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Outback Lodge
December 27, 9:00pm

Local songwriter Andy Waldeck’s funky early-90’s rock band Egypt gets together one-more-time-for-old-time’s-sake one more time with this reunion show; their last shot at this was a short mini-tour in 2004, so chances are you won’t get to see this again without sitting through another never-ending election season.

The members are scattered these days; drummer Kevin Murphy is backing up hot-stuff country singer Josh Gracin, guitarist Joe Lawlor is usually cruising across the country on one of DMB’s tour buses, and singer Jeff Brodnax has moved to New York and signed with a French record label. Waldeck says they have their work cut out for them as a result. “It’s a lot of work trying to get back to where you were back then,” he sighs. “It seems like a long time ago in terms of music and art and things moving on,” he adds, “but it’s nice to be fond enough of it to go back and revisit it.”

Words to live by, especially since you probably don’t have anything better to do anyway.

Local guitarist Eames Coleman opens.

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visit Outback Lodge online

  • Brendan Sherlock December 26th, 2008 | 7:34pm

    Wish I weren’t out of town for the holidays, this’ll be fun.

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