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FOOD- Kitchen Confidential: Chris Humphreys, Fellini's #9

Published February 5, 2008 in issue 0805 of the Hook

Chris Humphreys

The secret to great cooking is... simplicity. My philosophy is that there should be few ingredients, but they should be treated properly.

The secret to success in the restaurant business is... a bad attitude and a good sense of humor. Have the bad attitude to tell someone when they've done something wrong; have the sense of humor to laugh about it later.

The secret to making Fellini's #9's calamari is... use fresh seafood, and don't overcook it.

Fellini's #9's calamari

Celery-- cross cut

Kalamata olives

Red grapes, halved

Capers, nonpareils

Sun dried tomatoes, julienned

Fresh, domestic calamari - cleaned and sliced into rings

Fresh spinach

Unsalted butter

Pinch red pepper flakes



Reduced balsamic vinegar

Mix celery, olives, grapes, capers and sundried tomatoes.

In a cold sauté pan add butter, calamari, a handful of the mix, garlic, red pepper flakes, salt and sauté until calamari is about ½ cooked-- this does not take long! Add spinach-- stir spinach until slightly wilted. Do not break sauce or overcook calamari. Serve in a pile in center of a plate, surrounded by pan liquid, topped with a drizzle of reduced balsamic vinegar. 



The calamari is FANTASTIC!!!!!! Chris deserves an award.

posted by plop at 2/10/2009 8:33:00 PM

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