The popular worldbeat band from the 90’s helps Gravity ring in the new year with one of their increasingly rare reunion shows, and this time they’re bringing copies of their new live album “Wonderful.”

Baaba Seth - Wonderful
Baaba Seth - Upside Down [live]

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  • Joe December 16th, 2008 | 4:27pm

    Got my dancin’ shoes on! It’s been far too long since Baaba Seth were last in Charlottesville. I can’t wait.

  • Sandra December 18th, 2008 | 3:59pm

    I admit, I am a groupie! I still follow these guys everywhere when they are around! They play fun-loving , meaningful music with an excellent beat… just can’t help but shake it to the beat!

  • Baaba December 18th, 2008 | 4:50pm

    Baaba Seth set up a Facebook event page and a Baaba Seth Fan page for everyone to connect up with the band and post photos etc. I hear they are very excited to be returning and will be giving away 25 vintage cds as well as selling their brand new release Wonderful Live in 2007! Can’t wait.


  • Mel December 23rd, 2008 | 9:22pm

    Wish I could make it back to C’ville for this show from the west coast.

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