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NEWS- Pork bust: Improper labels lead to farmers' arrest

Published October 4, 2007 in issue 0640 of the Hook
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Richard Bean raises pigs for slaughter on his Nelson County farm. Last week, he and his partner Jean Rinaldi were arrested for putting old labels on their pork products.
Back in Massachusetts, says Jean Rinaldi, Richard Bean was her butcher for over 20 years. When changing fortunes and divorces finally brought them together, they decided to pull up roots and start their own small farm in rural Virginia. When she was buying her pork chops from Bean all those years ago, it was hard enough imagining him as her future partner, she says, much less anticipating being arrested with him for putting the wrong labels on their products.

But that's what happened on Friday, September 21. 

Bean, 62, and Rinaldi, 60, owners of the Double H Farm in Nelson County, were arrested for violating several FDA regulations. At the same time, state agents seized Double H pork products from area restaurants, and "denatured" or bleached, an entire roasting pig (to render it inedible) at the South African restaurant Shebeen, according to Rinaldi.

The couple were released on their own recognizance and appeared in Charlottesville District Court Friday, September 28, to learn that their case will be heard October 25. They were back selling their produce at the City Market the next day, where they sold out, Bean reports, thanks to support from customers who had heard about the arrests.

The news of the arrest came as a shock to many restaurant owners and supporters of the local food movement– often called the "slow food" movement– who trust Double H.

"These charges, to my knowledge, do not arise from any complaints on the part of people who have purchased and eaten Double H products," wrote local food activist Erika Howsare on a forum. "They represent a decision on the part of the state of Virginia to target two people who happen to be outspoken advocates of small farmers' rights."

Upscale restaurants buying their food include Hamiltons', Fleurie, Revolutionary Soup, and Café Feast. 

"It was pretty scary," says Revolutionary Soup's Will Richey. "We don't buy pork products from them, but we heard that agents were going around checking restaurants."

However, no one appears more shocked than Rinaldi.

"I never would have dreamed that the government was so controlling," she says, describing 10 state agriculture agents, one state trooper, and a Nelson County sheriff showing up at her farm, arresting her and Bean, seizing their computers, and placing the couple in separate cars. "It was terrifying."

"We're aware of the situation," says Elaine Lidholm, communications director for the Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, when asked about the arrests. Lidholm explained that State Police, not the Department, conduct arrests in such situations, but she declined to elaborate. "We don't speak about active cases," she says.

According to Rinaldi, state agents have been "harassing" the couple for a year, and she calls the arrests "overkill." Specifically, Rinaldi describes one agent following Bean around town as he made deliveries, constantly pulling him aside at the Nelson and Charlottesville City Markets, and showing up unannounced at their farm.

The charge? "Distributing uninspected pork products to defraud," reads the one felony charge. "Using the wrong labels as price tags," explains Rinaldi, who concedes the labels say "certified organic" even though the pork isn't "officially" certified.

"We hadn't got the new ones in yet," she says. "They just don't like that we were processing the pigs ourselves."

Indeed, transporting uninspected pork, goat, and sheep products is illegal in Virginia. The two farmers were attempting to comply, she says, driving their pigs to a processing plant in Fauquier County, but it was costing as much as $1,300 for four pigs. "We're not rich," she points out.

"Seems to me, as soon as you comply with one regulation, they come up with another," Rinaldi says. "We've recently been told we can't sell our homemade bread or watermelons at the City Market, either. When was the last time you heard about a case of salmonella poisoning from a piece of watermelon at a city market?"

"Using the old labels was a knucklehead move on our part," admits Bean, acknowledging the "rule is still the rule, even though it may be wrong. 

"But," he adds, "it was certainly not an attempt to defraud anyone."

Bean, who just finished a term as president of the Virginia Independent Consumers and Farmers Association, an organization dedicated to promoting "farmer-to-consumer trade," says he had been expecting the arrests, and he hopes their court case might be a chance to change the rules, which he thinks are unfairly applied to small farms. 

"Taking action against them for those alleged violations, when there were no complaints of quality or food safety, is ludicrous," says Kathryn Russell, who runs nearby Majesty Farms. "The same meat that is safe if they give it away, is illegal being sold. Yet only a fraction of the meat sold each and every day in supermarkets and restaurants is actually actively inspected. Food imports from foreign sources are rarely inspected."

