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QUESTION OF THE WEEK- What are you going to see at the Film Fest?

Published November 5, 2009 in issue 0844 of the Hook
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Malaina Poore: "I'm going to go see Hairspray and I'm going to go see Alan Ball speak on Sunday morning, and maybe go to the CLAW [Charlottesville Lady Arm Wrestlers documentary] on Saturday night."


David Crowe: "I'm going to go see Mr. Smith goes to Washington and the panel afterwards, with the correspondents from Washington."


Bree Spriggs: "I'm not sure yet what I'm going to see, but I'll probably decide based on the venue that I'd want to go to, and I'd like to go to Vinegar Hill Theatre or Paramount."



Dave11/8/2009 10:40:10 AM

She's not going to see anything through those glasses.

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