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QUESTION OF THE WEEK- How are you staying out of the poorhouse?

Published January 20, 2011 in issue 1003 of the Hook
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David Pratt: "Cutting back on credit card spending in particular. Things that would have been a credit card purchase a year ago are more often now cash purchase to avoid interest rate charges."


Serell Blakey: "Going to church more."



Julana Harper:"I went from being a stay-at-home mother to going back to work."


HarryD1/20/2011 6:47:58 AM

Very simple.....Working

no webb1/21/2011 12:38:51 PM

Got a goverment job

dan11011/21/2011 3:25:53 PM

Working, no credit cards, little debt.

HarryD1/22/2011 7:02:41 AM

"no webb"- that is very funny....but how true.

Mr. Blakey- Interesting response.

Gasbag Self Ordained Expert1/22/2011 9:56:49 AM

I agree, HarryD. Very true! When you see college educated kids taking government jobs with a city, county, state or federal agency, it's not for the money. It's for the benefits and retirement packages. It's the only way to stay ahead of the game in this p-poor economy right now.

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