Coincidentally, the arrests happened around the same time as a recall of 21 million pounds of ground beef-- one of the biggest meat recalls in history-- from the New Jersey-based Topps Meat Company. The company realized their hamburger patties might be contaminated with a strain of E. coli bacteria, and a statement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture said that 25 reports of illness are under investigation in Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. 

Bean alleges that deadly bacteria strains are a byproduct of the way animals are treated on corporate farms. "They're not being fed the way their bodies are supposed to be fed," he says. "They're hopped up on steroids and fed corn."

Bean says the best way consumers can protect themselves from tainted or contaminated food is to know their supplier.

"I try not to blog angry," writes local blogger Waldo Jaquith. "But it has been two days since I first wrote about this, and I'm only getting madder. Here's hoping some enterprising reporters will dig into this story, finding out how these anti-farming laws continue to exist and who in the General Assembly will work to repeal them." 



K Bourne10/4/2007 7:47:09 PM

Please visit www.vicfa.net to learn more on how to help these folks out.


DedElf10/5/2007 4:45:30 AM

I thought reporters were supposed to be unbiased with what they wrote... stick to the facts and not let their feelings on the matter slip in...

Anyhow... you know you're not supposed to sell 5th graders for sex but you do it anyway. You get caught by the law and you go to jail. You whine about it and what happens? You still go to jail because you broke the law.

Moral of the story? They broke the law, they knew they were breaking the law when they did it, and now they're whining because its unfair to punish CRIMINALS.

Bleepin' morons.

Bram10/5/2007 4:54:14 PM

Having 29 years of farming experience I have this to say:

If you are going to be certified organic then you must follow the rules and pay the fees. I don’t care if you’re a big or small farmer, if you don’t you are giving all farmers a bad name. If a farmer can’t afford to pay for certification but grows everything organic, he still shouldn’t (and can’t) call his product organic. Where is the harm in talking with your customers about how and where the food is grown? If they know it is close to or actually is organic, they’ll still buy from you.

I have seen Double H Farms. I never saw a sheep. There were not enough pigs to supply all that they claim to supply. There were not enough hens to be producing both eggs and meat; it had to be one or the other. So then the question becomes, where do they get this other meat? And is it organic? They have no butcher shop on the land nor did I see any place that was spotlessly clean for butchering. This raises some health issues. The city market here in Charlottesville attempted to require farmers to have their farms inspected by officials just to confirm they were growing what they were selling and not buying it wholesale. Does anyone see the harm in this? If a farmer has nothing to hide there should be no problem with that. However both Richard Bean and John Coles refused and raised such a big stink over it that the city let it go. So now you go to market and you can’t be certain what you are buying actually comes from the farm they say it comes from. Again this type of activity on their part hurts the local farmer. Their argument is that they are advocating for the small, local farmer. Fighting the good fight. But there are other ways to go about it.

This city is so “green” and “organic” driven I feel people have really lost sight of what those terms mean. Organic is more than a way of eating and being healthy; it is an environmentally conscious act. So remember that as you drive your SUV to Wholefoods to buy organic produce that has been shipped from California. A local farmer that is not organic is most often better for you and the environment than an organic farmer shipping you food be it from South America or New York State. Farming is one of the most dangerous and demanding jobs a person can get involved in, remember this when you complain about $5 a pound local tomatoes.

As for Bean and Double H, I’ll leave that up to you to decide for yourself. But I'll never buy anything from them.

kathryn russell10/5/2007 11:30:52 PM

Having been to Double H numerous times I can attest to the fact that the piggies are there in abundance. Don't know about sheep, but I've seen plenty og goats about doing what they do best-reclaiming the land and cleaning up pastures. Don;t know who Bram is, but doubt that he perused the entire premises. I agree totally that organic is an environmentally conscious act. And I also agree that local-not cetified organic can be an excellent choice. However, the scam that is called organic now and the theft of the word organic where you have to pay to use it has gone too far. And the concept that inspecting a farm guarantees anything to customers is naive. The issue of relationship between the farmer and consumer is an important part of what provides a security. I don;t go to the cville farmer's market. But if I did, buying from both John Coles and Double H would be one of my first choices, because I have seen their farms, eaten their foods,and know they will answer any questions I have w/out evasion or annoyance.

