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LETTER- What's Camblos' message?

published October 11, 2007

I note in the picture on page 34 of your September 20 cover story ["Unapologetic: Prosecutor defends record while critics take aim"] that the cup Jim Camblos appears to be drinking from bears the inscription, "Reduce Defense Spending: Plead Guilty."

While Camblos may think that's quite clever, some people who have experienced a bit of the judicial economy rendered by the 16th Circuit may not get the joke, if indeed it is a joke.

If Camblos is attempting to make a particularly bold statement, as in "A picture is worth a thousand words," he has certainly succeeded. 

Grant Colby



Unfortunately, a lot of low income defendents do have to "plead guilty" because the State of VA allows for so little money to be spent on Public Defenders. So, Camblos get his wish!

posted by Plead This! at 10/12/2007 10:37:29 AM
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