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MY RIDE- Scottie B: Cadillac Eldorado 1983

published November 15, 2007

For Scottie B., his 1983 Cadillac Eldorado is more than just a perfectly preserved car with a glossy black exterior and a stunning red leather interior; it's also a connection to his past and to his uncle-- the car's original owner. When his uncle died several years ago, he left the car to Scottie, in part, he says, because "We had the same birthday." 

He's been driving the Cadddy for only two months now and describes the experience as "floating on a boat; it's like being on the water cruising." 

What's his favorite part? "The tilt steering wheel," he says without hesitation.

His uncle kept the car in great condition by driving it only to and from church, and Scottie plans to keep miles down, too. Though he's been driving it a lot lately, he plans on cutting back to take care of it.

"I feel blessed to have it," he says, beaming toward the fancy wheels. 


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