Robinson10/5/2007 11:41:37 PM

I thought small farmers were eschewing the whole "certified organic" labeling? I know of a lot of small farmers who refuse to certify themselves organic because it is extremely costly and the government keeps weakening the requirements for certification. I prefer to buy local and responsibly/humanely grown/raised myself. Of course, I grow a lot of my own food in my backyard.

I do find the law against transporting uninspected meat amusing. Does anyone really believe there is daily, piece by piece inspection going on?

Allan Balliett10/6/2007 6:11:15 AM

This sounds like the sort of story that I can normally get behind, but I certainly can't support a man who would say that his products were organically certified when they are not. "Waiting for new labels"? Wow! What other corners do they cut for their own convenience?

USDA organic certification is probably meaningful in processed products that are distributed nationally. Organic certification of products marketed locally are a waste of a farmers time and money and, ultimately, really are meaningless to the consumer. The old organic certificatin movement used to involve a lot of peer education and fraternity. If you wanted to be an organic grower, you were 'brought up' and supported by other farmers. You learned to build healthy soil and livestock instead of simply learning how to avoid artificial inputs. The supportive local organic community is gone. The possibility of error through ignorance is great.

By all means, support local producers who tell you they are organic but not cetified. By all means, learn enough about how nutritionally dense foods are produced to ask the right questions of the people who grow the food you buy locally.

And be willing to pay the cost of producing good food. Always remember: all of the problems with today's food system came from producers being forced to cut corners in production in order to keep their operations profitable. That's what chemicals do, in theory, reduce the cost of labor to produce a marketable crop.

susan barackman10/6/2007 7:53:27 AM

Those who think the law did right in this case need to consider the crimes that will be committed under the USDA program called NAIS(national animal identification system). NAIS was developed soley for the benefit of corporate agriculture, but under this program those of us who own even one livestock animal (even a pet potbelly pig in suburbia) will have to register our premises, pay to microchip each critter and file birth, death and movement reports on those critters within 24 hours or face huge fines. (Big ag does not have to file those reports and gets only one lot number per group of animals which means any one of those animals could be sick and who would know.) Then the part where the USDA can come and kill our critters in a 6 mile radius should disease be suspected. Again the factory farms have nothing to fear as they will not be affected by this part of the program. NAIS will put livestock owners under more surveillance than the terrorists, illegals or convicted sex offenders.

So let me see, under NAIS, corporate ag gets a free pass on their animals, sick or not, while the rest of us pay for it by being tagged and tracked. Where are the handcuffs now? See nonais.org for more info.

kathryn russell10/6/2007 8:44:58 PM

"Using the old labels was a knucklehead move on our part," admits Bean...

Acknowledging he mistake, and, if you get down to it, takig a sharpie and running a line through it would have been the expedient thing to do. The issue is not the labels, however. I don;t think anyone disagrees w/ that being a none-too-bright decision. The issue, in my mind is the time, money and energy spent on being so heavy handed in the legal process, destroying property w/out justification of it being bad, and treating them like drug dealers. Having had pigs processed by Richard, and at a USDA plant, I can tell you personally that any pig of mine will NEVER be going back to a USDA plant. Very poor carcass conversion, cut selection limited, and can;t get your lard and dog-pieces back.

The beef w/ e coli was processed ynder the auspices of USDA inspection. Has anyone been hauled off in handcuffs over the ocntamination issues? We know that answer. What I am getting behind on this is the continued inappropriate beat-down-the-small guy that VDACS does. Mary Vanderwould Hill, who has made cheese for decades, was convicted a couple years ago, again, not becasue she did not make safe cheese, but because she objected to the riducalous demands of new regulations and the abusive behavior of inspectors who wanted to violate her home at will. This is what needs to be addressed. Hoepfully, it will be addressed in the next legislative session, and this incodent will give people an exposure to the overreating of bureaucrast with napoleonic complexes.

hpaul10/8/2007 1:00:38 PM

I really want to be able to get a pork chop from Richard and Jean. If a I buy a button or a "hello kitty" sticker from them from for pretty much exactly the same price as it takes them to raise and process said pork chop and they throw in the pork chop for free are Richard and Jean subject to the same regulations as direct sales of pork chops.

Along the same lines, if a local cattle farmer finds a market for his or her beef that is soley for, say, ornamental use, in other words, not sold for human consumption, is he or she required to follow the impending NAIS regulations? A là the sign a the head shop reading "these cute little pipes are for tobacco use only."

John Stansell10/8/2007 10:31:42 PM

If they aren't following the hard fought rules developed by organic farmers, then they deserve to go way down. There is plenty of money right now in organics and lots of players who care absolutely nothing about organics are getting in by exploting the soft rules of certified organic. We had hoped that real organic would more than follow the rules and have integrity. Money talks and anybody that wants it can make a killin in organics because the rules are still a bit soft by design. The big money guys like Dean's foods (Aurora dairies) are making a mint on questionable milk. Not really questionable, but power as in Auroa Dairy just gets a slap on the rich hand from the government. Hey money is on the regulating board and speaks.

tina kidd10/9/2007 1:45:37 PM

Let's face it this was all about making a profit for Double H. If not he would have followed the rules or sold the pork from his farm. He could have processed the pork himself and sold from his farm and never been bothered. But once he started selling at city markets and to restaurants he should have followed the rules. Also, he could have said he was organic instead of certified organic. Again it was just to sell more products. Also, Richard himself said his farm was 30 acres, on 30 acres, it's a little hard to produce all he said he was producing. He also supplemented his produce with products he bought from other places and stores and resold as his own. Again, how can you trust a man who lies like that?

Sam Racul10/11/2007 10:42:37 AM

to : HPAUL

My cousin ships milk to Horizon Organic, which is owned by Dean Foods. They are not Aurora and were not involved in any of that legal mess. Horizon and Aurora are competitors, not partners. There is really some bad info out there.

Bram10/16/2007 10:28:20 PM

to: Kathryn Russell

Bean wanted to hire me this summer to run a large part of his farm. I declined the job because of money and an unease about him and the way he went about his business. I saw every part of that farm. You get the real tour when you might work for someone.

I saw Bean today and we talked about the charges. He readily admitted to me that never has any of his meat been organic (contrary to what it is labeled as and he tells his customers). I don't care how nicely he has treated his animals or what they were fed, chances are he did it with well intentions, but the fact remains-if it isn't certified organic, then don't lie about it. He is really just making things harder for small farmers, despite his martyr-esque ways. They're likely to make an example out of him--as what not to do.

back to another commennt by Kathryn:

" 'Using the old labels was a knucklehead move on our part,' admits Bean...Acknowledging his mistake, and, if you get down to it, takig a sharpie and running a line through it would have been the expedient thing to do. The issue is not the labels, however." The issue is totally the labels and the lies behind the meat.

Reb2/10/2008 8:05:15 PM

First of all,the term ORGANIC is a word meaning raised by a natural means(Basicly) Second of all now that USDA its sheeple followers,many who pretend to be farmers,have taken control of the word,IT MEANS NOTHING,I and many others refuse to buy anything with that green stamp on it. Third it was the "law" years ago to turn a runaway slave back over to his master,and it was the "law" to report any jews running around loose,or any one who spoke against the king,you people who say "Well he broke the law" are idiots and traitors to liberty,now maybe you didn't mean it that way but ya had better look at it because its so! Laws are often nothing but the will of the tyrant,(Jefferson said that and he was from there,Va.)I don't know these people but I have seen enough BS done by USDA/state ag depts to side up with anyone they say did something wrong,just because they said it,HOW ABOUT WE LET THE CONSUMER DECIDE WHAT TO BUY AND LEAVE THE GOVT AND NOSEY KNOTHEADS OUT OF IT!! Unless folks are getting sick the govt has no business involved,not that they care any way, the news is full of bad food being sold and recalled,how about the USDA doing their job abd busting these crooks that really are defrauding the people!!

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